When I went through basic training, we spent about a half-day standing in line getting multiple vaccinations. I think we were vaccinated for everything except STDs, for which there were no vaccinations.
When my daughter started school, we had to provide her vaccination records and get her vaccinated for what the school required. No documents or vaccinations- no entry to school.
Every year, before flu season, the Chicago Police Department or some bosses encouraged us to get flu shots.
You cannot travel to certain countries unless you are vaccinated against various diseases and prove it.
Vaccinations have severely mitigated disease for over a century. Aside from STDs, one other outbreak that vaccination cannot prevent or mitigate is the pandemic of stupidity. Suppose they ever invent a safe vaccine for stupidity. In that case, all elected officials should be mandated to receive it by force if necessary.
Public safety is one of the most important duties and responsibilities public officials have. It is unbelievable how many politicians advocate people choose whether to get vaccinated because of individual liberty or some such bullshit.
“It is our patriotic duty to care for other people, but it is also our patriotic duty to understand that we have individual rights in this country.” (Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C./Politico) Um, Congresscritter, you cannot care for other people by advocating stupidity.
Social media is so rife with misinformation and disinformation the companies cannot keep up with it. Unfortunately, too many people in this nation of drooling dolts believe the conspiracy theories.
If you do not want to get vaccinated, you have every right to get sick, suffer horribly, and die. If you are not vaccinated and are refused entry to events, airlines, or cruise ships, you have no rights, contrary to what politicians and their legislation state.
Please stop listening to the moronic politicians, anti-vax groups, celebrities, or other so-called influencers. Talk to your doctor and get the Faucing shot. Why would you believe a stumbling, bumbling ignorant politician or the armies of stultus populus over your physician? Getting vaccinated is not a political choice or position. It is common sense prevention.
Save yourself and others. Politicians abdicated their responsibilities by primping and pandering to the pimps in the news business. They get facetime, and their egos massaged. The news media gets clicks- which is all they want.
COVID cases are on the rise again, especially the faster spreading and deadlier Delta variant. If the trend keeps up, we will be back to square one- shut down.
We are responsible for ourselves and each other. Getting vaccinated and proving it is not some form of ism or dictatorship. It is simple safety advice.
Get the Faucing shot.