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David Brown’s big bold beautiful lie

“After the recent suicides of three Chicago police officers, the city’s top cop on Monday fended off rising criticism of his policy of routinely canceling days off, insisting the controversial practice is tightly controlled and has been common for decades… He claimed superintendents over the past four decades have made similar staffing decisions.(Sun-Times/Emphasis Mine)

Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown told one whopper of a lie. A big, bold, beautiful lie. A shining bauble of prevarication.

I spent almost thirty years as a Chicago Police Officer, joining over four decades ago. Canceling days off was a rarity. The Police Department did not cancel days off on the scale that Brown is torturing our police officers and their families. The exception was during the social unrest and riots of the 1960s, over five decades ago.

Yes, during the mass protests, violence, and looting of the past two years, it was necessary to cancel days off. That was then and for short periods of time. But the cancellations week after week are unheard of.

David Brown should either resign or be fired immediately for lying to the news media and the public. We do not need a big, bold, beautiful liar as the Superintendent of police. It is bad enough our politicians lie to us. If the news media believed him without verification, it proves they are useless lap dogs.

I was a Chicago police officer over four decades ago, he was not. He was in that suburban-like city of Dallas. I hear from police officers daily. They are exhausted. They have family issues. A few weeks ago, I was talking to a detective sergeant. He unloaded all the personnel issues he was having. Some nights all his detectives are out on shootings. If another one came in, he would have to handle it. Worse, they are so busy, that they cannot keep up with the cases, which means investigations take longer and are harder to accomplish.

Superintendent David Brown and First Deputy Superintendent, Eric Carter, took a wrecking ball to the Chicago Police Department. They are enabled in razing the department by our out-to-lunch mayor, Lori Lightfoot. The media believes her lies too. They destroyed morale. They are probably the most hated police leaders in the history of the Chicago Police Department.

Mayor Lightfoot is either being played by Brown or does not have the fortitude to fire him. The City Council is useless, as most are silent on Brown’s total incompetence and apathy about his personnel. They are silent on the recent police suicides. They are silent on the justified complaints of officers being overworked and exhausted or the issues with their families. Those police officers are their constituents, yet they do not have a voice in the City Council.

Mayor Lightfoot once bragged she has the biggest d**k in Chicago. It is evident she does not have the b**ls to do what is right for the people and the police department.

The level of lawlessness, as evidenced by the constant crime waves, is unprecedented in over five decades in this city. The city was safer during the Capone era.

Chicago needs immediate change. All we are getting is a steady stream of manure from the city through the pliable and gullible news media. It is a sad state of affairs.

Brown, his executive staff, and all the commanders should have their days off canceled every time officers do. They should be on the streets on their days off handling calls to supplement the troops. They should lead by example. Pigs will fly and hell will freeze over before that happens.

John H. White a forgotten legend

Image: Source UNK

“Take pictures with the camera of your heart.”

“I’m faithful to my purpose, my mission, my assignment, my work, my dreams. I stay focused on what I’m doing and what’s important. And I keep in flight—I spread my wings and do it.”

Chicago is a city of hard work and hard-working people, blue and white collar, past and present. Time is money. Money is time. Chicago artists are known for their hard work, prolific output, and search for excellence. The list of legendary artists is long. Some are still producing prodigious output.

I am working on a future photo project. While doing some research, I came across the great Chicago photographer, John H. White.

John H. White is a Chicago journalism legend. He was a United States Marine Corps photographer, receiving many awards for his work, and reaching the rank of sergeant. He started work at the former Chicago Daily News and moved to the Chicago Sun-Times in 1978. In 1973-74, the Environmental Protection Agency asked Mr. White to photograph Chicago’s African American life for its DOCUMERICA project.

Mr. White was selected as one of fifty African American photographers for the book, “Songs of My People,” documenting African American life. Mr. White taught at Northwestern and Columbia College. John H. White received over 300 awards during his long career, including the Pulitzer Prize for Photojournalism in 1982 for consistent excellence in a wide range of topics.

