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Month: August 2024

The Dems are gone

First things first. If you are seventeen and your birthday falls on or before Election Day, you can register to vote. Do it. Do it now. Then vote.

It seems some so-called Christians and what the news media described as “many” Catholics got their panties in a twist. They are slamming and trying to shame Cardinal Cupich’s invocation at the Democratic National Convention. They are furious his prayer said nothing about abortion, and he did not mention Jesus.

An invocation is a prayer, not a political statement. It was not the Cardinal’s job or responsibility to “… call the Democratic Party back from the abyss,” as a Bishop fired by the Pope stated on X. Cupich also drew the fury of “Catholic journalist” Phil Lawler, who wrote in Catholic Culture that “nowhere in his invocation did Cardinal Cupich offer the slightest challenge to the perverse ideology that ruled the Democratic convention.” (Newsweek)

Lawler went further: “Certainly there was nothing in the cardinal’s invocation that could be read as even a hint of disapproval for the Democratic party’s platform.” Cardinal Cupich was there to pray. He was not there to approve or disapprove of a party platform. The organizers invited him to give an invocation. He was a guest.  The Cardinal acted like a guest should.

Cupich used the word Lord, which is another name for Jesus. By the way, there is no rule that every prayer or invocation must mention Jesus. Cupich stayed away from making any political statements. Like any good speaker, he knew his audience. Cupich also knew he would draw controversy if he strayed into injecting politics. supposed morality, or values- whatever those are. Those are not the purpose of prayer, especially public prayer. Catholics should know that. I am not sure if so-called extreme Christian mackerel snappers know that or anything else. They invited Cupich to give an invocation, not to preach, pontificate, or politicize. He did his job and did it well.     

Chaotic Mayor Brandon Johnson again used the word “freaking” in his address to the DNC, referring to Chicago. It is a constant with him. As any intelligent person knows, freaking is a nice way of saying f**king. Geez, Johnson has such a limited vocabulary that he cannot even come up with better language to describe this city.

Despite thousands of protesters, violence was minimal. Over the four-day convention, law enforcement made fewer than 100 arrests. Downtown hotels received bomb threats, and authorities apprehended a man attempting to bring a gun into the convention hall. It proves that some people are too dumb to breathe.

Superintendent of Police, Larry Snelling, was pictured leading his personnel from the front. That is a sign of great leadership. His predecessor would have been hiding in the press room at headquarters stumbling and mumbling about how great he is while looking at himself in a mirror.

Now that the convention is over, Chicagoans can get back to their normal lives. The streets will be open, businesses can thrive, and people can get from one place to another efficiently.

Oh Chicago

The Democratic Convention will run between August 19th and 22nd. Street closures began at 10 PM Thursday.

“The closures are for:
-West Washington Boulevard from Damen Avenue to South Wood Street
-Damen Avenue from Jackson Boulevard to West Washington Boulevard
-West Warren Boulevard from North Leavitt Street to South Paulina Street
-West Madison Street from North Leavitt Street to South Paulina Street
-West Monroe Street from South Seeley Avenue to South Paulina Street
-West Adams Street from South Seeley Avenue to South Paulina Street
-South Honore Street from West Monroe Street to West Adams Street
-South Wood Street from West Washington Boulevard to West Jackson Boulevard
-South Seeley Avenue from West Madison Street to West Adams Street

Restricted vehicle traffic: Jackson Boulevard from South Damen Avenue to South Wood Street.” (ABC 7)

In an abrupt about-face, organizers announced the event would remain in Chicago after all. Neighborhood residents eager to see the festival leave town expressed dismay on learning they’d be dealing with the noise, trash and traffic again.’“(Sun-Times)

The residents around Douglas Park do not matter. Once again, their wishes fall on deaf ears of Ald. Monique Scott (24th) and so-called community leaders. Lollapalooza is returning to Douglas Park this summer. That’s the Chicago Way. There is a cure for this. Residents in the ward need to find someone to oppose the alder and vote her out. She does not care about her constituents. She only cares about her “community leaders- whatever that means.

