“In less than two years he has become the most disliked mayor I can find in the city’s history—his 12 percent approval rating is lower even than the last Republican elected in the 1920s. He got off to a good start by appointing a veteran city-manager type as his chief of staff, but that did not last very long, and he has filled the city positions with inexperienced progressives of varying actual capabilities. Meanwhile the city is deeply in debt and suffers from a serious homeless problem—to say nothing of crime issues.” (Political strategist Don Rose)
Don Rose posted a devastating take down of Mayor Brandon Johnson on Facebook. He demonstrated courage where our local news media shows cowardice. Johnson is the worst mayor in my lifetime. His approval rating is hovering at 12% and sinking. He is the lickspittle of the Chicago Bears, championing their race to despoil the lakefront with their ugly stadium and other commercial endeavors.
Johnson tried to punish home and other real estate owners with a debilitating property tax increase. Fortunately, most alders knocked the wind out of those sails. Johnson is still trying to gouge taxpayers to fund his alleged progressive agenda.
Johnson’s pet Alder, Jason Ervin proposed reactivating the cost-of-living property tax increases to cover future bloated budget shortfalls. It would be better to cut the budget further by cost-of-living increases. The city does not have costs of living. The people suffer those increases.
His over bloated mayoral staff and other staff at city hall are overpaid with mysterious and dubious qualifications for their positions. The Johnson administration is one big failure. We must suffer with his embarrassing administration for two more years. The question is how much more damage can Johnson do to our city?
Any media criticism of Brandon Johnson is labeled as racism. Johnson claims the press does not respect him. Johnson does not understand that respect must be earned. He has not earned the respect of the media, as he treats them with disrespect and disdain. He does not understand that respect is a two-way street. He must respect if he wants respect.
Johnson alienated the governor, and it is rumored he alienated his patron, Cook County Machine Boss, Toni Preckwinkle. He is also on the outs with several Democrat state legislators whose districts encompass Chicago.
Brandon Johnson is owned, bought, and paid for by the Chicago Teachers Union. It is an egregious conflict of interest. His ham-handed firing of Chicago School CEO Pedro Martinez was disgraceful. It is hoped when the members of the elected school board will have a majority and reinstate Martinez. That would be a slap in the face and payback to Johnson’s fecklessness.
We are in a new year. Questions remain how this year will play out for Chicago with Brandon Johnson at the helm. How much more suffering will he try to inflict on the shoulders of the citizens? How much of a laughingstock will he continue to be?
One other thing. The least Johnson can do is dress like he is the mayor of the third largest city in the country. He should wear ties when he is performing his official duties, giving or attending press conferences. He is the mayor of the City of Chicago, not the casual Friday guy.