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Tag: COVID-19

God is not against vaccines

For some strange reason, people are still refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Now that companies are requiring proof of vaccines for their employees and the government is mandating workplace vaccines, freedumb loving people are digging their heels in deeper.

The one way out is religious exemption or accommodation. Large numbers of unvaccinated people are getting that old-time religion. They are shopping for churches they do not attend to give them a written exemption. It is a good bet those preachers of Hell, fire, and brimstone are requesting donations in return for the exemption. 

A Google search shows that there are plenty of sites providing exemption forms. Some sites purport to offer biblical quotes against vaccination as proof the faithful liars are truthful. 

There were no vaccinations in biblical times. As knowledge evolved into science, then medicine, theology accepted the changes. If people are such firm believers, they will ignore all medical procedures, cures, and remedies.

The only remedy they and their preachers are refusing on religious grounds is the COVID-19 vaccine. Talk about heresy. We used to burn heretics at the stake.

So far, In Chicago, there are no preachers or churches publicly advocating against vaccinations or mandates. No one knows what they are doing or telling congregants behind closed doors.

This stubborn, stupid resistance to vaccination is not religious. It is political. Most of the Bible-thumping preachers are more political than religious. They mix their religion with politics. If it were up to them, they would be like the Taliban.

People are refusing to vaccinate because they claim it is their right. OK. They have a right to suffer horribly and die. With rights come responsibility. These anti-vaxxers are irresponsible.

“In rural Hudson, Iowa, Sam Jones has informed his small congregation at Faith Baptist Church that he is willing to provide them with a four-paragraph letter stating that “a Christian has no responsibility to obey any government outside of the scope that has been designated by God.” (Chicago Tribune)

Sam Jones never studied theology or the Bible. It is a good bet his good book is illustrated, and he uses crayons to color the pictures. By the way, what about all the he-in and she-in, he-in and he-in, she-in and she-in, and me-in and me-in those good old-timey religious folks and preachers practice when no one is looking? 

God never said anything about disobeying the government. Neither did Jesus. There is nothing in the New Testament about God’s law trumping civil law.

We are not living thousands of years ago when the first scriptures were laid down. No one can find one biblical reference to vaccines in the Bible because there were no vaccines in antiquity.  

There are very few religions in this country that prohibit vaccinations. The few that do are of the evangelical faith-healing sects. You can find more information here.

There is no scientific correlation between the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccine to the long-term effects of death. There is no religious correlation between the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccine and the eternal condemnation of one’s soul. No true believer will be condemned to Hell for getting vaccinated.

These people do not want to be vaccinated. They will do anything to avoid it, even lying in the name of God.

If you do not want to get vaccinated, you should not be allowed in the workplace. You probably will not be eligible for unemployment. You deserve to be impoverished for your ignorance.

Deputized stool pigeons

Image: PV Bella

As Chief Justice John Roberts noted in his dissent to the court’s 5-4 decision to allow the law to go into effect, at least for now: Texas “essentially delegated enforcement of that prohibition to the populace at large. The desired consequence appears to be to insulate the State from responsibility for implementing and enforcing the regulatory regime. The State defendants argue that they cannot be restrained from enforcing their rules because they do not enforce them in the first place.”  (Chicago Tribune). 

If you thought the unthinkable could not happen, leave it to the bubbas and bubbettes of Bubbaland. “The Great State of Texas” is now the laughingstock of the nation. They passed a piece of legislation that is the biggest legal joke in the country. 

Those wily s**t kicking Texans passed a law the state will not enforce. They will let vigilante mercenary citizens enforce the law. After six weeks of pregnancy, the law allows people to sue anyone they believe participated in an abortion- even the cab driver who took the patient to the clinic. They legislated deputizing mercenary stool pigeons and bounty hunters. If they win, the participant pays up to a $10,000 fine, and the money goes to the stool pigeon.

Like their avian pigeon brethren, stool pigeons leave s**t all over the place. There is another name for stool pigeons, rats.

Image: PV Bella

Instead of making abortion a crime, they made it a tort. Anyone with no standing can sue people for something that harms their fragile beliefs. Soon stool pigeon and rat posses will be ridin out all over the state to claim their reeward. Oh, people will get a fair trial. First, they’re gonna try ya. Then they’re gonna fine ya, turning it over to the stool pigeons and rats—Yippie aye yay cow pattie.

Supposedly Texas is citing “medical science” about fetal heartbeats. It must be from the same textbook of animal husbandry they rely on to curb the spread of pandemics and prescribes livestock dewormers for preventing and curing COVID.

No matter your belief in abortion, this is laughable and dangerous. Both the extremist progressive and far-right groups are looking at this law with glee. They are trying to figure out how to get similar stool pigeon/rat legislation passed to turn us into a divided nation of snitchers while punishing bitchers, comedians, satirists, artists, humorists, opinion writers, or people who disagree with the regime.

