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Shakespeare in Chicago

Image: PV Bella

“If I did this, then it means I stuck my fist in the fears of Black Americans in this country for over 400 years, and the fears of the LGBT community,” he said. “Your honor, I respect you, and I respect the jury, but I did not do this. And I am not suicidal, and if anything happens to me when I go in there, I did not do it to myself.” (Jussie Smollett)

I have seen a lot of courtroom drama during my time as a police officer. Usually, the dramatists are the attorneys arguing their cases.

Jussie Smollett’s soliloquy after he was sentenced was one of the most incredible performances I ever saw in a Chicago courtroom. It is worthy of a Jeff Award.

Smollett is the Thespian of Chicago. His performance was dramatically charged. His oration was precise and emotional. He timed his rising anger perfectly, yelling louder as bailiffs led him to the holding area.

Jussie Smollett could partner with his Chicago patroness, Kim Foxx, another accomplished emotional, dramatic writer, orator, and thespian. They could write a Chicago Way Shakespearean tragedy.

Jussie must do something during his incarceration. The play would have a cast of backstabbers, charlatans, frauds, friends, allies, enemies, frenemies, traitors, connivers, avengers, retributionists, mobs, and fools. You know, the gamut of Chicago politics.

The plot could revolve around justice, injustice, retribution, revenge, greed, life, death, conspiracies, mob justice, race, misogyny, LGBQT+ issues, power, power struggles, and the Chicago Way.

The nice thing is many of the cast can play themselves.

  • Jussie Smollett as Prince Jamlet
  • The Tuna Sub Sandwich as itself
  • Kim Foxx as Grandis Accusator Vulpes
  • Rahm Emanuel as Arbius Truncus
  • Lori Lightfoot Imperatrix Maximus Virgam
  • Toni Preckwinkle as Summum Princeps Maximus
  • The Osundario brothers as Otello and Moro
  • Chicago Police Officers as Urbs Legio
  • Chicago Police Detectives as Legio Inquisitores
  • Chicago News Media as Equos Asininus
  • Citizens of Chicago (The chorus) as Stultus Suffragi

After two years of the pandemic, Chicago deserves good theatrical entertainment. Maybe the Goodman or Steppenwolf would be an appropriate venue for the production.

The play opens on one of the coldest days of the year. The main character, Prince Jamlet, braves the below-zero weather in the wee hours of the morning to get a tuna sub sandwich. As he returns, fighting the arctic temperatures, polar bears, and Innuits, he is attacked by two men wearing MAGA hats. They call him racial and homophobic slurs. They punch and push him around. They douse Jamlet with bleach and place a crude noose around his neck. The Stultus Suffragii sings the opening song, a, maybe the theme from Rocky.

All the while, Jamlet holds on to that tuna sandwich for dear life. When the duo flees, Jamlet composes himself and walks the rest of the way home in the Arctic cold, with a death grip on the tuna sandwich and the noose around his neck.

While waiting for the police, Prince Jamlet delivers a soliloquy to the tuna sandwich, as he holds it aloft, as violins softly play in the background.

“Alas, poor Sandwich! I knew them, Otello and Moro, fellows of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; they hath provided illicit substances for me a thousand times…”

When the tale of woe came out, it shocked the world. The Legio Inquisitores were sent throughout the land to find those who committed this heinous deed. Soon, they found the culprit. It was none other than Prince Jamlet himself.

Former Caesar Arbius Truncus was furious. His Inquisitores spent days investigating only to discover the crime was a hoax. Otello and Moro were paid by Jamlet to do this. They turned on him to save themselves.

Grandis Accusator Vulpes at first approved charges against Jamlet. Then, after the intervention of Jamlet’s family and influential political and Hollywood royalty, she refused to prosecute Jamlet.

Caesar Arbious Truncus was infuriated. He wanted heads to roll. He needed them to create a new game called bowling. The orchestra plays “Anger of the Gods.”

Grandis Accusator Vulpes defended herself in dramatic soliloquies, citing truth, justice, and the Chicago Way. She claimed she did nothing wrong and performed well within the rules of the Chicago Way.

Time wore on. Jamlet was free. Caesar Arbius Truncus leaves the stage. Imperatrix Maximus Virgam enters.

Accusator Vulpes is tossed to the side and replaced by a Speciale Accusator. Summum Princeps Maximus was infuriated that a jurist would override Accusator Vulpes and appoint a special prosecutor. She used her massive powers in a failed attempt to keep the honest judge from being reelected. She is conspiring to go after the enemies of Accusator Vulpes. She will do all in her power to crush them.