He won three National Headliner Awards, was awarded the Chicago Press Photographer Association Photographer of the Year five times and was the first photographer inducted into the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame. Mr. White also received the Chicago Medal of Merit.

Photography for me is a daily love affair with life; it puts me in touch with the heartbeat of humanity. Through my photographs, I’m able to speak a universal language every human understands, rich or poor, educated or uneducated. My work in photography is like the sun, moon, air, or water—I’m part of everything, and I strive to keep my photography not only on the same page in the lives of others, but also on the same line.” (John H. White/Adorama 42 West)

Mr. White is an artist, teacher, mentor, deeply spiritual man, and one of the nicest people in the news business you will ever meet. I met Mr. White at a photography seminar some years back. We discussed the reportage of violence in Chicago. His lecture was informative, but you could feel there was an element of love in what he was saying. He is a man who truly loves his craft.

After 35 years, the Chicago Sun-Times saw fit to reward John H. White’s career by laying him off with all their other photographers. Chicago journalism started its death knell that day. It is now almost dead as a profession. There are few true journalists and photojournalists left in this city that is starved for true honest and accurate news.

“It was as if they pushed a button and deleted a whole culture of photojournalism,” White says. “I never heard the two words, ‘thank you,’ that day. I never heard that. I didn’t need to hear it, but… it saddens me.”

Mr. White has something missing in too many people, artists, and non-artists alike. Mr. White has a work ethic, faith, and class. They are part and parcel of his moral code.

Another famous photographer, Gordon Parks, described freedom as, “Not allowing anyone to set boundaries, cutting loose the imagination, and then making the new horizons.” 

John H. White had no boundaries and always made new horizons. After a few exhibitions, Mr. White disappeared and is forgotten except by those who know him or remember his work. That is also the Chicago Way. Once you are gone from the picture, you are gone forever. John H. White should not be forgotten.

“I like to think that all of creation had a role in designing this life path for me. I think God had a moment of concern about our hearts and made all these wonderful things. He must have said, ‘How can I get a child in Chicago or Cambodia to see Saratoga Falls,’ so he created photography and gave me the assignment to be a picture taking man… I feel like I’m fulfilling my destiny when I’m out there in the midst of life, the fleeting moments of life, and I see and feel all the elements like light working toward something transcendent.” (John H. White/Adorama 42 West)

Nothing but failure in the Summer of Joy

A group of over 300 “fun-loving” people blocked the intersection of Monroe and Clinton early Sunday morning for a sideshow- watching cars perform donuts. The fun lovers and racers blocked traffic in four directions. When police arrived, they could not get close as participants assaulted them with fireworks. It took over 30 minutes for enough police to arrive to address the issue.

With traffic blocked, emergency vehicles, like Fire and EMTs, could not get through if there was an emergency or fire in the area. People will suffer or die in the name of people having fun. Emergency utility workers will not get through to make repairs or restore service.
Citizen video/CWB Chicago

These street sideshows are becoming a regular occurrence. There does not appear to be a plan or tactic to halt these dangerous races or the traffic congestion they cause. City Hall and the Chicago Police Department are asleep at the wheel, so to speak.

If the police try to break up these events, there is a potential for a mini riot. Of course, the “fun-loving” people will not be blamed. The riot will be called a “police riot”, as the police “caused” it. There will be questions, like why can’t people just go anywhere they want to have fun, even if it is illegal? What right does the police department have to keep people from having illegal fun?

Over the 4th of July weekend, there were three incidents at sideshows where Chicago police officers and an Illinois State Trooper were attacked, their cars damaged, and in one incident fun-lovers shot fireworks and incendiaries at officers.

These illegal sideshows are more proof the city is out of control. City Hall does not care. The mayor proclaimed a “Summer of Joy.” A Summer of Joy the people will have, no matter how dangerous.

If one of these racers loses control of the vehicle and the person hanging out of the passenger window is injured or killed or it strikes onlookers, a tragedy will occur. The mayor will palaver. Superintendent David “Tex” Brown will give a presser, looking suave and debonair in his body suit fitting uniform, citing meaningless statistics.

