Marjorie Taylor Greene (R/Ga) may be in serious hot water. This week the Georgia Congresswoman and conspiracy theory promoter revealed something leaving congressional leaders from both parties and both houses fuming. Greene discovered that Congress has a secret Gazpacho Police. Research on the internet showed there have been unconfirmed rumors of this congressional force swirling around.
The group’s full name is Czernina Gaspacho Gans Schreitender (GGGS). They are a secret force created by the congressional leadership of both parties to spy on the public, members of Congress, the White House, and make secret arrests when warranted. The reason for the foreign name was deniability. If the GGGS was discovered, they would be accused of being extremist foreign spies.
The idea for the GGGS was broached after the election of Donald Trump and far-right and left congress members. Congressional leaders knew the four years would be tumultuous and possibly treasonous. They needed a specialized group to conduct intelligence on various political organizations and their supporters working in or elected to government.
They formed the GGGS. GGGS agents are not part of the Capitol Police Force, nor are they members of federal law enforcement or the intelligence communities. They work directly for and report to the congressional leadership, the House Speaker, the Senate Majority Leader, and the minority leaders of both Houses. The leadership formed a secret committee to administer the GGGS.
Kluski Lane is the Director of the GGGS. Lane is one of the most famous intelligence operatives no one has ever heard of. He is a shadowy man of mystery and intrigue. His only vice is the appetite of a gourmand. Lane will eat anything, especially if there are noodles involved. Lane has been around for decades. He is the go-to guy when things boil over.
Lane picked an old comrade in arms for his number two, Dieter Pekingente. Pekingente was notorious for ducking congressional subpoenas investigating the Alabio -Gate affair. The chief of interrogations is Maiale Sanguinaccio, a veteran of the CIA, FBI, DEA, DIA, and other alphabet federal agencies. It is rumored he is related to the Brooklyn branch of the secretive Scrofa mafia family in Sicily. He personally selects and trains GGGS interrogators.
GGGS agents were carefully selected by Lane and put through a rigorous training regimen at the ultra-secret Area 51. The selection process itself was extremely brutal. It took three years for the GGGS to be fully manned, trained, and equipped. They are equipped with all the latest intelligence-gathering technology, lethal and non-lethal weaponry, including space lasers, and an unlimited off-the-books budget routed through the Bahamas.
The GGGS logo is l’oeil puant itinérant qui ne dort jamais.
GGGS has been very effective this past year. GGGS are interrogating the January 6th insurrectionists, AKA protesters expressing peaceful political discourse. The insurrectionists were moved to a special, sealed-off area in the DC Metropolitan jail after being visited by Greene and other elected officials. Relocating them to Guantanamo was considered and rejected.
It is rumored members of the GGGS went after ANTIFA, especially in the Pacific Northwest. If you noticed, many ANTIFA groups disappeared from protests and other activities. Other far left and right groups are being investigated, infiltrated, interrogated, incarcerated, and discredited including the Proud Boys, Q’anon, Oath Keepers, BLM, Democratic Socialists, and others.
The CIA is under fire by Congress for a secret data collection program of American citizens. The program, developed by the CIA’s Kitchen Works Lab, is being run by the GGGS. GGGS shares information with the CIA and other intelligence agencies when necessary.
GGGS powers are unlimited. They have the power to secretly investigate, arrest, and interrogate members of Congress at the behest of the leadership. Rumors are swirling that Greene is on the top of their list for “special treatment” for exposing their existence. Other extremist members of Congress are also being scrutinized.
For more information on the GGGS, you can find sources here: