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More mayoral weasel words

110 people were shot in Chicago over the holiday weekend. 22 people were killed. Dozens of other citizens were wounded. Mayor Johnson was vacationing in New Orleans. He did come back. But why would he leave town knowing that the holiday weekend would be bloody as usual?

Once again, Johnson offered loads of weasel words concerning the bloodshed:

“We are here to say emphatically that this is enough. It’s enough. When this reckless violence ravages across our city at this magnitude, we are losing a piece of the soul of Chicago. It deeply pains me to admit that, but it is true,” Johnson told reporters at public safety headquarters, flanked by Chicago Police Supt. Larry Snelling and other officials.” (Sun-Times)

“But I will not stand idly by. We will not be passive in this moment,” he added. “We need to ensure that we are holding every single individual accountable for the pain and trauma and the torment that they have caused in this city. There will be consequences for the violence. We will not let criminal activity ruin and harm our city.” (Sun-Times)

Johnson blamed “generations of disinvestment and deep disenfranchisement” for the violence. Typical nonsense. While they may be a factor, humans pulled those triggers, not some narrative. What in the hell is the “soul” of Chicago?

“…the fact of the matter is where there is most violence, that’s where the poverty is most pervasive.” (Brandon Johnson/Newsweek)

What about the violence occurring all over the city? Armed robberies, armed carjackings, and other violent crimes are citywide. I guess those do not count for Johnson.

“I’m so sick and tired of losing Black boys to violence in this city. It grieves me, fiercely.” (Brandon Johnson/WGN)

Mayor Johnson, what about losing Black girls lost to violence? What about Hispanic boys and girls lost to violence? What about the boys and girls of all races lost to violence? What about the adults of all races lost to violence? Geez, are you a racist, misogynist, ageist, or just plain clueless?

“There will be consequences for the violence,” Johnson promised. “We will not let criminal activity ruin and harm our city.” (WBBM News Radio)

No one believes that. State’s Attorney Kim Foxx will not prosecute, judges let violent criminals out on bail, and the Chicago Police Department is handcuffed. There will be no consequences or accountability.

Since juveniles caused many of the shootings, hold their parents responsible. The city should assist victims and their families to sue the parents for their negligence. That would be accountability. Maybe passing a law to hold parents criminally responsible for their negligent parenting would be some form of accountability.

“The mayor also stressed that everyone must take responsibility for helping end violence, and on Tuesday, along with the city health leaders, the Johnson administration will explain how residents can do just that.” (Brandon Johnson/WGN/Emphasis mine)

I am not responsible for ending the violence. My family is not responsible. My neighbors are not. Everyone is not responsible. The only people responsible are those who commit violent acts, and if they are minors, their parents. You, members of the City Council, Kim Foxx, Toni Preckwinkle, and Tim Evans are responsible for ending the violence, along with the Chicago Police Department.

There will be little to no accountability or consequences for the violence in Chicago unless we change the leadership across the board. With so few people voting in elections, that change will not happen. Be proud Chicago. You have the government you deserve and the violence that comes with it.

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