Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot, unveiled her plan to renovate Soldier Field. The over 2 billion dollar plan is designed to entice the McCaskey Bears to stay in Chicago. Lightfoot has to be the only person in Chicago who does not know that the McCaskey’s are moving the Bears to Arlington Heights. She is delusional.
The McCaskey’s made up their minds. They hate Chicago. The suburbs were where they were born and bred. They live in the suburbs and exurbs. Their headquarters are in Lake Forest, not Chicago.
The McCaskey’s do not want their team in our city. Worse, they inherited the cheapskate and chiseler gene from their grandfather, Papa Bear George Halas. The McCaskey’s, like Halas, wanted the taxpayers to fund a new stadium.
They will find a way for others to fund most of their new extravagance in Arlington Heights too. The McCaskey’s, like Halas, squeeze a penny so hard that they make Old Abe scream. They will put up as little money as possible for their leafy suburban paradise.
The NFL supports and is ready to approve the Bear’s move. Screw them and Roger Goodell. Chicago does not need the Bears. Let them go and pray they never win another game again.
What we need is to support the Chicago Fire Soccer team. Soccer is a better sport and a real one. Football used to be about “killing the quarterback.” Now, quarterbacks are Ken Dolls as are receivers. They are all pretty boys with no grit or courage. Offensive and defensive linemen are overstuffed Teddy Bears pretending to be ferocious.
Chicago should become a mecca for soccer. It is an elegant sport and way better than watching the boring Bears. The Fire has the potential to become a premiere league in the next few years because its owner is not a cheapskate and chiseler. Soldier Field can become an international soccer destination instead of a tomb for a dying football team owned by a family that hates winning.
Lightfoot is living a fantasy if she thinks the Bears will stay in Chicago. They decided. They will be gone. It will be no great loss. Let the suburbanites have them.
When they move, the Bears will be worth way more money. They will be ripe for a sale and the greedy miserly McCaskey’s may sell, cashing out, to live their suburban/ex-urban Boones Farm dreams.
It is a pity we will still know them as the Chicago Bears. Chicago should not be associated with a team run by a family that hates our city and wants us to pay through the nose for a stadium.
The Bears stopped being the Monsters of the Midway in the late 1980s when the McCaskey’s dismantled their grandfather’s heritage. Their new name should be the Angels of Arlington. They could be the Great Comedian’s messengers, bringing peace and love to a league of charlatans and frauds.
As for Soldier Field, when the soccer season is over, they could hold various championship games like croquet or badminton. You know, honest sports that do not fool the public.