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Who is Lightfoot fighting for

Image: PV Bella

“After a bitter, monthslong campaign, District Attorney Chesa Boudin has been recalled by San Francisco voters. As of 11 p.m. Tuesday night, “yes” on the recall is leading “no” 60% to 40%” (SFGATE)

People in San Francisco, fed up with crime and Chesa Boudin’s “progressive” policies, said enough is enough. San Franciscans were fed up with open criminality and a lack of prosecutions. It is ironic because San Francisco is probably the most progressive big city in the country.

San Francisco put the people in Cook County and Chicago to shame. While we do not have recall provisions here. Kim Foxx was reelected to pursue her failing “progressive” policies. There is no hue and cry from the public for her to change. Failure is accepted here.

As I have written before, unproven theories and ideas that sound good do not always translate into good policy. When policies fail, they should be changed. Unfortunately, in Chicago and Cook County, change is profanity.

We are stuck with Kim Foxx for a while. If her mentor, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, is reelected, Foxx will be empowered to keep failing.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced she is running for reelection. She claims she wants to continue fighting for change.

 “Change doesn’t happen without a fight. It’s hard. It takes time. And, I’ll be the first to admit I’m just not the most patient person. I’m only human, and I guess sometimes it shows. But just because some may not always like my delivery doesn’t mean we’re not delivering.” (Chicago Tribune)

The questions are, who is she fighting for, and what change is she talking about? What has she delivered? For two years, Chicago has experienced an epidemic of violent crime. Her Superintendent of Police, David Brown, is an abject failure. He keeps spinning his plans, strategies, and deployments that are not keeping the citizens of this city safe. The police department is overworked, understaffed, and demoralized. He should have been fired long ago for his woeful record.

“It’s time that the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end,” and, “It comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement … and less tolerant of all the bulls—t that has destroyed our city.” (SF Mayor London Breed/SFGATE)

Progressive San Francisco mayor, London Breed, realized Boudin’s progressive prosecution policies failed her city and demanded change. She listened to her constituents’ pleas. Lori Lightfoot surrendered to Toni Preckwinkle and Kim Foxx. In pugilistic terms, she threw the fight. She listens to no one.

Lightfoot endorsed Kim Foxx for reelection even though Foxx, through her failing policies, is indirectly one of the drivers of violent crime in Chicago. Some alderpersons say Lightfoot deserves to be reelected. No one deserves election or reelection. Public office is not an award or participation trophy. It is not a right. Reelection must be earned.

Alderman Alderwoman Susan Sadlowski Garza said it best:

“I have never met anybody who has managed to piss off every single person they come in contact with — police, fire, teachers, aldermen, businesses, manufacturing.” (Chicago Tribune)

Lightfoot has not earned reelection. She failed to keep Chicago safe. City finances are still a mess. Lightfoot is not fighting for the people. She is fighting for herself.

Lori Lightfoot did it again


“We shouldn’t be locking up nonviolent individuals just because they can’t afford to pay bail. But, given the exacting standards that the state’s attorney has for charging a case, which is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, when those charges are brought, these people are guilty,” Lightfoot said. (Chicago Tribune)

Lori Lightfoot is a candidate to join the Politicians of Walmart(POWs). Geez, a statement like that coming from an attorney and former federal prosecutor is beyond dumb. It is mind-boggling.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot does not think before she speaks, a symptom of Foot in Mouth Disease. She embarrassed herself and gave the people backing the failing criminal justice reform policies more ammunition to push their irresponsible agenda.

Lightfoot lost what little credibility she had over public safety. She is now a walking talking joke. How can she be taken seriously?

Lightfoot is supposed to announce her reelection bid this week. She should reconsider. Everyone I talk to is disgusted with her. Many say f**k Lightfoot when her name is mentioned.

Since May 27, when Lightfoot announced the Summer of Joy, 126 people have been shot. 103 were wounded, and 23 were shot and killed. Year to date, 1291 people have been shot. 240 were shot and killed. (HeyJackass*) Some joy. Chicago has the distinction of being the nation’s largest shooting gallery.

The so-called criminal justice reform policies are failing. Kim Foxx’s over “exacting” charging policies are failing. The court system is failing. Lightfoot is right to call those failures out. It should be done intelligently, not by a blatant ignorant statement. She threw red meat at those promoting these failing policies. She turned wrong into right by shooting from the lip.