Jamlet is finally tried, convicted, and sentenced. Justice is served. Jamlet is removed from the courtroom after giving his soliloquy. (The orchestra and the Stultus Suffragii sing a triumphant song.)

Accusator Vulpes is infuriated. She pens a dramatic piece to be scribed and delivered throughout the land, criticizing the whole process and the sentencing.

The play ends with Prince Jamlet sitting alone in his gaol cell. He bitterly clings to a rolled-up hand towel for dear life, pretending it is a tuna sandwich. He delivers another soliloquy, holding the sandwich aloft.

“Alas, Tuna Sandwich. Otello and Moro are traitors. I am innocent. I did not do this. I am innocent. I am not suicidal. I am not suicidal. If anything happens to me, I am not suicidal.”

Chicago’s Humanitarian Heroes

We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
                                         We can be Heroes
(Heroes/David Bowie)

All heroes do not wear capes or uniforms. Some wear chef coats.

There is no greater love than feeding people. Cooking and sharing food with people are acts of love. Cooks love to feed people. It is that simple.

One of my heroes is world-renowned chef Jose Andres. He started World Central Kitchen to feed people facing natural and human disasters. Within days, he was on the ground with his people setting up food distribution. At the Polish border with Ukraine, he worked with partner restaurants, community kitchens, and numerous volunteers to provide sustenance to refugees fleeing Ukraine.

Jose Andres is feeding people and sharing love. Jose Andres is a stellar example of harnassing the power of humanity.

In Chicago, another hero emerged. Chef Tony Priolo, the owner of Piccolo Sogno, one of this city’s most renowned Italian Restaurants, reached out to fellow owners and chefs to hold a chef-driven fundraising drive to raise money for Ukraine, donating the proceeds to World Central Kitchen. Priolo was deeply affected by the refugee crisis and Jose Andres’ efforts.

Within a short time, many replied, and Navy Pier was secured to hold the event, named, Chicago Cooks for Ukraine. 70 chefs will cook for 1000 people on March 16th. The list of chefs is a Who’s Who of culinary award winners. The event is being sponsored by Lifeway Foods. Other food purveyors are endorsing the event. They are a Who’s Who of Chicago businesses.

General admission tickets are $150.00. VIP tickets are $500.00. Sponsorship tickets range in price from $5000.00-$50,000. The sponsorships have various perks.

What is happening in Ukraine is heartbreaking. Well over a million refugees fled Putin’s terror war. Poland stepped in to assist. Other nations are providing necessities to the refugees.

We should be proud that Chicago food entities are stepping up to do something. Jose Andres did a wonderful thing when he established World Central Kitchen. Now, Chicago chefs and businesses are raising money for a great cause.

There are some good people in this city of scoundrels. People who not only empathize and sympathize but take action. The restaurant and food community banded together to raise humanitarian aid for people who suffered unimaginable horrors. They suffered the terrors of war. They uprooted their lives to leave their country, many walking on foot. They are dependent on the largesse of others.

Here is the article about Tony Priolo’s efforts. You may want to patronize some of the restaurants or other businesses stepping up to help Ukraine.

Justice for Jussie is done

“How can an individual who’s been embraced by the city of Chicago turn around and slap everyone in this city in the face by making these false claims?” (Former Chicago Police Superintendent, Eddie Johnson/WGN)

Several years ago, I was having coffee with detectives in their office. There was a thick file on the desk. I thought it might be some high-profile murder case. The sergeant told me it was the Chris Farley Death Investigation file. A comedian on SNL, Farley died of a cocaine and morphine overdose in his Michigan Avenue apartment. I had seen thinner files on major murder cases.

The brass did not want another John Belushi event when the news media, especially the tabloids, were digging up information and publishing it for the hungry, drooling, rubes, and bark chewers who inhabit this country.

Every time a piece about Farley came out, detectives were assigned to buy the paper or magazine, investigate the reportage, and submit a report. The file was so thick due to the contents of the various publications.

This brings us to Jussie Smollett, AKA Maximus Mendax. The Chicago Police Department took the case very seriously, even if at the beginning the case stunk to high heaven. Can you imagine the reporting officers calling in to check the whereabouts of Kanye West? (A proclaimed Trump/MAGA supporter at the time)

As the story spread throughout the media world and Smollett’s story quickly fell apart, the department continued to investigate, with detectives and police officers working overtime.

Kim Foxx stepped in and essentially dropped the charges as a favor to her Hollywood pals, a political powerhouse attorney, and the Smollett family. Foxx refuses to prosecute most people for felonies, lest their families are harmed for the actions of the felons.

Today Smollett faced his punishment.