Activists will demand the city enact Midnight Sideshows and demand the city order large parking lots to “safely” hold them. People deserve to have fun in the “Summer of joy.” Having fun is a civil and human right in Chicago, no matter how dangerous or illegal it is.

Nothing will change. The lawlessness will continue. Numbers will be collected, crunched, manipulated, and spewed by City Hall and the police department like dog treats to a drooling obedient press. Nothing will be done.

Nothing and failure are business as usual in Chicago.

It is past time for change

Image: PV Bella

“But to the people who have been so ignorantly silent let me just tell you….YOU STICK OUT LIKE A SORE THUMB…and honestly I pray for your clarity in life. I don’t care how much money you have or how many lies you have to feed yourself to justify what happened to Danny. I can sleep better at night knowing that I actually am a human being and you have no morals in your life…shame on you… But it sickens me at the same time to know for 100% fact that a so-called “leader” Lori Lightfoot and @Superintendent David Brown have not even acknowledged the fact that my husband literally almost lost his life protecting and serving his community.

His life has changed FOREVER and you both don’t even have the decency or respect to acknowledge that?! Wish I could say I’m not surprised at this point but I was hoping you had some sort of heart.

Normally I could care less with these useless politicians have to say. I won’t even type the name of the true problem in our city (cough cough ) because she’s not even worth my breath! but like I said this is personal and I want answers I want to know why I have not heard one single word about this hero and why you are in the positions you are in if you do not have the full support of the Chicago police department?!?

You have divided and separated and ripped away the city more then ever in the history of Chicago!


There needs to be a change!

This is just the beginning.” (Casey Szaflarski/Facebook)

Casey Szaflarski is the fiancé of Police Officer, Daniel Golden, who was shot in the back on July 9th after breaking up a fight in an Mt. Greenwood Bar. He is paralyzed from the waist down and may never walk again.

Mayor Lightfoot and Superintendent of Police, “Tex” Brown, never acknowledged his act of preserving the peace and protecting others on his day off. They never once referred to Golden as a hero. They never referred to his attackers as cowards.

There is no leadership in the Chicago Police Department. There is no leadership in City Hall. Daniel Golden did something he did not have to do. Golden did it because it was the right thing to do. A coward shot him in the back after he restored the peace. He served the public on his own dime. Yet, he is merely just another victim in this city of scoundrels. He is just another meaningless statistic to “Tex” Brown. Brown will forget about him at the next daily press conference- excuse me, press availability- when he tells his lies. The dutiful press will ask softball questions as City Hall ordered them to.

Casey Szaflarski is not the only family member to scorch the leadership of the Chicago Police Department. The Brother of Officer Patricia Swank, who committed suicide, scorched Brown and the leadership of the Chicago Police Department during his sister’s eulogy.

Brown and his First Deputy Superintendent do not care about their officers. The officers are nothing more than the equivalent of cannon fodder. The dynamic dumb duo does not care about the officers’ emotional or mental health. The police officers are overworked, with days off being canceled on mere whims. Their families are worried and suffering. Brown and Carter do not care about the officers’ families.

We need a change in police executive leadership. Brown should be fired as soon as yesterday. Eric Carter, the First Deputy Superintendent, should be demoted yesterday.

None of that will happen. Our mayor is out to lunch. Most of the City Council is silent. Chicago is a city in chaos. The city is a foundering ship in a sea of incompetence.

Police experts with no expertise

Image: PV Bella

My friend, D.E.S. posted the following on Facebook. He gave me permission to use it. I was a Chicago Police Officer for almost thirty years. I could not have written this better.

“I am a Retired Chicago Police Detective sergeant that has spent most of my adult life working in law enforcement in several most dangerous and violent communities in America.

During that time, I have taken part in countless felony arrests and followed them through to successful prosecution. I have listened to the bagpipes play at more funerals for my fallen comrades than I care to remember. I have completed hundreds of hours of training in every aspect of criminal justice. Including a tremendous amount of training on the justified use of lethal force, as well as taught this in the police department as a training officer.

However, with all of my training and experience, I am not equipped to make a judgment call on the justification of a police action from a few seconds of a cellphone video with no supporting facts.