The real issue plaguing Chicago is terrible policies based on unproven theories. Many theoretical policy ideas sound good, fair, equitable, warm, fuzzy, and cozy. Theories do not necessarily translate into workable policy. In the case of supposed criminal justice reform, the theories are not working. The public is not safe. People are being victimized and killed in every neighborhood in the city.

Cook County is responsible for the prosecution and trials of criminals. Cook County government is failing the people of Chicago. Elected officials know that the average person/voter does not know how the criminal justice system is supposed to work. They play off that ignorance to keep failing policies in place.

The police are the only part of the criminal justice system that is working. Contrary to what Kim Foxx claims, the police are not her partners. Partnership is a two-way street. Kim Foxx is a one-way dead-end street.

It is past time to end these supposed reforms. They are failing. They were based on unproven theories. If something is not working, intelligent people make corrections. Politicians rarely make corrections.

The Summer of Joy is just beginning. The number of people becoming victims of various violent crimes will rise drastically with the heat. Lori Lightfoot is floundering in the public safety area. Making dumb comments further damages her credibility and does not inspire confidence in her leadership.

*HeyJackass is the most accurate site for violent crime data. Their figures change as they receive new data.

Lightfoot suffers from foot in mouth disease

Image: UNK

“Another day, another man who thinks he can do this job better than me,” Lightfoot said. (Chicago Tribune)

Southside alderman Rodrick Sawyer threw his hat in the ring to run for mayor of Chicago. Mayor Lori Lightfoot was asked about his candidacy. She made the above comment.

It is apparent that Mayor Lori Lightfoot is a sexist, misandrist, and far from woke. Her toxic femininity was on full display. She suffers from foot in mouth disease, a condition unique to Chicago politicians. There is no cure or vaccine. Social distancing and masking will not prevent it.

Geez, does this mayor think before she flaps her soup coolers? What era is she living in? Do we need a men’s liberation movement to fight off female supremacy and matriarchy? By the way, if she has the biggest d**k in Chicago, what is her actual gender?

Why can she insult males and get away with it? Why didn’t the media scorch her over that comment? Oh, yeah, they are the PR weasels for City Hall. Lightfoot can do no wrong. She is a “historic” mayor. She must be protected, even from herself.

Maybe someone should tell Lightfoot that anyone, man, woman, or whatever gender, can do a better job than her. She is an abject failure. If you look up disaster in the dictionary, Lightfoot would be the first definition.

There is no public safety in Chicago. Every neighborhood has the potential for violence and death. Every one of us is a potential victim. City finances are a mess. City employee pensions are in trouble. The schools are a mess. Over the past two years, parents pulled 25,000 students out of the Chicago Public School System. The only thing that helped Chicago was the COVID bailouts. Nothing is working in Chicago. Not one damn thing.

Lightfoot has no solutions. She has no allies. Her supposed coalition in the City Council is fragile. She does not know how to play well with others. Lightfoot, unlike other mayors, has no power or power base. Lightfoot is all about Lightfoot.

She does not care about the city, the people, the City Council, or anything else. After Lightfoot, everyone else comes first. She is isolated, contemptible, and combative. Making friends and influencing people is not in her wheelhouse.

The business community is not happy. The unions are not happy. The people are not happy. No one is happy in Lightfoot’s Summer of Joy except the criminals. They are getting away with murder and mayhem.

Lightfoot did more damage to Chicago in a few years than Richie Daley did in two decades. Chicago is in a downhill slide on a greased anvil. Lightfoot is like Wiley Coyote being hung by her own Acme petards.

So far, Alderman Ray Lopez, businessman Willie Wilson, Paul Vallas, and Illinois State Representative, Kam Buckner, have announced they are running for mayor. All of them are men. Evidently, Lightfoot hates men. Maybe in our woke times, male hatred in politics is acceptable and appropriate.

If anyone of them lands a whale or two contributors, Lightfoot is toast. Her campaign war chest is small for someone who wants to continue in the job she is failing at. She travels the country begging for money because the Chicago money is not coming her way.

Lori Lightfoot is like Godzilla. She destroyed Chicago.

Lori you broke my heart


I supported Lori Lightfoot for mayor. The last thing Chicago needed was Machine Boss Toni Preckwinkle running/ruining Chicago. If things are bad now, they would have been worse under Preckwinkle.

I will not vote for Lori Lightfoot if she officially announces her run for re-election. She is a major disappointment. Lightfoot broke my heart.

