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Bears crime parks and hot dogs

“Chicago Bears CEO Kevin Warren reiterates city’s “need” for a new stadium.” (CBS Chicago)

Chicago Bears president and CEO Kevin Warren pitched his snake oil about a lakefront stadium to the Lincoln Forum at the Union League Club. Chicago does not need a new lakefront stadium for the McCaskeys and their miserable team.

The Bears could have had a new stadium anytime over the past five decades. George Halas and his cheapskate and chiseling grandkids would not put up the financing to make it happen. Now, since the team is worth billions, they want to despoil the lakefront and rob the taxpayers.

It is time to tell the McCaskeys hell no. We want our lakefront open and free. We want to be able to navigate DuSable Drive on Sundays without all the traffic the games create, before and after. We want to enjoy the lakefront without the nuisances the games create.

Leave the lakefront alone. Find some place else in the city or move to Arlington Heights.

“Video evidence and three eyewitnesses have been presented” to prosecutors, Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36th) said on Twitter after prosecutors rejected the case. He continued: “This family deserves justice as well as the hundreds of families who have unsolved murders pending #pleasedoyourjob.” (CWB Chicago)

One again, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx refused to do her job, prosecuting murders. It took the Feds to charge gang members with the murder of 19-yea- old National Guard member Chrys Carvajal.

Foxx’s two terms as State’s Attorney have been an epic failure. She failed the victims and families of crime victims. She failed the citizens of this county. It might be a good idea to turn over any major felony cases Foxx’s office refuses to prosecute to the Feds. November cannot come soon enough to elect a new State’s Attorney. Hopefully that person will end Foxx’s practices of non-prosecution.

Riot Fest to leave Douglass Park following years of community tension, founder says. “(Chicago Tribune)

It is about time. Having Riot Fest in Douglas Park was a huge mistake from the first year. The residents and Mt. Sinai Hospital have complained about the park being used as a concert venue since day one. It appears the Chicago Park District had enough of the complaining and refused to issue the necessary permit(s). The park once again can be used by neighborhood people. Douglass Park, despite its size, is a neighborhood park.

Mike Petryshyn, owner, and co-founder of the fest is moving the event to Bridgeview. He and his fest will not be missed. It is good to see the people win for a change. Buh-bye Petryshyn. The community can enjoy their park and neighborhood.

Petryshyng gave an “exclusive” whiny toddler account of his reasons for moving the fest.
He blames everyone but himself and his greed. These fests are not about music,
the “community” or anything else. They are about the money. Losing Riot Fest is
no great loss for Chicago. Petryshyn, don’t let the door kick you in the arse
on the way to Bridgeview.  You and your fest will not be missed.

Joey Chestnut, the hot dog devouring champion was banned from competition over his receiving an endorsement from Impossible Foods to promote their meatless hot dog. What was he thinking?

Impossible Foods Company Spokesperson: “It’s OK to experiment with a new dog. Meat eaters shouldn’t have to be exclusive to just one wiener.” (NPR)

Major League Eating (MLE), the organization that oversees professional competitive eating events (including but not limited to hot dogs), said in a statement that Chestnut had “chosen to represent a rival brand” rather than compete in its storied Coney Island contest.

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