It is Monday. The weather is warmer than the weekend, and the sun is bright in a cloudless sky. It is also a typical Monday. The McCaskey Ken Dolls lost again yesterday. The die hard, hormonally charged self-pleasuring fans and sportswriters are singing Justin Fields on field praises on social media. With all the hype about Fields, one would think the only reason he doesn’t walk on water is because he doesn’t want to get his shoes wet.
These slobbering less-ons (lower than morons) seem to forget two important things. One, football is a team sport. It is not a one-man Ken Doll Quarterback game. Two, the object of playing games is to win. All Field’s stats and records are meaningless and irrelevant if the Ken Dolls do not win. The die-hard fans and sportswriters keep displaying their epic stupidity every Monday morning.
While writing this, I was in a bar, watching the World Cup, USA vs Wales. Soccer is a real sport, unlike professional football, which is as fake as “professional wrestling.” The game ended in a draw, 1-1. Soccer is way more exciting, and the players are tougher and more resilient. There are no Ken Dolls in soccer.
The municipal election season is in full swing. Mayoral candidates lined up this morning to turn in their nominating petitions at the Board of Elections. They and aldermanic candidates have until the 28th to turn in their petitions. Mayoral candidates need 12,500 signatures to get on the ballot. This means more junk mail, yard sign blight, and ridiculous campaign ads.
Expect the usual promises, AKA lies, from these oily mouthed strumpets running for office, especially those running for reelection. Mayor Lightfoot is touting her long list of failures as successes. Her most important job, ensuring public safety, is an epic failure. She hired a charlatan and fraud mercenary as her Superintendent of Police and refused to fire him when all his plans, strategies, and deployments failed miserably and still are.
Lightfoot allowed herself to be bullied into submission by Chicago Machine Boss, Toni Preckwinkle. She not only stopped criticizing State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, but she also endorsed her for reelection. It was and still is a stunning act of cowardice. Preckwinkle and Foxx are two of the drivers of violent crime in Chicago through their lenient treatment of people arrested for violent crimes and gun possession crimes.
Lightfoot must go. She did not earn a second term. The city needs a leader who can make tough decisions and call out other’s failures, like Preckwinkle’s and Foxx’s. Chicago needs someone who is unafraid to call those two who threw public safety under the bus for a specious socio-political agenda based on falsehoods and lies.
The problem is twofold. With so many candidates in the race, it is difficult to determine who is the better one to lead this city. Some of the more popular candidates have strengths. A few have both strengths and weaknesses. The large number ensures there will be a runoff election if they all stay in the race, and no one gets a minimum of 50% plus one vote. This plays into Lightfoot’s favor, as runoffs usually go to the incumbent. We cannot let that happen this time. Our very lives or wellbeing of safety depend on ousting Lightfoot.