Joy to the world, all the boys and girls, joy to all the fishes in the
deep blue sea, joy to you and me.
Joy to the world, all the boys and girls, joy to the world, joy to you
and me (Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Are you enjoying the Summer of Joy in Chicago? Are you enjoying the lies coming from City Hall, Police Headquarters, and the Chicago news media?
Early Sunday morning cars were donut racing around a ring of fire, with people standing in the center at Six Corners- Irving, Milwaukee, and Cicero. When police arrived, the crowd turned on them, jumping on police cars, kicking them, opening doors, smashing windshields, and injuring one police officer.
Lying by purposeful omission, the news media and police department reported that the police responded to a “disturbance.” Street racing was never mentioned by the police or the news media, even though there were videos posted on social media. (See below)
There was a report of a similar incident involving street racing that occurred at 43rd and Pulaski. A police officer was injured by a smashed windshield. Again, not a peep from the news media about street racing causing a racing riot.
The city and police department covered the whole thing up with the help of their PR weasels, the Chicago news media. Videos of the street racing were on social media. The news media must have got their marching orders from City Hall to ignore the videos, races, and mini-riots they caused.
Chicago is out of control. The mayor is out to lunch. The City Council is useless. We have a prosecutor who refuses to prosecute and judges who refuse to keep violent arrestees off the streets. Not one neighborhood is safe. The oblivious news media keeps touting City Hall.
The Summer of Joy is still early. More joy will come as the body counts rise, the number of people shot and wounded rise, the number of police officers shot or injured rise, and robberies and carjackings will rise. Now, since no one was punished for the racing riots, the media, by omission, says did not exist, they will become the norm. The streets will have another dangerous problem.
Ah, the Joy of summer. The sounds of gunshots, screams of victims, the roar of racing engines, and the crackling ceremonial rings of fire. Those sounds are Chicago’s Ode to Joy.
Just remember, today, while you are celebrating Independence Day stuffing your maw with BBQ, brats, burgers, and drinking until you puke red, white, and blue, more people will die. More will be wounded. There will be more street racing. All brought to you by Mayor Lightfoot’s Summer of Joy.
I give up on the supposed citizens in this city. I gave up on the politicians a long time ago. There is a term for people with no governance, anarchy. Chicago is in a state of anarchy.
Have a joyful Fourth of July. Celebrate your freedom by staying in your house, preferably in your basement, to avoid being shot and or killed. You are not even safe in your own backyard.