Fortunately, I have Facebook friends who have never worked in law enforcement in any capacity that are absolute experts on the subject, especially lethal force. With any controversial police activity, they’re able to sit safely behind their smartphone, Starbucks in hand, and conjure all of their enlightened brainpower to pull all the right answers out of their ass. They know exactly what that unenlightened, bigoted police officer should have done in that split-second life or death situation.

Thankfully, the Chicago police department is very short-handed and can use your help! Head on down to your local Police District and fill out an application. Please make sure to put me down as a reference, because I can vouch for your unbelievable wealth of knowledge and expertise about all things law enforcement.”

More Summer of Joy

Image: PV Bella

Man in custody after climbing into CTA Blue Line train conductor’s seat at Cicero stop, CPD says. Suspect climbed through open window, CPD says. (ABC Chicago)

You know we live in a city of crisis due to all the violence, especially carjackings. But, when a person attempts to EL-jack a CTA train, it proves this city is out of control and on a path to self-destruction.

Last night, a man jumped through the window of a CTA Blue Line El car at 700 S. Cicero. The operator powered down and secured the train before escaping with the keys. The man could not move the train. Police captured him nearby.

Another gleeful incident in Mayor Lightfoot’s Summer of Joy. The question is, What if? What if the operator just fled in fear without securing the train? What if the offender could move the train? What if, because of his lack of knowledge, he derailed or crashed the train? What if there was a tragedy, people were severely injured or loss of life?

The bigger what-if question is, will thrill-seeking copycat criminals attempt to El-jack trains or bus-jack buses just for the joyriding thrill of it? Do not think it cannot or will not happen.

We saw last week how thrill-seekers started mini-street racing riots. So, what is to stop thrill-seekers from hijacking an El train or bus? Nothing. Nothing stops robberies or other violent crimes on CTA platforms and trains, despite all the cameras.

Street robberies, shootings, mass shootings, and murders are the norm in Chicago. Now, we must fear being hijacked on public transportation.

While the city is in crisis, Mayor Lightfoot is touting all the Summer of Joy bread and circuses in the city. She is off on a junket with her family and some staff to Europe to hype Chicago as a joyful economy and a gleeful place for business and tourism.

Some neighborhood organizations hired private security agencies to patrol their business and entertainment areas because of crime. That is something that would be unheard of in the near past.

This article shows just how bad Chicago really is- New 2021 Chicago data shows 400,000 high-priority incidents where dispatchers had no police available to send – Wirepoints. During 2021 The Office of Emergency Management received 780,000 high-priority calls. 52% of those calls had no police available. Chicago police handled over 1,000,000 911 dispatched calls for service per year between 2019 and 2021. 60% were high priority.

If the police cannot handle high-priority assignments in a timely fashion, the public is not safe. Something is terribly wrong and that something is on the fifth floor of City Hall and the Office of the Superintendent of Police, David “Tex” Brown.

The leadership in this city is asleep at the wheel and more tragedies are waiting to happen. There is no level of competence or leadership. Few Chicago elected officials in this City of inept scoundrels are voicing concern and demanding better or a total reset.

The tame news media only reports the problems. Unlike, in the past, when the news media cared, there are no scorching editorials demanding better. The Chicago news media is just as irresponsible as the elected officials and their appointments.

Happy Summer of Joy and Bon Voyage Lori. Have a wonderful time. We wish you were here.

Darren Bailey has foot in mouth disease

(WBBM NEWSRADIO) – GOP Candidate for Illinois Governor Darren Bailey is calling for a special session of the legislature to deal with gun violence, and blaming the Pritzker administration for not preventing Highland Park Parade attack.

Oh brother, is Darren Bailey one of the dumbest politicians in Illinois? Bailey is so stupid, he makes morons and less-ons look like members of Mensa. How could the Pritzker administration prevent the Highland Park tragedy or any other violent crime? No elected official, not even tootin rootin shootin, Bible thumpin Darren Bailey could prevent these crimes. Maybe his solution is to pray these crimes away.

