(WBBM NEWSRADIO) – GOP Candidate for Illinois Governor Darren Bailey is calling for a special session of the legislature to deal with gun violence, and blaming the Pritzker administration for not preventing Highland Park Parade attack.
Oh brother, is Darren Bailey one of the dumbest politicians in Illinois? Bailey is so stupid, he makes morons and less-ons look like members of Mensa. How could the Pritzker administration prevent the Highland Park tragedy or any other violent crime? No elected official, not even tootin rootin shootin, Bible thumpin Darren Bailey could prevent these crimes. Maybe his solution is to pray these crimes away.
Notice he offered nothing about how he, and he alone, as governor, could stop a mass tragedy or any other violent crimes. Bailey is all hat and no cattle, a bloviating gas bag.
Then he said lawmakers should meet in a special session to discuss anti-violence measures and mental health programs.
“We must do whatever it takes to address the breakdown in mental health, particularly among isolated young men, which was made immeasurably worse during Pritzker’s lockdown,” said Bailey.
Someone should tell Bailey that we tried supposed violence prevention programs going back over four decades. They never seemed to work out in the long run. As for mental health programs, people must seek help, ask for it, and want it. We cannot force people to take part in mental health programs unless a court orders it. Bailey really is that dumb.
Darren Bailey knows nothing about anything. Oh, and what did the lockdown have to do with tragedies or any other violence? Does he believe this “loner” would be out socializing with his peers? Bailey does not realize isolation is a choice. It may be based on mental health problems, but it is still a choice. Does Baley know the definition of loner? Does he even have access to a dictionary?
Darren Bailey is detached from reality. If you look up, know-nothing in the dictionary, Darren Bailey would be the first definition. Bailey offers no solutions to issues and supposed issues, except the ones floating around in his empty cranium. His website is full of typical populist horse droppings. There is no substance because Bailey is not a human of substance.
“It’s time to eliminate unnecessary FOID cards that stand in the way of your God-given constitutional right to defend yourself and your family.”
Darren Bailey wants to “Void the FOID,” the Firearms Owner Identification program, which conducts background checks and issues or denies Firearm Owners Identification cards, a picture ID. He is selling tee shorts on his website advocating the ban. Like most government programs, FOID is not perfect, but it works well enough.
There are no “God given” rights in the U.S. Constitution. Morally flawed mostly irreligious men created the Constitution and the rights in that document. It is apparent the only history book Bailey “read” was a coloring book.
Darren Bailey is heading into the woodchipper in November. To put it into religious terms, the only concept he understands, Bailey is the Illinois GOP’s sacrificial lamb. The party elites may cringe when he opens his pie hole or puts out press releases, but he is the candidate. They will sacrifice him to fight another day. It will not be the first time a political party threw a sacrifice on the fire and won’t be the last.
J.B. Pritzker may not be the best governor Illinois ever had. He is head and shoulders above the last four worst governors. Two went to prison. The other two could not govern or play well with the state legislature. Illinois’s problems and issues go back decades. It will take a decade or more to fix them. There is no Lord and Savior from on high or one of His servants, with a pocket full of miracles.