“So we’re not sitting there standing on our hands, waiting for things, but we are engaging these young people and working to make sure they follow the laws, and when they do break the laws, we take strict law enforcement actions,” Brown said. (Chicago Tribune)
“We will not tolerate violence in this city,” the superintendent added. “Too many precious lives are being hurt or taken away because of a sheer disregard for human life, and that is unacceptable.” Chicago Sun-Times)
I cringe every time I hear Chicago Superintendent of Police David “Tex” Brown speak or read his quotes in the news. Brown is an abject failure. He is the worst Superintendent of Police since Jody Weis. Brown has no idea what he is doing. That should scare the bejeezus out of each and every citizen in this city.
We will not tolerate violence in this city? He, the mayor, State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, and most of the Alderpersons have been condoning the violence in Chicago for two years. Precious lives? Where was he when the precious lives of children, toddlers, and infants were lost to violence? Remember when he wanted to reduce homicides to 300 per year? Boy, did that backfire bigley.
Brown is out of his element. His learning curve about Chicago expired long ago. I said it before, and I will repeat it. The city must ban hiring mercenary police executives from other areas. Their only experience is in their own cities and states, and they should stay there. All most do is chase the big bucks and fail. Chicago needs to hire the executive staff from within the department, including the Superintendent.
We are in store for another long hot summer of violence. Brown keeps fumbling, bumbling, and mumbling about his strategies, plans, operations, and deployments. Each and every one failed. Morale in the Chicago Police Department is at an all-time low. The department is extremely short of personnel. Yet, Mayor Lori Lightfoot keeps backing Brown. She, too, is a failure. Public safety is at the bottom of her list of priorities. She has no bully pulpit, no power, and no spine. Most of the alderpersons are useless too. They keep silent.
Chicago is a city out of control. There is not one safe neighborhood in this city. There are no plans, strategies, or anything else to keep the populace safe. There are no plans to keep the tourist and entertainment districts safe. THERE ARE NO PLANS.
Fly by the seat of your pants is not a strategy, especially since “Tex” Brown could not find his a$$ if he were sitting on his hands. Neighborhood groups are hiring private security to patrol their streets. Some uninformed jamokes want the National Guard to be deployed.
Municipal elections are coming up next year. Lightfoot is traveling the country trying to raise money. It appears the local big cash dried up. We need a mayor and alderpersons who make public safety job one. As the saying goes, “Only you can take a bite out of crime.” Do not vote for any politician who does not make public safety their first and foremost priority. They do not deserve to serve us.
Speaking of service, politicians are mere servants, peons, and serfs. They are highly paid- six-figure servants. It is past time to remind them of that. Our boots should be on their necks, not the other way around. Only you can take a bite out of crime- by voting them out.