What do the following have in common?
- Joe Biden sending out “needle “Nazis.”
- The federal government is going door to door to create a registry of unvaccinated people and force them to get vaccinated.
- Biden wants to go door to door to check if you are vaccinated. What next, “knocking on your door to see if you own a gun?”
- Biden may later use knocking on doors to confiscate guns and bibles.
- Biden has you on a list and is going door to door.
- Senior citizens should not get the vaccine.
- COVID vaccines are dangerous and potentially deadly.
- The same politicians who legalized spreading HIV are now pushing Americans to take COVID tests or show proof of vaccination to enter businesses.
- Brownshirts from the government would try to pressure people to vaccinate themselves against COVID.
- People should be able to sue for discrimination if required to present proof of vaccination to enter entities.
- Can’t infected people be sent to an island? (Guantanamo)
- Vaccinating school-age children should stop. Children are not affected or poorly affected by COVID.
All the above claims were made by extremist elected officials, except the last two. The recent former occupant of the White House, the dyed blonde man-tan, the unstable idiot, made those.
The sad thing is there are masses of ignorant people all over this country who believe those politicians. Misinformation and disinformation about COVID, vaccines and related issues are spreading faster than social media can keep up with fact-checking. Even people in Chicago and the suburbs are posting nonsense regarding COVID and vaccinations.
Politicians spreading false information is not only irresponsible and reprehensible but should be criminal. This is wanton recklessness and negligence of the highest order. Public health and safety are two of the highest responsibilities of elected officials. They are failures.
Too many politicians abdicated their responsibilities for cheap political gain. The vaccine rhetoric is killing people. Their constituents who believe them are just as mentally defective as they are.
Modern vaccines came about in the late 1700s with the smallpox vaccine. The rabies vaccine in the late 1800s brought about the dawn of bacteriology. “Antitoxins and vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, anthrax, cholera, plague, typhoid, tuberculosis, and more were developed through the 1930s.” (Vaccine Timeline)
Mid 20th century saw more advances, including growing viruses in laboratories. These led to the development of vaccines for polio, mumps, measles, and rubella. Science marched on, and vaccines for other diseases and some conditions are being created.
Vaccines are proven safe and effective for eliminating or significantly reducing diseases in humans. Many do have side effects, and a small percentage of people have issues with allergies or other serious side effects. The risks are extremely low.
Why do people believe all the misinformation and disinformation about vaccines? Why do politicians who spread lies want people to suffer and die?
Chicago is a densely populated city. Viruses spread faster due to this density. According to the Chicago and Illinois Departments of Public health, 97% of new cases of COVID, including the Delta variant, are of unvaccinated people. Though the numbers are low, it would not take much to back to full pandemic mode.
Get jabbed if you haven’t. Do not harass the ambassadors. Carry a mask in case entities still require them. Be understanding if you are refused admission to places or must wait in lines to get in.
In essence, be an intelligent humane person versus the primitive lessons (Lower than morons) who spout nonsense, especially politicians, supposed news personalities, or other influencers. Those people are bat shit crazy and should be institutionalized for our safety.
With all the advances in science, the one thing that cannot be cured, curtailed, or vaccinated against is stupidity.