Following the shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, on Monday, Republican state Sen. Darren Bailey said that it was time to “move on” and “celebrate.” “…let’s pray for justice to prevail, and then let’s move on and let’s celebrate the independence of this nation.” “…get corruption and evil out of our government,” before going on to call for the celebration to continue…”Bless us and protect us as we go about our day celebrating the most amazing country,” Bailey said. (WBBM Radio Chicago)
If politicians have nothing intelligent to say, they should say nothing at all. Darren Bailey has nothing intelligent to say. Geez, where is Will Smith when we need him? If he showed up every time Bailey said something stupid, Bailey would be hospitalized and Smith headed to prison for aggravated battery on a mope.
Later, in the day, the Bailey campaign released a statement walking back Bailey’s earlier comments. “I apologize if in any way we diminished the pain being felt across our state today. I am heartbroken by today’s tragic events and the pain and loss felt by so many. My intent was to pray for the victims and those affected by today’s tragedy and for the shooter to be caught and prosecuted without further loss.”
He added that he hopes “we can all come together in prayer and action to address rampant crime and mental health [sic] issues to make sure these horrific tragedies don’t happen again.”
There is a word for people of supposed faith who say one thing, retract, and say something else, liar. Darren Bailey is a liar. Bailey is a delusional liar. He thinks he can thump his Bible three times and wave his magic wand of Evangelical Christianity and save Illinois. Maybe he will raise voters from the dead for his next trick. And what exactly are prayer and action?
Bailey, who is staunchly pro-pro life, recently said he is rethinking his position. Another lie. People like him do not think. They believe. He will never change his position. We should despise flip-flop politicians.
Darren Bailey is refusing to release his tax returns. He is not compelled to, but every gubernatorial candidate going back decades released their tax returns. Darren Bailey is the exception because he believes he is exceptional. The Lord chose him, and the chosen can do or not do what they want. What does he have to fear? What does he have to hide?
Bailey believes he has the solution for Chicago’s rampant violent crime problem. He will not tell us what it is. It is not on his website. The solution is nowhere to be found. It is another lie. He has no solution because he knows nothing about urban affairs or urban crime. He knows nothing at all.
The only political evil in Illinois is Darren Bailey and his ilk in Springfield. Until he ran for governor, Bailey was a complete unknown in most of the state. He got his fifteen minutes of fame when he sued over the mask mandate. He partially won. The mask rule did not apply to him. He became special.
Bailey believed his fame from the lawsuit qualified him to be governor. He is now officially a legend in his own mind. In November, when the voters send him back to Xenia, he can brag, “I was somebody,” like a punch-drunk boxer.
The only good thing about Darren Bailey is the comedic relief he provides every time he flaps his soup coolers. Since stand-up comedy is a truly American genre, Bailey, a true red, white, and blue lovin, flag wavin, gun totin, “Merican, can pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. We’ve had Christian rock and metal music for a while. Maybe it is time for Christian comedy, as impossible as that sounds.