“The celebration started the moment National Baseball Hall of Fame President Josh Rawitch said “1963 to 1977” as he began to unveil the results of the classic baseball era committee voting on television. Richard Allen Jr. jumped out of his seat and was swallowed in a sea of hugs. His father, the late Dick Allen, had just been elected into the Hall of Fame.“I wanted to hear it, I wanted to see it,” Allen said at a watch party … We saw it, just so much to take in.” (Chicago Tribune)
Former White Sox player, Dick Allen, finally made it to the Baseball Hall of Fame with 81% of the votes. His nomination was long overdue. Allen played for the White Sox from 1972 to 1974. Allen died in 2020 at the age of 78. His legendary exploits and explosive batting are still talked about.
“There’s no second-guessing the coach this time around. The Bears (4-9) were outcoached, outplayed and outclassed.” (Brad Biggs/Chicago Tribune)
The Bears once again proved they are an embearassment. They lost their seventh game in a row to the 49ers. The Bears are a pathetic 4 and 9 so far this season. I have no pity for Bears fans. They keep cheering for pathetic losers and the McCaskeys. New coaches will not produce a winning team. The only way the Bears will ever be winners again is when the McCaskeys sell the team to owners who want to win games and championships.

“Mayor Brandon Johnson’s plan to balance his revamped $17.3 billion budget with a $68.5 million property tax increase — and by raising taxes on everything from cloud computing, streaming services and parking to downtown congestion and plastic bags — squeaked through a City Council committee Tuesday.” (Chicago Sun-Times)
The City Council Finance and Budget Committees approved Mayor Brandon Johnson’s tax package, including a property tax increase, to balance the city budget by slim majoritys. Not one alder who voted for this horrendous package should get reelected.
The mayor refuses to make necessary cuts and seek more efficiencies. The mayor’s office budget alone ballooned by $50 million dollars. What are the citizens getting for that $50 million dollar increase? Where is the benefit for the city? The only people benefiting are the high paid do nothing patronage workers in Johnson’s office.
Brandon Johnson is proving every day he is incompetent and not fit to be the mayor of Chicago. He is feckless with his my way or the highway method of administration. Johnson will go down as being the worst mayor since Big Bill Thompson.
There will be a final vote on the budget Friday. If any more alders supports this fiasco people should start working next week to find, support, and campaign for candidates to replace them. The incumbents do not deserve to be reelected as they are not serving the people. They are serving themselves while bankrupting us.
The Johnson administration will do more harm to taxpayers with his future budgets. Write/email your alders. Tell them enough is enough when it comes to increased property taxes and other taxes and fees. Demand cuts and more efficiencies. Demand they cut the extra $50 million dollar increase from the mayor’s office.
Doing nothing is like not voting. The reason we have this horrible mayor is that less than 30% of registered voters showed up at the polls on Election Day.