Violent crime is an epidemic approaching pandemic status. Instead of firing Superintendent David “Tex” Brown for his incompetence, she props him up. The Chicago Police Department is handcuffed. They get no help from the State’s Attorney or the courts. A double whammy that makes every citizen, tourist, or business traveler a potential victim.

Lightfoot fights with alderpeople, even publicly insulting them. She did not make enough friends and influence enough people to get whatever agenda she had to move forward. Chicago is stalled. It is stuck on stupid.

The Chicago Police Department is bleeding officers who are retiring or transferring to other departments. Chicago Public schools lost 25,000 students over the past two years. People, especially retirees are moving out of Chicago. The marching feet are getting louder every month.

It is only a matter of time before the business community says enough is enough. She will lose their support over a total lack of public safety. She blamed businesses for being crime victims, insulting them. If conditions do not change, major investments will stall. There is only so much chaos investors will tolerate. Chicago is reaching the limit.

Lightfoot turned public safety into an oxymoron in Chicago. There is no safe in Chicago. Lightfoot surrendered and threw her lot in with Machine Boss Toni Preckwinkle and Kim Foxx. They are now frenemies. Preckwinkle and Foxx are helping drive the violence, bloodshed, and murder in Chicago. Their supposed criminal justice reforms failed, yet the mayor stopped criticizing them. It is a good bet she ordered Tex Brown to stop his criticism.

The mayor wears the hat. She is responsible for all the city’s ills under her watch. It may not be fair, but politics, like life, is not fair. She refuses to accept responsibility, accountability, or constructive criticism. She plods along in a stupor, a legend in her own mind. History will not be kind. Lightfoot’s only accomplishment was getting elected. She made history. Big deal. She will make more history when her administration is examined. It will not be pretty.

Chicago is in crisis. Lori Lightfoot does not have the ability to solve the problems the city has now and faces in the near future. Things will only get worse. I talk to a lot of people. I listen in bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and public transportation. When Lightfoot’s name is mentioned, or she is on television, no one has a good thing to say about her. There is ugly name-calling. I live in a fairly progressive neighborhood. My neighbors are fed up. My family members and friends are fed up.

Most mayors in my lifetime were people we loved to hate and hated to love. Lightfoot is hated, period. There is no love. There is not anything to like.

Lightfoot’s campaign fund is small for a big-city mayor. She is not attracting support from major donors because she is doing nothing to improve the conditions in this city. The business community may be silent, but they are voting with their closed checkbooks.

If one of her opponents hooks a whale or two with multi-million-dollar open checkbooks that can pay for bombarding media advertising, Lightfoot will be toast before she begins her campaign.

Lightfoot would not run for a second term in the best of all possible worlds. That will not happen. The next best is if she cannot raise big money and gets a shellacking at the polls. Public safety is going to be the most critical campaign issue. Lightfoot failed from day one.

Lori, you broke my heart.

Who is responsible

Photo: PV Bella

Chicago cops received a one-two punch Monday night when CPD Supt. David Brown canceled all of their usual days off between June 14 and June 22. Brown sent another email two minutes later, saying he “anticipates” canceling their days off between June 28 and July 4. The emails were sent at 9:21 and 9:23 p.m. on Memorial Day — a holiday for which Brown’s top deputy, Eric Carter, had cancelled days off since last Tuesday. “(CWB Chicago)

Canceling police officer days off over Father’s Day weekend? Superintendent David “Tex” Brown does not care about the health and welfare of the men and women he commands. He does not care about their families or family life. He does not care, period.

It is past time Chicago news media editorial boards wake from their slumber and recognize Tex Brown is an abject failure as Chicago’s Police Superintendent and Eric Carter is a failure as the second in command. The alderpersons should be screaming for Brown’s head. I will not hold my breath.

It is up to you, the citizens, to demand Brown be fired and replaced by a Chicago Police executive who knows Chicago. Chicago is not Dallas. Carter should be demoted immediately before he does more harm. The deadly duo lost the confidence, respect, and trust of the rank-and-file Chicago Police officers.

Memorial Day weekend proved Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Summer of Joy is turning into another Summer of Death, Mourning, and Bloodshed. Over 50 people were shot, ten were killed, and there was one mass shooting. Oh, the joy.

What cops traditionally call the Summer Offensive, started. It will continue. Chicago suffers from failed public safety policies, incompetent police leadership, a floundering City Hall, a useless news media, and an apathetic citizenry. What will it take to wake people up?