“At the conclusion of a three-year firestorm of allegations he faked a hate crime attack on himself, Jussie Smollett was sentenced to 30 months of probation on Thursday for his conviction in the hoax — and he must spend the first 150 days of the sentence in Cook County Jail.” (Chicago Tribune)

Smollett’s hoax not only wasted police resources. It severely damaged the LGBQT+ community, people of color, celebrities, and others who may report hate crimes with unusual circumstances. Law enforcement may spend more resources than necessary to ensure claims of hate crimes are not a hoax.

No matter how severe or lenient, whatever penalty he received will not repair his damage to hate crime victims and investigations. Kim Foxx should be in for the severest and harshest criticism for refusing to prosecute Smollett. She showed her disdain for hate crime hoaxes.

As seen in the video above, Smollett delivered an award-winning performance stating over and over he is not suicidal. Does he think he is Jeffery Epstein?

Smollett does not deserve to live in our city. When he is released from jail, he should be shunned wherever he goes. Smollett should be humiliated to the point he leaves town for good. It is a pity we cannot legally deport him.

Smollett is now a convicted felon. There are a host of things he can no longer do. His reputation is in tatters. He brought this on himself and deserves whatever adverse consequences come his way. This sentence is an example to others who may want to perpetrate a hate crime hoax. The sentence is not retribution, as Smollett’s family and supporters claim. It is justice.

Kim Foxx claimed she will address her actions on this case after it is over. Well, it is done. I fully expect an Academy Award winning performance with some stand-up comedy thrown in for good measure.

Nomen Ludus

Deities of Ancient Rome/Artist UNK/Creative Commons /Digital Enhancement PV Bella

Chicago politicians are treated like ancient Roman deities. They are revered, worshipped, and more importantly, feared.

I do not understand why people idolize politicians. Idolizing a politician is like believing a stripper or prostitute loves you. Living in Chicago, I realized why the Great Comedian only let Noah only put animals on the ark.

In Chicago, there are too few politicians to idolize or admire. Most are deserving of disrespect and derision. They give low-lives a good name. Some elected officials provide entertainment and comedic relief when they are not plundering our pockets with taxes or grabbing graft.

Our politicians are also noted for their colorful hyperbole. Mayor Lori Lightfoot topped the cake when she remarked about her d**k size.

It is not just politicians who deserve derision. The Superintendent of Police and First deputy Superintendent are the best comedy team in town. They are running the Chicago Police Department like the Keystone Cops.

Getting angry over how this city is being run into the ground is futile since the voters have pea-sized brains. They keep electing and reelecting these people. There is only one thing to do, poke fun at them.

Chicago politicians and other notables are known for their colorful nicknames like our former outfit characters. There were Hinky Dink, Bathhouse, Gray Wolves, The Undertaker, Fast Eddy, and Big Bill, to name a few.

Columnist John Kass took things to a more academic level by using Latin nicknames. First, it was Commodious Maximus for Governor Pritzker. He recently named Mayor Lori Lightfoot Phallus Maximus due to her bragging about her d**k size.

The mayor and governor are not the only ones who deserve Latin appellations. Others in this Ventosus Urbs should have Latin nicknames. A few more than one.

So, let’s play the Nomen Ludus, The Name Game.

Populus Chicago Quiritium, amicique et cives mei, benigne me attenteque audiatis.*

Mike Madigan

  • Holoserica Malleus/Velvet Hammer
  • Torva Serpens/Grim Creeper
  • Crypta Custos/Crypt Keeper
  • Inclementia Caesar/Merciless Emperor

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle:

  • Machina Bulla/Machine Boss
  • Magnus Maculus/Big Stick
  • Tace Malum Maga/Silent Evil Magician

Chief Judge Tim Evans

  • Dominus Ito Per/Mr. Go Along

State’s Attorney Kim Foxx

  • Minima I Adsignatos/Mini Me Minion

Regina de Mortum/Queen of Death

Alderwoman Michele Smith

  • Aureum Sibilus Ceraula/Golden Whistle Blower

Alderman Ed Burke

  • Maximus Thunnus/Big Tuna

Superintendent of Police David Brown

  • Bovis Puer/Cowboy

First Deputy Superintendent of Police Eric Carter

  • Equus Asinus/Horse’s A**

Alderman James Gardiner

  • Vitiosus Canis/Vicious Dog

Alderman Patrick Thompson**

  • Maximus Corripio Manus/Big Stealing Hands

Alderman Scott Waguespack

  • Dominus Mundus/Mister Clean

Alderman James Cappleman

  • Dominus Scire Nihil/Mister Know Nothing

The Feds

  • MaximusCurrus Legio/Big Chariot Legion

Last but not least, Chicagoans

  • Stolidus Cives Vet/Stupid Citizen Voters

*People of Chicago citizens, and my friends and fellow citizens, listen to me kindly and attentively.