Notice he offered nothing about how he, and he alone, as governor, could stop a mass tragedy or any other violent crimes. Bailey is all hat and no cattle, a bloviating gas bag.

Then he said lawmakers should meet in a special session to discuss anti-violence measures and mental health programs.

“We must do whatever it takes to address the breakdown in mental health, particularly among isolated young men, which was made immeasurably worse during Pritzker’s lockdown,” said Bailey.

Someone should tell Bailey that we tried supposed violence prevention programs going back over four decades. They never seemed to work out in the long run. As for mental health programs, people must seek help, ask for it, and want it. We cannot force people to take part in mental health programs unless a court orders it. Bailey really is that dumb.

Darren Bailey knows nothing about anything. Oh, and what did the lockdown have to do with tragedies or any other violence? Does he believe this “loner” would be out socializing with his peers? Bailey does not realize isolation is a choice. It may be based on mental health problems, but it is still a choice. Does Baley know the definition of loner? Does he even have access to a dictionary?

Darren Bailey is detached from reality. If you look up, know-nothing in the dictionary, Darren Bailey would be the first definition. Bailey offers no solutions to issues and supposed issues, except the ones floating around in his empty cranium. His website is full of typical populist horse droppings. There is no substance because Bailey is not a human of substance.

“It’s time to eliminate unnecessary FOID cards that stand in the way of your God-given constitutional right to defend yourself and your family.” 

Darren Bailey wants to “Void the FOID,” the Firearms Owner Identification program, which conducts background checks and issues or denies Firearm Owners Identification cards, a picture ID. He is selling tee shorts on his website advocating the ban. Like most government programs, FOID is not perfect, but it works well enough.

There are no “God given” rights in the U.S. Constitution. Morally flawed mostly irreligious men created the Constitution and the rights in that document. It is apparent the only history book Bailey “read” was a coloring book.

Darren Bailey is heading into the woodchipper in November. To put it into religious terms, the only concept he understands, Bailey is the Illinois GOP’s sacrificial lamb. The party elites may cringe when he opens his pie hole or puts out press releases, but he is the candidate. They will sacrifice him to fight another day. It will not be the first time a political party threw a sacrifice on the fire and won’t be the last.

J.B. Pritzker may not be the best governor Illinois ever had. He is head and shoulders above the last four worst governors. Two went to prison. The other two could not govern or play well with the state legislature. Illinois’s problems and issues go back decades. It will take a decade or more to fix them. There is no Lord and Savior from on high or one of His servants, with a pocket full of miracles.

Lightfoot’s three-card monte game

Mayor Lori Lightfoot should consider renaming Soldier Field to raise money and “explore the feasibility” of enclosing the stadium with a dome or roof, a panel she appointed to study Chicago’s museum campus recommended. (Chicago Tribune)

What a load of bull droppings. When Chicago mayors form task forces, committees, or commissions to explore or investigate issues, the mayors tell the committees or commissions the result they want. Their job is to justify the mayors’ decisions. Someone should give the Chicago news media a class in Chicago political history. Those committees and commissions are nothing more than window dressing.

Lightfoot wanted her task force to reimagine the Museum Campus and lakefront for year-round tourism and “activation-“ whatever that means. One of their recommendations is to sell the naming rights to Soldier Field. They built the stadium as a war memorial. Hence the name, Soldier Field. Maybe in our woke age it is inappropriate to memorialize those who served and died.

There was some drivel about attracting a Superbowl. What nonsense. Soldier Field, aside from not having a dome, does not have the NFL-required capacity for a Superbowl played by cute Ken dolls.

Lightfoot is delusional if she thinks the Bears will stay if the stadium is reimagined. The Cheapskate, chiseler, and miserly McCaskey’s made up their minds. The Bears are leaving. Good. Don’t let the door kick them in the a$$ on the way out.

 Now, the mayor is traveling to London and Paris to tout Chicago’s “thriving” business sector. While the city is in crisis with rampant violence, she is leaving on a junket. Our tax dollars at work. We are facing another weekend of violence, murders, and possible racing riots. Her inept clueless Superintendent of Police, David “Tex” Brown will fail us again.

