“After the recent suicides of three Chicago police officers, the city’s top cop on Monday fended off rising criticism of his policy of routinely canceling days off, insisting the controversial practice is tightly controlled and has been common for decades… He claimed superintendents over the past four decades have made similar staffing decisions.” (Sun-Times/Emphasis Mine)
Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown told one whopper of a lie. A big, bold, beautiful lie. A shining bauble of prevarication.
I spent almost thirty years as a Chicago Police Officer, joining over four decades ago. Canceling days off was a rarity. The Police Department did not cancel days off on the scale that Brown is torturing our police officers and their families. The exception was during the social unrest and riots of the 1960s, over five decades ago.
Yes, during the mass protests, violence, and looting of the past two years, it was necessary to cancel days off. That was then and for short periods of time. But the cancellations week after week are unheard of.
David Brown should either resign or be fired immediately for lying to the news media and the public. We do not need a big, bold, beautiful liar as the Superintendent of police. It is bad enough our politicians lie to us. If the news media believed him without verification, it proves they are useless lap dogs.
I was a Chicago police officer over four decades ago, he was not. He was in that suburban-like city of Dallas. I hear from police officers daily. They are exhausted. They have family issues. A few weeks ago, I was talking to a detective sergeant. He unloaded all the personnel issues he was having. Some nights all his detectives are out on shootings. If another one came in, he would have to handle it. Worse, they are so busy, that they cannot keep up with the cases, which means investigations take longer and are harder to accomplish.
Superintendent David Brown and First Deputy Superintendent, Eric Carter, took a wrecking ball to the Chicago Police Department. They are enabled in razing the department by our out-to-lunch mayor, Lori Lightfoot. The media believes her lies too. They destroyed morale. They are probably the most hated police leaders in the history of the Chicago Police Department.
Mayor Lightfoot is either being played by Brown or does not have the fortitude to fire him. The City Council is useless, as most are silent on Brown’s total incompetence and apathy about his personnel. They are silent on the recent police suicides. They are silent on the justified complaints of officers being overworked and exhausted or the issues with their families. Those police officers are their constituents, yet they do not have a voice in the City Council.
Mayor Lightfoot once bragged she has the biggest d**k in Chicago. It is evident she does not have the b**ls to do what is right for the people and the police department.
The level of lawlessness, as evidenced by the constant crime waves, is unprecedented in over five decades in this city. The city was safer during the Capone era.
Chicago needs immediate change. All we are getting is a steady stream of manure from the city through the pliable and gullible news media. It is a sad state of affairs.
Brown, his executive staff, and all the commanders should have their days off canceled every time officers do. They should be on the streets on their days off handling calls to supplement the troops. They should lead by example. Pigs will fly and hell will freeze over before that happens.