How many more people must be murdered or wounded? How many more must be robbed or carjacked? How many people must be terrorized before this city realizes public safety is non-existent?

Mayor Lightfoot does not care about public safety. David Brown does not care. The Chicago news media does not care. And, from the silence of the lambs, it is apparent the citizens do not care.

 What is it going to take for someone to give a damn?

Having been there and done that, I know how hard our Chicago Police officers work. I know how tough and demanding the job is. I had never witnessed police top leadership as incompetent and uncaring as this in my almost thirty years on the force. It is deplorable.

I never witnessed the almost total silence of the City Council or the editorial boards of the so-called news media. I never witnessed the complacency of citizens, especially those living in areas impacted by violence and murder. I never witnessed the surrender and silence of the downtown and near north business communities.

Chicago’s civic and business leadership abdicated their responsibility- using their voices- to keep this city safe.

 If the Mayor, the Superintendent of Police, the City Council, the Cook County State’s Attorney, or the judges are not responsible for our safety, then who is?

Chicago is a city of scoundrels. Only scoundrels would be so apathetic about murder, mayhem, and terror.

Oh Joy


The numbers are in from the opening weekend of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Summer of Joy. 52 people were shot, 10 fatally. There was one mass shooting. The Summer of Joy got off to a roaring start, with more “Joy” to come.

Superintendent of Police David “Tex” Brown will address the public this afternoon. He will make the usual excuses for his ineptness and incompetence. He will toss out data and data analytics to a pornography starved news media to parrot to a gullible public.

Brown will tout how his plans, strategies, deployments, canceling days off, and other failures prevented more carnage. He will pat himself on the back. Brown is a miracle worker. He can change failure into success.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot will stand by her man. Failure is no longer an option in Chicago. Failure is the norm, the policy. Hell, if COVID or Monkey Pox do not kill you, no worries, somewhere, someplace, there is a bullet with your name. It is just a matter of time and chance.

The compliant news media will go back to writing editorials about wool-gathering and naval gazing. The public will go about their business in complacent bliss.

10 families will be planning the wakes and funerals of their loved ones. The beat goes on. Life in Chicago is one joyful piece of pie in the sky with ice cream and a gilded cherry on top.

Meanwhile, real life is one of grief and mourning on the ground. It is a life of fear, anxiety, and dread. People should not live in fear, dread, and anxiety. People should be living in self-righteous anger. They should be directing their anger at Mayor Lightfoot. They should be directing their anger at their alderpersons. They should be directing their anger at State’s Attorney Kim Foxx and her political patron, Machine Boss Tony Preckwinkle.

Anger against politicians is no longer appropriate. It is politically incorrect. It is, as critics of comedians say, punching down.

Chicago politicians are the new marginalized, threatened, and protected class. Soon, they will form their own alphabet community. Maybe the CIO- community. Cowards In Office The minus sign signifies their status as a lesser protected class, not to be criticized or insulted due to a status they have no control over. They were born that way.

Memorial Day weekend is an omen of things to come in the Summer of Joy. The killings, carjackings, robberies, and other major crimes will continue. Innocent people will be victims. I never thought I would say this. It is not the fault of the criminals. It is the fault of the mayor and the alderpersons. It is the fault of State’s Attorney Kim Foxx and Toni Preckwinkle. It is the fault of each and every citizen who remains silent.

When you go through your morning routine, stare in the mirror. You will be looking at your worst mortal enemy. You elected these failures. You will probably re-elect them.

Shame on them


The Cook County Board approved a 10% raise for themselves and an annual 3% increase in perpetuity. They already make high salaries for what is legally a part-time job. There are no prohibitions from having other employment, professions, or businesses. Many of them do.

This is a perfect reason to toss out of office anyone who voted for these raises, including Machine Boss Toni Preckwinkle. Over the past decades, most local public employees only received 2.5% to 3% raises. Yet, the greedy members of the board want more—a higher raise than the people who toil under them.

Board members currently make $85,000.00 per year. The 10% hike will raise their salaries to $93,500. This is outrageous. We are coming out of a pandemic that devastated the local economy. We are entering into a recession, with the cost of everyday goods and services rising. Yet, in their smugness, greed, and tone-deafness, the Cook County Board gave themselves a hefty pay raise to enrich themselves.

