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Mayor Johnson’s chaos in City Hall

We can’t imagine how Johnson and his allies could have been more irresponsible in recent weeks regarding Chicago Public Schools, creating a terrible look for City Hall and destabilizing the district when it sorely needs managerial competence, not chaos.” (Sun-Times Editorial Board)

Editorial: Brandon Johnson’s reckless Chicago Public Schools maneuvering must be vehemently opposed.” (Chicago Tribune)

Mayor Brandon Johnson shot himself in the foot when he demanded and got the resignations of all the Chicago School Board members. He then shot himself in the other foot when he tried to justify his actions. If the current School Board fires CPS CEO Pedro Martinez per Johnson’s order, it will be another self-inflicted wound.

Both the Chicago Tribune and the Sun-Times Editorial Boards scorched Johnson for his actions. Johnson wants the Board to take out an over $300 million-dollar high interest loan, considered a payday type loan. CPS, like the city, is already heavily saddled with debt. The loan would be a disaster, especially since the chances are slim it could be paid back or refinanced. Johnson also wants the teacher’s union contract settled on their terms.

“The parents of this city elected one of their own, and I’m going to do everything in our power to ensure we don’t go back to a time of chaos,” Johnson said on WTTW.” (WGN TV)

Exactly what does that mean? All the people who elected Johnson were not parents. The only reason he is the mayor is because less than 30% of voters voted. This was just more word soup and salad. Chaos? Johnson is the chaos. His administration is chaotic. In his time in office, he accomplished nothing except sowing chaos. Brandon Johnson should be the first definition of chaos in the dictionary.

41 alderpersons, many of them allies of the mayor, signed a letter over the debacle, condemning the mayor’s machinations over the school board and Pedro Martinez. He is losing support fast. I know people who voted for him and are sorry they did. Some are beyond angry.

Johnson is doing the bidding of the Chicago Teacher’s Union, who wants Pedro Martinez fired. He is bought, paid for, and owned by the union and will do what he is told. Martinez days are numbered. Johnson’s blatant conflict of interest with the CTU is egregious and appalling.

Johnson has no managerial skills. After over one year, he still does not know how the city operates and what those operations cost. It appears most of his appointees lack the same skills.

This administration is plagued with turmoil and chaos caused by Brandon Johnson. He has no one to blame for himself. Instead of surrounding himself with knowledgeable people, he hired political hacks and lickspittles to do his bidding. Johnson thinks he knows everything. When you think you know everything, you are wrong. Johnson’s only defense or answer to questions is expressing his grievance. Any simple question is an attack on him. If a reporter asked him the time, Johnson would go on a grievance fueled rant.

When cornered, Johnson makes accusations of racism. He hopes the media will not ask him the tough questions. If he claims racism enough, he can shut them down. He has no answers, only accusations and grievances. If this keeps up, Johnson may go down as the worst mayor in Chicago history.

Johnson is going to London to watch the Bears play this weekend. When asked about the trip, he angrily reproached the reporter, claiming he was going to London to bring business to Chicago. Yeah, right, on a weekend? Johnson cannot even tell a credible lie. Who is paying for the trip, hotels, game tickets, and other amenities for Johnson and his team?

Johnson cozies up to and has a bromance with Bears president and CEO, Kevin Warren. Johnson wants the Bears stadium on the lakefront and will do anything to get it, even if it means destroying the lakefront. Warren will do anything to get the mayor to get the funds for the Bears lakefront folly.

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