What is so important about Lollapalooza? Why did the city of Chicago allow the yearly drunk and dope fueled superfest to go on this year? Who would be harmed if the city cancelled until next year?
COVID cases are rising. The Delta variant is more dangerous due to its ability spread faster and infect vaccinated people. 50% in this nation of ignorant pecker heads are not vaccinated and refuse to get vaccinated. Too many will travel here for that festival of stupidity.
It is great that Chicago is wide open. We do not have to wear masks or social distance except under certain circumstances. So far, the increasing spread is confined to specific neighborhoods, and it is still a small number compared to other areas of the state and nation.
This is no time to celebrate. So, what does our mayor and City Hall do? Allow Lollapalooza to happen. The music fest draws people from all over the country, including the huge numbers of dim-witted bark chewers who refuse to get vaccinated. Talk about a potential perfect super spreader event.
Who benefits from Lollapalooza? Not the people of Chicago. Lolla, as it is called, is a money maker for the people who put it on and the musicians. The fest packs people in like sardines increasing the chances of mass infection.
Chicago does not need this concert this year. It would have hurt no one by calling it off. I no longer believe city cares about the health and safety of its citizens. They are star struck by the famous musicians who will visit. What other reason is there for allowing this four-day concert during the winding down of a pandemic? Did some of the aldercreatures and high level bureaucritters get free Platinum passes?
The set up for the weekend is underway. Lollapalooza will go on. In two weeks, if attendees come down with COVID are the mayor, aldercreatures, and Chicago Park District going to apologize? Are they going to tearfully ask for our forgiveness? Are they going to lock us down again? Or will they be counting the city’s share of the take and how to waste it?
Then, there is the spate of murder and mayhem this year, which is sure to spill over to Lollapalooza. No matter their so-called security procedures, no one is safe in Chicago, including at that music festival.
Allowing Lollapalooza is irresponsible. From the high-ticket prices, there is no way they will turn people away for violating whatever precautions are put in place. Young drunk and high people are irresponsible. Those that are clean and sober are also irresponsible once the music and other activities start. There is no way to enforce any health and safety standards.
If the city refused to allow Lollapalooza, no one would suffer. There would be no trauma. People get over disappointment and initial anger over not seeing popular acts. There would be no outrage, except from people from someplace else who yearned to come here and act like idiots. Who cares about them? They do not live here and will not have to pick up the pieces.
Sometimes I think City Hall is a telethon of insanity.
*I saw the image on Facebook. If I find the creator, I will credit them or per their request delete the image.