We, the suffering taxpayers, will foot the bill for this inanity. Many people in this county, especially in Chicago, barely make ends meet. They wonder if they can stretch their dollars to the end of every month.

It is past time for a change. Legislation should make all elected city and county officials full-time positions. They should spend forty hours a week in their respective positions reporting to City Hall or the County Building, like the rest of the employees. They should get the same raises as the employees. They should also get the same benefits with no perks.

The Cook County Board of Commissioners sent a powerful message to the serfs and peons, the voters. Suck it up. We rule. We will take what and how much we want. You will get the peanuts and pay for our salaries with them.

If they passed a 3% annual raise, the same raises employees get, there would be no issue. But ten percent cream on the top is beyond the pale. Unlike Chicago alderpersons, no one knows what Cook County Commissioners do. At least the alderpersons are in the news frequently touting their activities. The Cook County Board rarely is in the news. It is almost like a secret society.

Toni Preckwinkle runs the Cook County Board of Commissioners like another Tony-Tony Accardo, who ran the Chicago Outfit- silently, out of sight. She is rarely in the media and says little to nothing when she is. Yet, the media fawns all over her like hormonal teenagers over a celebrity idol. Preckwinkle is, “She who can do no wrong.” The kindly schoolmarm in sensible shoes.

I waited a few days to see if there would be editorials in the so-called Chicago or suburban news media. Not a peep. Chicago journalism is dead. They are the public relations weasels for the political Machine. They do not care about the taxpayers, municipal, or county employees.

We, the public, are being robbed by slick criminals. To paraphrase the “Godfather,” “Politicians can steal more money with an election than a gun.”

Chicago/Cook County politics is nothing more than a con game, a Ponzi scheme. I have no pity for their ten years with no raise. County Board Commissioners make $85,000.00 a year. How much more do they need? This is not about need. It is about greed, and the ability to get away with it. Citizens are docile and blind to the thievery being committed in their names.

It is the Chicago way. Get as much as you can, as fast as possible, hold on as long as possible, and get more. Obey the Eleventh and Twelfth Commandments, “Thou shalt not get caught” and ”Thou shalt not talk.” Not talking or getting caught is a snap with a docile public and no dedicated journalism in Chicago.

Memorial Day Remember the Sacrifice

Image: PV Bella

“This is the day we pay homage to all those who didn’t come home. This is not Veterans Day, it’s not a celebration, it is a day of solemn contemplation over the cost of freedom.” (Tamara Bolton)

Memorial Day is the day we remember and honor those who died serving our country. It is a day of remembrance, not celebration. Happy Memorial Day is an oxymoron for morons. For too many, it is a day of mourning.

Memorial Day, originally Decoration Day, was established to commemorate those who perished during the Civil War. When America entered World War I, the name was changed to Memorial Day, and the purpose was to honor members of the military who died in all wars.

For most people, Memorial Day weekend is just another three-day party. People stock up on food and liquor to celebrate. It is three days of party hearty. With a keen eye for saving, some shop the Memorial Day “sales,” stocking up on more useless crap. The dead are forgotten.

Memorial Day was never meant as a day of celebration, another three-day drunken maw stuffing weekend away from your toils. It was set aside as a day of commemoration. The day was set aside to remember that what we cherish most has a high cost. Whether it was defending our freedoms or defending the freedoms of others, our sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, and sisters paid the ultimate price.

Count all the crosses and count all the tears
These are the losses and sad souvenirs;
This devastation once was a nation
So fall the dice, how high is the price
There in the distancе a flag I can see
Scorched and in ribbons but whose can it be;
How еnds the story, whose is the glory
                                     Ask if we dare our comrades out there who sleep
(A Soldiers Story/Ennio Morricone)

Image: PV Bella

In our celebrations, we forget the cost of war. Death is the cost of war. Catastrophic injuries are the cost of war. Those who served in wars know this. We glorify past wars as righteous. Yet, those who served know the grim truth.

1,300,700 (+/-) members of the American military personnel perished in the War of Revolution through the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (Statista). The Civil War was the deadliest from which Memorial Day originated (Decoration Day).

I am sick and tired of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.” (General William Tecumseh Sherman)

Former President, Barack Obama surprised volunteers at Alexandria National Cemetery when he showed up unannounced to place American flags on the graves of 4000 of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation. The cemetery was established in 1862 and holds the graves of Union soldiers from the Civil War through all other wars.