The mayor okayed a NASCAR race on city streets for 2023. Oh, how exciting. With all the potholes the city cannot repair or keep up on, this will be a fascinating disaster to watch. I just cannot wait to watch NASCAR racers hit one of those monster potholes, lose control, and cause a multi-car crash, with one or more going midair.

Mayor Lightfoot is doing what a long line of mayors did whenever Chicago was in crisis, offer bread and circuses, then leave the city or the country, running away from the crises they created.

Lightfoot is a major disappointment, and she gets more disappointing daily. The Chicago news media fails to call out her shortcomings, afraid she will head-butt them in the knees. They just keep lauding her Mayorship like she is a historical, political messiah. They are true believers in the Gospel of Lori.

City Hall is a wasteland of uselessness. There are few alderpersons who will speak out about the issues and crises facing our city. It is a pity the voters elected a bunch of cowards and quislings to represent them.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot conned us. She pulled a brilliant scam to get elected. Hopefully, we, the voters, will not fall for her three-card monte game again. Chicago needs leadership, not bread and circuses and a traveling mayor in a time of crisis.

Darren Bailey is a delusional liar

Following the shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, on Monday, Republican state Sen. Darren Bailey said that it was time to “move on” and “celebrate.” “…let’s pray for justice to prevail, and then let’s move on and let’s celebrate the independence of this nation.” “…get corruption and evil out of our government,” before going on to call for the celebration to continue…”Bless us and protect us as we go about our day celebrating the most amazing country,” Bailey said. (WBBM Radio Chicago)

If politicians have nothing intelligent to say, they should say nothing at all. Darren Bailey has nothing intelligent to say. Geez, where is Will Smith when we need him? If he showed up every time Bailey said something stupid, Bailey would be hospitalized and Smith headed to prison for aggravated battery on a mope.

Later, in the day, the Bailey campaign released a statement walking back Bailey’s earlier comments. “I apologize if in any way we diminished the pain being felt across our state today. I am heartbroken by today’s tragic events and the pain and loss felt by so many. My intent was to pray for the victims and those affected by today’s tragedy and for the shooter to be caught and prosecuted without further loss.”

He added that he hopes “we can all come together in prayer and action to address rampant crime and mental health [sic] issues to make sure these horrific tragedies don’t happen again.”

There is a word for people of supposed faith who say one thing, retract, and say something else, liar. Darren Bailey is a liar. Bailey is a delusional liar. He thinks he can thump his Bible three times and wave his magic wand of Evangelical Christianity and save Illinois. Maybe he will raise voters from the dead for his next trick. And what exactly are prayer and action?

Bailey, who is staunchly pro-pro life, recently said he is rethinking his position. Another lie. People like him do not think. They believe. He will never change his position. We should despise flip-flop politicians.

Darren Bailey is refusing to release his tax returns. He is not compelled to, but every gubernatorial candidate going back decades released their tax returns. Darren Bailey is the exception because he believes he is exceptional. The Lord chose him, and the chosen can do or not do what they want. What does he have to fear? What does he have to hide?

Bailey believes he has the solution for Chicago’s rampant violent crime problem. He will not tell us what it is. It is not on his website. The solution is nowhere to be found. It is another lie. He has no solution because he knows nothing about urban affairs or urban crime. He knows nothing at all.

The only political evil in Illinois is Darren Bailey and his ilk in Springfield. Until he ran for governor, Bailey was a complete unknown in most of the state. He got his fifteen minutes of fame when he sued over the mask mandate. He partially won. The mask rule did not apply to him. He became special.

Bailey believed his fame from the lawsuit qualified him to be governor. He is now officially a legend in his own mind. In November, when the voters send him back to Xenia, he can brag, “I was somebody,” like a punch-drunk boxer.

The only good thing about Darren Bailey is the comedic relief he provides every time he flaps his soup coolers. Since stand-up comedy is a truly American genre, Bailey, a true red, white, and blue lovin, flag wavin, gun totin, “Merican, can pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. We’ve had Christian rock and metal music for a while. Maybe it is time for Christian comedy, as impossible as that sounds.