They will not only enact wokism, cancel culture, and offending fragile beliefs, but will reward it. This is something where opposing extremist sides can work in bipartisanship since both are equally dangerous.

Those good ole freedumb lovin Texans established the first plank of dictatorship. Gotta tip yer dusty Stetson and kick up yer s**t kickers to em. Hoist a Lone Star and give em a mighty round of applause.

Justice Roberts used a clever word to describe Texas, “regime.” Regimes used and still use laws like this to punish, reeducate or execute those who disagreed with or make fun of their dear leaders. The Russian, Nazi, and Chinese regimes had stool pigeon legislation. North Korea and other brutal regimes have similar laws. Bitchers are turned in by snitchers.

This legal thinking can go down to the local level. Your neighbor sees the mayor’s picture on your dartboard. Boom, they get a reward, and you will be hauled off to indoctrination jail. Your child hears you say disparaging things about the governor and tells their teacher. A posse hired by the teacher’s union will take you away. Do you have an alderman’s picture on your toilet paper? Streets and San will haul you away on garbage pick-up day. They will collect a reward.

There is a reason the social justice warriors want jail populations reduced. They make room for the victims of stool pigeons and rats to be reeducated or punished for their harmful beliefs.

Never think that politicians care about your freedom or the Constitution. They have been trying to “fix” that document since its inception. Texas is just the beginning. As long as this law stands, what stops other states, cities, or the federal government from implementing stool pigeon/rat legislation, creating a new torts class, and “deputized” vigilantes? 

If you think this Texas law is just about abortion, you are thinking wrong. There are all kinds of issues that cannot be outlawed. Yet, like in Texas, they can turn the issues into torts. You can be sued by people who suffer no harm, except to their fragility, and they will be rewarded by the fine. Snowflakes and cupcakes from the far right to the far left will be roving the nation looking for offense.

The City of Chicago is always looking for ways to rob the citizens through fines. It is a good bet the mayor and city council are looking at this cash cow. They will be scheming to figure out a way to keep part of the reward money for themselves. That’s the Chicago Way.

Another Fine Mess Lori

Image: City of Chicago

Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced the City of Chicago would be mandating COVID vaccinations for all city employees. There will be religious and health exemptions on a case-by-case basis. The deadline for vaccinations is October 15th. She said she is in negotiations with municipal employee unions over the implementation. It is not clear how the city will handle unvaccinated employees.

The police unions threaten legal action if the mandates go into while negotiating with City Hall. Other unions issued statements encouraging vaccinations and their concerns about the execution of the mandate. Their concerns are with the consequences. Will the city place employees into no pay status if they refuse vaccinations? They are willing to negotiate the issue.

The city of Chicago has over thirty thousand employees. Like the police, fire, EMTs, and people working in various city agencies, many are in close contact with the public. They are also in close contact with each other. From public safety and public health standpoints, it makes sense to mandate employees be vaccinated.

Contrary to freedumb lovers, vaccinations are safe and effective. If there is a breakthrough infection, the symptoms are not as life-threatening in most cases. It is extremely rare for vaccines to cause serious side effects in healthy people.

Very few religions in America are against vaccinations. Most recognize the vaccines are necessary or do not contain forbidden substances. The ones against vaccinations are freedumb death cults, trying to get as many people to “eternal life” as fast as possible. God-fearing preachers do not lead them. Scam artist heretics do. Even the cherished bible they thump has a passage mandating face covering and distancing to avoid people from spreading disease. (Leviticus 13:45-46)

Keeping people safe and healthy is plain common sense. Most legal experts agree that taking the city to court over the mandate will be futile. The exception may be the consequences of the mandate. The city should be clear about what the ramifications will be for the willingly unvaccinated.  Will they be forced to use vacation time, put on unpaid status, suspended, or fired? This is the issue of concern with most public employee unions.

Once again, Mayor Lightfoot created a mess she cannot get out of. Her administration is a train wreck. She did fine with the mask and distancing mandates, getting vaccinations for us, and keeping the citizens informed about COVID. Her actions drove the numbers down. The current rise is due to irresponsible people.

She let the rest of the city go to hell in a handbasket. Now, she dug herself a deeper hole with the public employee unions. Add to that her failure to curb the violence in Chicago, and she is staring down a single term.

It is a pity, a candidate who carried 49 out of 50 wards is losing the voters’ confidence. She lost the news media and many of the aldermen. She has few friends or even frenemies in politics. Politics is supposed to be the art o making friends, frenemies, and influencing people.

So much potential was wasted because it is more important for Lightfoot to be right than be clear on her objectives.