“One of the greatest honors of my life was the privilege of serving as commander-in-chief, and with pride also came sometimes heartbreak and loss,” he told attendees ahead of the morning event. “And the sober recognition of the sacrifices that so many Americans and their families have made to preserve our freedom. As we go out here, I hope that we just reflect and say a prayer for and say thanks for those who came before us. And for those of you who are still serving those of you who may be serving in the future, thanks to you as well.” (Marine Corps Times)

Former president and candidate for president Donald Trump did not participate in any Memorial Day activities to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Why you may ask? He considers those who died for their country as “losers and suckers” His exact words.

Before you throw those brats on the grill, stuff your pie hole with nachos, guzzle beer, or load your vehicle with “sale” items, you should take a minute to remember the reason for this holiday. Remember the fallen. Commemorate the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. Silently thank them.

As an aside, Chicago’s Memorial Day Parade dates back to 1870.

Where is Will Smith when we need him

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot, Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin, Darren Bailey, and friends/ Image: PV Bella

“I hate to say this but there are more people who get shot every weekend in Chicago than there are schools in Texas,” Abbott said. “And we need to realize that people who think that well, maybe we can just implement tougher gun laws, it’s gonna solve it. Chicago and L.A. and New York disprove that thesis… “If you’re looking for a real solution, Chicago teaches that what you’re talking about, is not a real solution. Our job is to come up with real solutions that we can implement.” (Texas Governor, Greg Abbot)

“Look at Chicago,” McLaughlin said. “You can’t even buy a gun in the city of Chicago, but they have shootings every weekend.” (Uvalde mayor, Don McLaughlin)

Illinois Gubernatorial, Candidate, State Sen. Darren Bailey of downstate Xenia called Chicago “a crime-ridden, corrupt, dysfunctional hellhole” when asked about gun violence… “Let’s just call it what it is,” said Bailey, who once co-sponsored legislation to split Chicago from the rest of the state. “And no one knows that better than the friends and the people that live in Chicago. Something’s wrong. City leaders, they hate the police.

Where is actor Will Smith when we need him? There should be a WS beacon, so Will Smith can swoop in and slap some of these politicians, telling them to keep “Chicago” out of their pie holes.

By the way, some of the problems driving crime in Chicago are caused by an incompetent Superintendent of Police, David Brown. Brown is from Abbot’s state, Texas. Maybe Texans are the problem and not the solution.

We can expect ignorant statements from Governor Greg Abbot. He is one of the Politicians of Walmart (POWs).

Darren Bailey from downstate Xenia should be added to the list of POWs. In Bailey’s case, Gubernatorial should be changed to Goobernatorial. By the way, what “friends” does Bailey have in Chicago?

In 2019, Darren Bailey and other downstate politicians sponsored a resolution to separate Chicago from Illinois, making the city its own state. He stated that … “the majority of residents in downstate Illinois disagree with City of Chicago residents on key issues such as gun ownership, abortion, immigration, and other policy issues.” (Chicago Sun-Times)

Um, that is the way it is supposed to be. Chicago is a large cosmopolitan urban area. We do think differently than the downstate rural areas. Different regions have different communal cultures.

 Bailey is running for governor of Illinois. One would think he would have a handle on the issues affecting the whole state, not just his tiny corner of it. It is evident he is a less-on (Lower than a moron). He knows nothing about urban issues or governing anyplace larger than his tiny patch of the state.

Darren Bailey is a member of the alphabet people, the KNC, Know-Noting Community. That is why Goobernatorial candidate is an apt description.

Bailey does not even know Illinois political math. If you want to win statewide office, you need to win Cook County/Chicago, the richest, to use an agricultural term Bailey would understand, crop of voters in Illinois. You do not win votes by insulting populations.

No matter what we think about Chicago’s and Cook County’s entrenched issues, Bailey has no clue. He knows nothing about urban affairs or issues. He knows nothing about anything. His campaign website reads like he is running for the village idiot rather than the highest office in the state.

The Chicago metro area is the economic engine of Illinois. Chicago is a world-class city with world-class attractions for tourists and businesses. Xenia, where Bailey lives, is a postage stamp size bucolic village in Clay County.

How is Darren Bailey going to campaign in Chicago? Does he believe he will receive a warm welcome here? Does he think that people in Chicago will embrace him and his Know-Nothing agenda? Does he believe insulting our city will make us all warm and fuzzy towards him?

