Today is another beautiful fall day. The weather is mild. The sun is shining, and there is hardly a cloud in the sky. I am sitting in one of my favorite drinking establishments while writing this. There are no bar pests today. Bar pests are people looking to talk to anyone. They talk and never shut the f**k up. You cannot even get a word in edge-wise, like leave me the f**k alone.
There is no conversation about yesterday’s election. No one is celebrating or complaining. It’s as if no one cares who won or lost. I wonder if any of the patrons even voted.
If you did not vote, you have no privilege to complain about elected officials. You are no patriot. Your political opinions are worthless hot air. There are 1,540,821 registered voters in Chicago. Only 628,244 voted. It is pathetic and disgusting that only 40.77% of Chicago voters showed up at the polls. What is wrong with these people?
If someone complains about an elected official or political party, the first thing I ask them is if they voted. If they say no, I cut them off. I do not want to listen to their manic ravings. If they go on, I walk away. People who do not vote are worthless citizens. They are responsible for the election, and worse, the reelection of horrid politicians.
Governor J.B. Pritzker handily beat the deplorable Darren Bailey in the Illinois gubernatorial race, winning a second term. Bailey ran a dirty campaign based on lies and his total ignorance of how government and governance work. Worse, an affiliated PAC ran horrendous ads and sent prevaricating mailers. Bailey may be a good representative for his downstate constituents. He can keep representing them. The man did not lose. He still has a job as a state senator. He is still on the state payroll.
Some Republicans are touting Bailey as a GOP leader in the state senate to fight the governor and the Democrats. Bailey should be nowhere near a leadership position. Besides being an extremist and Christian Nationalist, he would be at constant war with his fellow legislators and the governor. We do not need open warfare in Illinois. It is bad enough both parties in Washington are constantly battling instead of working for the people. They are more concerned with their Twitter following than serving.
Democratic Machine Boss, Toni Preckwinkle, handily won the election. I guess there are still people who believe she is a reformer instead of a typical old-school political machine boss. She is one of the major drivers of criminality, especially violent crime, in Chicago and adjoining suburbs with her control of the courts and the State’s Attorney’s Office. She has the blood on her hands of all the murderers and victims of violent crime in Chicago.
We have the municipal election coming up in April. One would hope more people will vote to send Lori Lightfoot to the unemployment line. Hope died in Chicago. Too many supposed citizens are to apathetic or lazy to vote. No matter how easy they make it with mail-in ballots and early voting, just over 40% of registered Chicago voters turning out is unconscionable.
There were some big winners in this election. They were not candidates. They were the political consultant class and the people who run PACS. No matter who wins or loses elections, they win the big money. They get rich on the backs of the idiot politicians who hire them or agree to let them represent them. They are the only real winners in every election.