Mayor Lori Lightfoot should consider renaming Soldier Field to raise money and “explore the feasibility” of enclosing the stadium with a dome or roof, a panel she appointed to study Chicago’s museum campus recommended. (Chicago Tribune)
What a load of bull droppings. When Chicago mayors form task forces, committees, or commissions to explore or investigate issues, the mayors tell the committees or commissions the result they want. Their job is to justify the mayors’ decisions. Someone should give the Chicago news media a class in Chicago political history. Those committees and commissions are nothing more than window dressing.
Lightfoot wanted her task force to reimagine the Museum Campus and lakefront for year-round tourism and “activation-“ whatever that means. One of their recommendations is to sell the naming rights to Soldier Field. They built the stadium as a war memorial. Hence the name, Soldier Field. Maybe in our woke age it is inappropriate to memorialize those who served and died.
There was some drivel about attracting a Superbowl. What nonsense. Soldier Field, aside from not having a dome, does not have the NFL-required capacity for a Superbowl played by cute Ken dolls.
Lightfoot is delusional if she thinks the Bears will stay if the stadium is reimagined. The Cheapskate, chiseler, and miserly McCaskey’s made up their minds. The Bears are leaving. Good. Don’t let the door kick them in the a$$ on the way out.
Now, the mayor is traveling to London and Paris to tout Chicago’s “thriving” business sector. While the city is in crisis with rampant violence, she is leaving on a junket. Our tax dollars at work. We are facing another weekend of violence, murders, and possible racing riots. Her inept clueless Superintendent of Police, David “Tex” Brown will fail us again.
The mayor okayed a NASCAR race on city streets for 2023. Oh, how exciting. With all the potholes the city cannot repair or keep up on, this will be a fascinating disaster to watch. I just cannot wait to watch NASCAR racers hit one of those monster potholes, lose control, and cause a multi-car crash, with one or more going midair.
Mayor Lightfoot is doing what a long line of mayors did whenever Chicago was in crisis, offer bread and circuses, then leave the city or the country, running away from the crises they created.
Lightfoot is a major disappointment, and she gets more disappointing daily. The Chicago news media fails to call out her shortcomings, afraid she will head-butt them in the knees. They just keep lauding her Mayorship like she is a historical, political messiah. They are true believers in the Gospel of Lori.
City Hall is a wasteland of uselessness. There are few alderpersons who will speak out about the issues and crises facing our city. It is a pity the voters elected a bunch of cowards and quislings to represent them.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot conned us. She pulled a brilliant scam to get elected. Hopefully, we, the voters, will not fall for her three-card monte game again. Chicago needs leadership, not bread and circuses and a traveling mayor in a time of crisis.