First Alderwoman Michelle Smith came up with her solution to stop street robberies in her ward. Handing out whistles to constituents. If they see a robbery, they can blow their whistles. The new adage is. “If you see something blow something.”
Along comes Chicago Police Superintendent David “Tex” Brown with his “solution” to deter catalytic converter thefts, which are plaguing the city. Paint the converters pink. Yeah, that will stop the thieves.
Like all of Brown’s plans, strategies, deployments, schemes, and scams, this new one will be a failure too. Thieves do not care if the converters are painted. Brown evidently does not know the psychology of thievery, like he knows nothing about urban policing.
Between Brown and soon to be former alderwoman Smith, it is hard to determine who is the bigger clown. How can anyone take these people seriously? When is Mayor Lori Lightfoot going to fire this poor excuse for a police superintendent and put someone competent in charge who knows what they are doing?
Vehicles have license plates and VIN numbers. That does not deter thieves from stealing or carjacking them. Most stores have cameras inside and out. They do not deter thefts or looting. CTA El stations, trains, and buses have cameras too. They do not deter crime on public transportation.
Painting catalytic converters will NOT deter the thieves. They will continue to steal them, sell them, to recyclers who will profit from them. No one cares if they are painted pink, or any other color.
The news media in Chicago refuses to lash out at Brown for this ridiculous idea. Of course, they also refuse to criticize or editorialize over his continual failures to keep this city safe. One could wonder what other knuckleheaded ideas are floating around in David Brown’s empty cranial cavity.
David “Tex” Brown failed Chicago. He failed the police department. He failed us, the citizens. He failed the rank-and-file police officers. Brown is the definition of failure.
The news media fails us by not demanding Lightfoot fire him. The alderpersons fail us by not demanding Brown be replaced.
The biggest failures in Chicago are the citizens, who should be up in arms, revolting against the retention of David Brown. We are being victimized and there is no end in sight. Brown can toss all the data and data analytics pornography he wants. It is meaningless drivel. Public safety in Chicago is the ultimate oxymoron. Crimes daily plague every neighborhood. Each and every one of us is a potential victim of crime, especially violent crime.
Any vehicle parked on the street can have its catalytic converter stolen. Painting them will stop nothing. It is a hair-brained scheme and scam. Some car dealerships fell for this con game too, offering to paint the converters. The dealership owners are as dim-witted as the average Chicago voter.
What will Brown’s next failing idea be when all those painted catalytic converters are stolen? Inquiring minds want to know.