“After a bitter, monthslong campaign, District Attorney Chesa Boudin has been recalled by San Francisco voters. As of 11 p.m. Tuesday night, “yes” on the recall is leading “no” 60% to 40%” (SFGATE)
People in San Francisco, fed up with crime and Chesa Boudin’s “progressive” policies, said enough is enough. San Franciscans were fed up with open criminality and a lack of prosecutions. It is ironic because San Francisco is probably the most progressive big city in the country.
San Francisco put the people in Cook County and Chicago to shame. While we do not have recall provisions here. Kim Foxx was reelected to pursue her failing “progressive” policies. There is no hue and cry from the public for her to change. Failure is accepted here.
As I have written before, unproven theories and ideas that sound good do not always translate into good policy. When policies fail, they should be changed. Unfortunately, in Chicago and Cook County, change is profanity.
We are stuck with Kim Foxx for a while. If her mentor, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, is reelected, Foxx will be empowered to keep failing.
“Change doesn’t happen without a fight. It’s hard. It takes time. And, I’ll be the first to admit I’m just not the most patient person. I’m only human, and I guess sometimes it shows. But just because some may not always like my delivery doesn’t mean we’re not delivering.” (Chicago Tribune)
The questions are, who is she fighting for, and what change is she talking about? What has she delivered? For two years, Chicago has experienced an epidemic of violent crime. Her Superintendent of Police, David Brown, is an abject failure. He keeps spinning his plans, strategies, and deployments that are not keeping the citizens of this city safe. The police department is overworked, understaffed, and demoralized. He should have been fired long ago for his woeful record.
“It’s time that the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end,” and, “It comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement … and less tolerant of all the bulls—t that has destroyed our city.” (SF Mayor London Breed/SFGATE)
Progressive San Francisco mayor, London Breed, realized Boudin’s progressive prosecution policies failed her city and demanded change. She listened to her constituents’ pleas. Lori Lightfoot surrendered to Toni Preckwinkle and Kim Foxx. In pugilistic terms, she threw the fight. She listens to no one.
Lightfoot endorsed Kim Foxx for reelection even though Foxx, through her failing policies, is indirectly one of the drivers of violent crime in Chicago. Some alderpersons say Lightfoot deserves to be reelected. No one deserves election or reelection. Public office is not an award or participation trophy. It is not a right. Reelection must be earned.
Alderman Alderwoman Susan Sadlowski Garza said it best:
“I have never met anybody who has managed to piss off every single person they come in contact with — police, fire, teachers, aldermen, businesses, manufacturing.” (Chicago Tribune)
Lightfoot has not earned reelection. She failed to keep Chicago safe. City finances are still a mess. Lightfoot is not fighting for the people. She is fighting for herself.