Well, full winter is finally here. Cold, snow, and the temps will drop to arctic degrees. So, as a public service, because I am all about public service, I will drop this message. If you are cold, they are cold. Please do not leave your spouse, partner, bed buddy, main squeeze, side piece, he, she, his, her, they, it or whatever you call them. Bring them indoors.
Friends of mine related bad, terrible, or horrible experiences they had with Uber or Lyft. I have been taking, more Ubers this past year. I only had a few bad experiences. One was partially the driver’s doing, as they got lost, because Uber’s GPS turned off. I have been lucky, as there are four drivers who became regulars if they are near my home. It is almost like having a private car service.
I also use Curb when I need to take a cab. There are some places, like the West Loop and Near West Side, where there are few Ubers and fewer cabs. Sometimes CURB is less expensive than Uber. But the cab drivers have different ways of getting me where I am going. Sometimes they take the really long way. I am never in a hurry. I only have two speeds, slow and stop. They never listen when I tell them the faster way to go. However, their fare is locked in. When they go way off out of the way, they lose two to four times what the fare should have been. Their loss, not my problem.
I always hear, read about, and occasionally experience bad customer service. So, I was surprised at the bank that services my mortgage. I did not get my escrow adjustment refund. The only snag was trying to get a human on the phone. After some frustration, I pressed whatever for something else. Voila, a human. I explained my issue. They did send the check a month earlier. Since it had not been cashed, he canceled it, issued a new one, and said to expect it in two weeks. Three days later, the check was in my mailbox. By the way, this bank was supposedly known for its bad to horrible customer service.
As I write this, I am sitting in a bar, my favorite office away from home. Every Sunday, I have one Bloody Mary before switching to beer. Brittaney, the bartender, makes good ones. Today, she outdid herself, as you can see from the picture below.

The game of fake food ball was on. The Eagles and 49ner Ken Dolls were vying for the phony Super Bowl. I never saw such good choreography outside of a ballet or theater. Geez, they do not even hide the fact the game is one big gazillion-dollar fraud. There are fans in the bar from both sides rooting for their favorite Ken Dolls. What a bunch of backwoods peckerheads. But I hope the Philadelphia Ken Dolls win so they can go to the NFL’s Dancing with the Stars next month.

Last, a bold, brazen crime was committed by the criminals that Superintendent David Brown and Mayor Lori Lightfoot ignore as if they do not exist. Only this time, the victim was the Chicago Police Department. Thieves stole the catalytic converters from five trucks belonging to the Mounted Unit. Their headquarters are at the original stables at the South Shore Cultural Center. With the trucks out of commission, so are most of the Mounted Unit. The horses cannot be deployed until the trucks are repaired. Not even police vehicles are safe in Chicago.
Thank you Mayor Lightfoot, David Brown, Kim Foxx, and Toni Preckwinkle for making Chicago the laughing stock of the nation. I imagine Tex Brown will spew some XXX data porn for the puerile Chicago news media to claim crime is down to historic lows at the Mounted Unit headquarters, like the rest of the lies he tells about crime in this city.
The questions are: How did the thieves get in unseen? Are there cameras in the lot? Was anyone on duty providing site security? Will heads roll? Or will Lightfoot finally realize David Brown should saddle up his nag and ride back to Texas, where he belongs, in a retirement home for mercenaries.
Have a good week. Stay warm, dry, and safe.