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Month: July 2024

The Olympics nothing burger

“Last night’s mockery of the Last Supper was shocking and insulting to Christian people around the world who watched the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games,” House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said in a post on X. “The war on our faith and traditional values knows no bounds today. But we know that truth and virtue will always prevail.” (Fox News)

Political logic: All politicians are liars. Not all liars are politicians. Politicians give liars a bad reputation. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is a politician. Mike Johnson is a liar. He also knows nothing about Christianity or the Bible. There is no war on faith. There is no war on “traditional values” because they do not exist, except in the small minds of ignorant supposed Christian less-ons* like Mike Johnson.

All this nonsense about the depiction of the Last Supper mural with drag and trans performers at the Olympics in Paris is just dishonest rage fest by the dishonest and the ignorant. The Last Supper was a Passover celebration. It was not a Christian Last Supper. Jews celebrate Passover. Jesus and his apostles were Jewish. So, if any group should express real or faux outrage over the performance, should be the Jewish people. Christianity is post Jesus.

“The burlesque performance was an “interpretation of the Greek God [of wine and festivity] Dionysus” to make viewers “aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings,” the Olympics said on X.”  

The piece was a take-off on Grecian bacchanal feasts. The Olympics began in Greece. So, maybe the Greeks, like the Jews, should be outraged. On the other hand, the planners of the opening event should have realized that there would be international opprobrium to this performance before they approved it.

All those oh so offended politicians, who should not be preaching religion- that First Amendment-, should shut their pies holes and quit flapping their soup coolers about values and traditions that never existed in this country. The performance was not an effort to denigrate Western culture- whatever that is. It was entertainment, an art. No matter what we may think, art is part of all cultures. Whether it is bad or good is up to art critics, not dominionistic religious mackerel snappers like Mike Johnson and other hypocritical prevaricating politicians.

 Mike Johnson and his ilk in the Christian dominionistic National Christian Movement refuse to believe that this nation was never founded on Christianity or Christian values. The last thing the Founders wanted was a national religion, one of the things they fought against.

Mike Johnson and his ultra religious  cohorts in both houses of Congress are a danger to society.  They do not define what traditions, values, and religion(s) we believe and uphold. We do. Values are personal, not national. They can practice whatever religion they want. They cannot shove their religion down the nations throat. There is only one set of values in America. They are enshrined in The United States Constitution.

Johnson and his religious fanatics are the drivers of political hatred festering in this country. They preach the gospel of hatred. They do not preach or live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Their dishonesty is stunning and front and center for all to see.

*Lower on the ignorance scale than morons.

More mayoral weasel words

110 people were shot in Chicago over the holiday weekend. 22 people were killed. Dozens of other citizens were wounded. Mayor Johnson was vacationing in New Orleans. He did come back. But why would he leave town knowing that the holiday weekend would be bloody as usual?

Once again, Johnson offered loads of weasel words concerning the bloodshed:

“We are here to say emphatically that this is enough. It’s enough. When this reckless violence ravages across our city at this magnitude, we are losing a piece of the soul of Chicago. It deeply pains me to admit that, but it is true,” Johnson told reporters at public safety headquarters, flanked by Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling and other officials.” (Sun-Times)

“But I will not stand idly by. We will not be passive in this moment,” he added. “We need to ensure that we are holding every single individual accountable for the pain and trauma and the torment that they have caused in this city. There will be consequences for the violence. We will not let criminal activity ruin and harm our city.” (Sun-Times)

Johnson blamed “generations of disinvestment and deep disenfranchisement” for the violence. Typical nonsense. While they may be a factor, humans pulled those triggers, not some narrative. What in the hell is the “soul” of Chicago?

“…the fact of the matter is where there is most violence, that’s where the poverty is most pervasive.” (Brandon Johnson/Newsweek)

What about the violence occurring all over the city? Armed robberies, armed carjackings, and other violent crimes are citywide. I guess those do not count for Johnson.

“I’m so sick and tired of losing Black boys to violence in this city. It grieves me, fiercely.” (Brandon Johnson/WGN)

Mayor Johnson, what about losing Black girls lost to violence? What about Hispanic boys and girls lost to violence? What about the boys and girls of all races lost to violence? What about the adults of all races lost to violence? Geez, are you a racist, misogynist, ageist, or just plain clueless?

