Photo: PV Bella
“They’re looking for revenue instead of looking for fat and inefficiency,” Beale said Sunday night. “If they could cut the $300-million increase in half miraculously in a couple of days, it means they’re still trying to hoodwink the people of Chicago instead of making the spending cuts needed to put the city back on track … Johnson said then that he had no doubt that the City Council would ultimately pass a balanced budget that negotiates the “details” while upholding his “values.” (Sun-Times)
Mayor Brandon Johnson proposed cutting the 3% property tax increase in half. Some alders are still against any property tax increase. Any alder who votes for the property tax increase should not be reelected. The increase would be a disaster for middle and working-class families. Those people that progressives claim they are fighting for.. Brandon Johnson’s staff have no idea how to form a budget. They, like Johnson only have an agenda. At this point, the citizens have no idea what it is.
“The police department has spent $22.6 million in overtime this year for officers working special events — only about $2 million of which has been reimbursed to the city.” (Block Club Chicago)
Events from street fairs to major concerts owe the city millions of dollars for police overtime to patrol and for traffic control. We do not know how much it costs the city for the company who owns the parking meters when they shut down the streets. Not one permit should be issued to any event if they owe the city money, no matter how popular they are or how much other revenue they supposedly bring in. Kill them off until they pay up.
Elected in 2016 with a mandate for reform in the wake of the killing of Laquan McDonald by a Chicago police officer, Foxx has been in the middle of nearly every conversation about safety and justice in Cook County, often with a polarizing fervor. Now she’s on her way out, making way for a successor, Eileen O’Neill Burke, who comes to the office with a different mandate. (Chicago Tribune)
States Attorney Kim Foxx has been making the rounds in the news media touting her failed two terms as prosecutor as a success. She continually refused to prosecute gun possession felonies. Her prosecutors recommended violent felons be released without bail or electronic monitoring. Those violent or illegal gun-toting offenders went on to commit more crimes. Then there was the Jussie Smollett case, which she totally botched. The case is now before the Illinois Supreme Court.
We should hope her successor, Eileen O’Neill Burke will reverse most of Foxx’s policies and bring the office back to its original purpose, prosecuting criminals.