I wrote this sitting in my favorite saloon. Just my luck, the dreaded bar pest victimized me. The menace kept annoying me no matter how long I ignored him. Geez, you would think he got the hint. Then the SOB bought me a beer. Did he think I would really engage him? I kept trying to ignore him and he kept coming to my table, pestering the s**t out of me.
I have been following the controversies over the World Cup, especially the ones caused by FIFA president Gianni Infantino. I thought American politicians said and did stupid things. But Ingantino takes the Gold Medal for stupidity.
I am kinda sorta conflicted over the controversies swirling around the competition. The players want to express their views over issues on their uniforms, with banners, tee shirts, and other items. Ingantino keeps threatening the teams with penalties and disqualification.
Qatar is a very insulated and religious state. On the one hand, I am a believer in “When in Romeā¦” The teams are guests in Qatar and should respect their host’s laws and social norms. Yet, Qatar has a horrid human rights record on a host of issues. Many of the young competitors disagree with the government’s human rights record and want to express their disagreement in various ways. A few also want to protest their own countries’ abuses. Yet, the FIFA rules prohibit these protests.
Infantino said “I am not African, I am not gay, I am not disabled,” but added “I feel like it” while claiming he knows what it means to be discriminated against because he faced bullying as the son of Italian immigrants with “red hair and freckles” while growing up in Switzerland. He later blurted out: “I feel like a woman too!” (Forbes)

I fault FIFA and Gianni Ignatino for creating this mess and for angering the players and countries taking part in the games. He is trying to be The Great Appeaser to the Qatari government. He is making himself look like a less-on (Lower than a moron), and his organization looks like horses a$$es.

I will enjoy watching the games. I am no longer an American football fan unless I root for any team who plays and beats the Chicago Ken Dolls. Soccer and rugby are way better than professional football, which is as fake as professional wrestling.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the feast, but do not forget to be grateful for what and who you have. Today is Drunksgiving, one of the most liquor-sodden evenings of the year. It is one of the most catastrophic and deadliest days of the year because of drunken driving crashes. Please, if you take part in this madness, do not drink and drive. Take a cab, ride share, or another way to and from the bars and your home. Do not be a statistic or cause one. Do not drink and drive. Make it home safe so you can be grateful on Thanksgiving Day and enjoy the feast and the company of your loved ones..