“There will be consequences for the violence,” Johnson promised. “We will not let criminal activity ruin and harm our city.” (WBBM News Radio)

No one believes that. State’s Attorney Kim Foxx will not prosecute, judges let violent criminals out on bail, and the Chicago Police Department is handcuffed. There will be no consequences or accountability.

Since juveniles caused many of the shootings, hold their parents responsible. The city should assist victims and their families to sue the parents for their negligence. That would be accountability. Maybe passing a law to hold parents criminally responsible for their negligent parenting would be some form of accountability.

“The mayor also stressed that everyone must take responsibility for helping end violence, and on Tuesday, along with the city health leaders, the Johnson administration will explain how residents can do just that.” (Brandon Johnson/WGN/Emphasis mine)

I am not responsible for ending the violence. My family is not responsible. My neighbors are not. Everyone is not responsible. The only people responsible are those who commit violent acts, and if they are minors, their parents. You, members of the City Council, Kim Foxx, Toni Preckwinkle, and Tim Evans are responsible for ending the violence, along with the Chicago Police Department.

There will be little to no accountability or consequences for the violence in Chicago unless we change the leadership across the board. With so few people voting in elections, that change will not happen. Be proud Chicago. You have the government you deserve and the violence that comes with it.

Another violent summer and no one cares

“On behalf of the City of Chicago, we express our deepest condolences to the families and the Grand Crossing community mourning the lives lost in the shooting that took place this morning,” Johnson said in a statement. “We will continue coordinating with our partners at the Chicago Police Department, 5th Ward Alderman Desmon Yancy, and victim services partners to support this community on a path of healing from this tragic incident.” (Sun-Times)

Early Thursday there was a mass shooting in the Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood. Shooters fired pistols and possibly a rifle into a home. Two adults and an 8-year-old boy were killed. Two other children, 5 and 7 years old were wounded.

Over the 4th of July weekend, there were 100 people shot and 19 killed.

“We are devastated by the recent violence that has left our city in a state of grief and we extend our heartfelt condolences to the families and communities impacted by these recent events,” Johnson said in the statement… “The City of Chicago is committed to ensuring the safety of all residents and visitors.” (Sun-Times)

All the mayor can offer is weasel words. Child victims do not count in this city of scoundrels. Shooting and murder victims do not count.  Scoundrels run city Hall and the City Council. Scoundrels run the supposed social justice organizations. No one cares about the victims of crime in Chicago. There will be no mass protests in the neighborhoods where these atrocities occur by concerned organizations. The social justice warriors will not march in the neighborhoods where children are being shot and killed. Nothing will be shut down in those neighborhoods. There is little to no justice for the child victims in Chicago.

Besides being a city of scoundrels, Chicago is also a city of cowards, especially those social justice organizations and their hordes of squishy white-bread supporters. They will do nothing to curtail or stop the violence against children in Chicago. They fear becoming victims if they march and stand up for something real, like children. They are all useless

When it comes to children, Black and Brown lives do not matter. No child lives matter. Politicians do not care about children. They can’t vote and they do not contribute to campaign funds. Supposed socially conscious people do not put signs in their windows saying, “Child Lives Matter.”

How many more children will die before the cowards cowboy up and let the police do their job? How many more children will die because Kim Foxx will not prosecute people or charge unlawful use of a weapon and shooters with felonies, unless the weapon is a cup of root beer? How many more children will die because judges keep releasing violent offenders with no bail? How many children will die because the cowards and scoundrels in Springfield will not revisit the supposed SAFE-T Act and make the necessary adjustments. The SAFE-T Act is meant to keep criminals safe and free, not the public. Not the children.

One of main priorities of government and its agencies is to care for and keep safe the most vulnerable in society. Children are some of the most vulnerable. When I was a police officer and a child was harmed, the full weight of the police department, prosecutors, and judges came down hard on offenders. Now, the offenders are treated as victims and the victimized children are cast aside. There is no accountability for crimes against children.

We need change and we need it now. Unfortunately, we will not see change. Our politicians, especially the mayor and State’s Attorney, are stuck on their failing policies. They are stuck on stupid.