Bailey, you insulted our city with your Know-Nothing ignorance. You do not deserve respect or even acknowledgment of your existence by the people of Chicago. We do not want you in our city. You have no “friends” here.

You should stay downstate, where you belong. Maybe you should run for dog poop scooper in Clay County, a position you are eminently qualified for and can win. Governor is way beyond your intellectual pay grade.

This is my city. I criticize and can criticize it all I want. I will not tolerate Know-Nothing less-on Texas cowpokes or downstate farmers bashing Chicago. None of us should.

Will Smith, we need you.

Frankie Coconuts is a legend in his own mind

Frank “Frankie Coconuts” Coconate at Chicago Avenue and State St./Image Facebook/UNK

“Nobody is doing nothing to stop it. It’s like a wild, wild west in this town, and we need some help” activist Frank Cocanate said.

He shares a growing community sentiment that not only should the Illinois State Police be helping out, but also the National Guard, and he wants the city’s violent crime to be on one leader’s radar in particular.

“…Lawless in this town. We are scared in this town, we need help. We’d love the president to come and see this. Come at night and see what’s going on in this town,” said Cocanate.” (WBBM News Radio 78)

What “growing community sentiment” about sending in the National Guard and State Police to help out is WBBM News Radio talking about? What community are they talking about? The Know-Nothing Community? Or is it the communities in Frank “Frankie Coconuts” Coconate’s head?

We are living in the era of self-proclaimed activists.  Anyone can claim to be an activist and become a media star. There are no credentials, expertise, knowledge, or even proof of activism. If someone says they are an activist, they must be believed. The news media must give them a platform.

Some activists, like many marginalized groups, create an alphabet community. The KNC, Know-Nothing Community, is one such group. Like most alphabet activists in Chicago, they are experts with no expertise. Their activism is equated with expertise by the gullible Chicago news media.

Frank “Frankie Coconuts” Coconate , a political gadfly, publicity hound, and self-admitted associate of organized crime, is one of those KNC “activists.” He is the typical nobody nobody sent, nobody wants, and nobody knows except the news media.

The Chicago news media caters to the whims and whimsy of these “activists,” giving them airtime to express their grievances and, worse, “credibility.” You cannot be one of the alphabet people unless you have grievances and the ability to publicize them.

Frank Coconate showed up at 10 E. Chicago Avenue, the scene of a mass shooting last week. WBBM News Radio 78 gave him a platform to spout his nonsensical bull droppings about violent crime and how to stop it.

Coconate is a typical Know-Nothing. Like many members in the Know-Nothing Community across the city, he demands that Chicago be placed under an “emergency” and that the National Guard be called in to help control/prevent violent crime. Um, someone should tell Frankie Coconuts that is not HOW THINGS WORK.

A note to the less-ons in this city (Lower than morons), the National Guard cannot and will not do anything to curb the rampant violent crime in Chicago. The violence in Chicago is not a major riot, natural, or man-made disaster, which the National Guard is trained for and should be used when needed. Violent criminality is no cause for a “national emergency” or the National Guard.

Coconate wants the State Police to assist the Chicago Police Department. Frankie Coconuts must be living under a palm tree, and one too many coconuts fell on his head. The Illinois State Police have been investigating and making criminal arrests in Chicago. They investigate crimes on the expressways in the city. They have their hands full.

Members of the Know-Nothing Community in Chicago want to see the National Guard patrolling the streets and sincerely believe the guard can help. They parrot it on social media. They are people who do not know HOW THINGS WORK. If it sounds like a great idea, it must be. Geez, these people are the dregs at the bottom of the chromosomal gene pool.

Too many people believe whatever the Know-Nothing Community espouses because the KNC are supposed “activists.”. People like Coconate feed into their ignorance. Coconate’s followers get on social media and demand whatever nonsense people like Frankie Coconuts spews from his soup coolers.

Coconate is a legend in his own mind. Ask him, and he will tell you. Coconate is a former City of Chicago Water Department employee. Evidently, that makes him an expert on violent crime, criminality, policing, National Guard deployments, and “emergencies.” Maybe he should get a job at the public policy think tank run by the Cocos Nucifera Group.

Here is a clue for the Chicago news media. If Frank “Frankie Coconuts” Coconate calls, ignore him. He is not an activist. He does not practice activism. He is ignorant about how things work. He is just another blowhard blowing smoke up your and the public’s arses.