A top ally of Mayor Brandon Johnson has been hitting up Chicago businesses to contribute to a dark money political organization that is hosting several events next week during the Democratic National Convention, including a luncheon and a showcase Soldier Field event. Charles Smith, Johnson’s liaison to the business community, has been making the pitch for contributions to GoChiLife as a way to show support for the mayor.”(Chicago Tribune)

There is a strong level of hypocrisy in the chaotic administration of Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration. Progressives rail against dark money unless it comes to their own needs. Supposedly the dark money is to fund events.

At one point, the group asked for donations of up to $500,000 in exchange for 10 VIP tickets to each of its DNC week events, 20 regular event tickets, a logo on event and promotional materials and potential “additional benefits,” according to a presentation obtained by the Tribune. Other sponsorship tiers ranged from $5,000 to $100,000.” (Chicago Tribune/Subscription needed)

The Chicago Public School System has been in a financial mess for as long as anyone can remember. The situation may get worse. The Chicago School Board and CEO Pedro Martinez approved a budget the mayor does not like or want. According to the Chicago Tribune, the mayor is trying to oust Martinez. The mayor wanted to fund the system with a loan, the equivalent of a high-interest payday loan. The Board is currently in contract negotiations with the Chicago Teachers Union. If some or all of their demands are met, the budget deficit could explode.

“CTU’s outlandish demands, including 9% average annual raises, would create a budget deficit of $2.9 billion a year from now and about $4 billion by 2028, CPS contract negotiators declared Tuesday in a public bargaining session.” (Tribune)

Only the Board can fire Martinez. He can only be fired for just cause, for example, corruption, other criminal activity, or incompetence. One newspaper called Martinez “the taxpayers’ best friend.” We will see how this plays out after the Democratic Convention leaves town.

Union president Stacy Davis Gates told the Board to get the money any way they can, even demanding raising in property taxes. Johnson was an organizer for the union, and they heavily funded his campaign. Johnson, like too many past and present politicians, does not understand what conflict of interest is. He should recuse himself from this issue. But he won’t. He owes the union. This is the Chicago Way, concealed corruption at its finest.

Grifol gone and more

Finally. The White Sox fired Pedro Frifol after a 21 game losing streak. The question is, what took them so long? This season could be worse than last season, when the Sox went 61-101, if the losses do not stop. The Sox lost 89 of 117 games so far this year. Coach Grady Sizemore will take over to finish the season. “The team, which plans to hire a permanent manager in the offseason, also fired multiple coaches Thursday. Grifol lasted less than two seasons, finishing with a record of 89-190.” (Sun-Times)

“Overall, the sum of the parts, the sum of everything, we expect better, we need better,” general manager Chris Getz said during a video conference call Thursday afternoon. “So that certainly motivated us to make this change… I reflect back to how we went into the All-Star break and then came out of the All-Star break in hopes that it would be a reset for players and staff, and was disappointed in how they responded after the break. And it motivated us to make this decision.” (Chicago Tribune)

“What a peculiar franchise Jerry Reinsdorf’s Sox are. Built on resentment, weaned on stubbornness, fermented by inanity, the organization seems to enjoy thumbing its nose at fans. That the Sox don’t care what the fan base thinks is apparent in almost everything they do.” (Rick Morrisey/Sun-Times)

The Sox do not just have a manager problem. They have a front office and ownership problem. That they let Grifol go so long is proof of that. And why did Reinsdorf bring back that antique, Tony Larussa? Why is he listening to him? La Russa is living in the far past. The game evolved. La Russa is stuck on stupid.

The Cubs are running hot and cold. They moved from last place to third in their division. If they can keep some momentum going, they could get a wild card place for the postseason (The 2024 season ends September 29th) There are 36 games left. The team is 56-70. The teams in the Central Division, except for the first-place Brewers, have similar win-loss numbers.

This is one of the best years for America in the Olympics. Our teams and individuals are on top with 103 medals so far-30 Gold, 38 silver, 35 Bronze. China is number two in the medal count with 72.