**Thompson resigned due to his indictment for financial crimes.

Chicago’s biggest and best

Image: Grubhub

“At #BarTucci Homemade Italian Food, we are a FAMILY made up of Italian-Americans, Asian-Americans, African-Americans, Latino-Americans, but most importantly a FAMILY made up of just plain old great HUMAN BEINGS.

The BarTucci Family and #BarTucciGivesBack have always led by example to help strengthen our community and culture.

But sometimes, you just need to put it on the table…?

This weekend’s dinner special was brought to you by the Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, and her vulgar comments towards Italian Americans.

???????? ???????: “The Lori Lightfoot” ?

FREE 9″ Italian Sausage braised in white wine, garlic, and bay leaves with proof that you liked, shared, or commented on this post.

????? ????????? ??? ????-?? ???? (Bar Tucci/Facebook)

It was only a matter of time. When the story about Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s claim to have the “biggest d**k in Chicago, our creatives in the food world rose to the challenge, as you can see from the above Facebook post.

Others are joining the fray.

Lloyds Westside Maxwell St. Polish offers the Lightfootlong, a twelve-inch Polish sandwich with grilled onions.

Putanesca Bakery is offering a pastry swap with longer cannoli they created. “Leave a strap-on. Take the cannoli.”

Disco Danny’s, a South Side retro 70’s bar and restaurant offers Lori’s Long Dong for stuffing down the front of those retro tight-fitting disco pants. to “impress” the ladies.

Kluski Lane, a concept restaurant and sex toy shop, is offering the Lightfootski, a dinner of kielbasa, the length of your choice served with indyk kulki over noodles.

Krapisski’s Deli has several hanging and swinging smoked and cured Priapus brand sausages in various lengths and girths. They are sold by the inch instead of the pound.

Chisicle Freeze offers the Lorisicle, “The Biggest Popsicle in Chicago.” Their proprietary process. It melts slower and lasts longer.

Southwest Side Chi-Tex Tamales offers the Pie Ligero, a foot-long tamale with chorizo sheathed in their signature tubular wrapper. They are sold frozen by the half dozen for pick up at their drive-through in the rear entry of the factory.

 Goose Island Beef, a manufacturer of proprietary wieners for others, offers The Best Biggest Wiener in Chicago, fourteen inches, sheathed in a natural casing. They partnered with Bum-Bun bakery, which made buns to stick the wieners in. You can order both by the dozen for pick-up at their factory store.

Beanie Weenies, the smallest hot dog stand in Chicago, offers the ten-inch Lori Hot Dong on a sesame seed bun, dragged through the garden. The sandwich comes with a side of their famous baked beans .

Hinky Dinks, an Irish restaurant, and bar, offers a longer version of their Irish breakfast sausages, Lori’s Biggest Bangers. They are only sold at breakfast with toast or the full Irish breakfast. They will not be sold on Sundays.

Jilly’s Best Beef offers the Biggest Lori Combo, their famous Italian beef sandwich with a footlong house-made Italian sausage nestled in their artisan bread, topped with sweet and hot. It is only sold dipped.

Tommy Salami, Chicago’s Salami King, created specially shaped large hard salamis. They are hanging prominently in his store.

Simco’s Hungarian Deli created a nine-inch smoked paprika sausage called the Long Dong Lori. It is available while quantities last.

Schwanz Sausage Shop and Deli offers a unique selection of smoked and cured sausages in various lengths and shapes, all sheathed in natural casings called  Licht Fuß. Being up to the challenge, they will give you bragging rights to own the biggest sausage in Chicago, hard or semi-soft in their natural casings. Call to order in the length you desire. There is a two-week wait.

As late spring through early fall brings street fests, one of the corn dog producers will be providing a foot-long dog on a stick. It is called Lori’s Biggest Stick. Festival vendors already have orders in. It comes with a dipping sauce.

A few delis and sausage makers are partnering to build a sausage-shaped food truck, the biggest Sausagemobile in the country, to put Chicago on the map. They plan to sell the biggest wieners and sausages in Chicago. All sausage sandwiches will be named after Chicago politicians, with Lori Lightfoot having the biggest sausage. Their first planned stop will be outside City Hall.

Lori Lightfoot’s size boast drove a spate of creativity in our food creatives to make size matter. So get out there, Chicago, and stuff your maw with big sausages, wieners, and other tubular delights, gag reflex be damned.

Ya gotta have a sense of humor to survive in Chicago, with all the politicians and others sticking it to us and wet their big, bigger, or biggest d**ks.

It is not a crime unless…

Image: PV Bella

Her name is Nyzireya Moore. She is dead. She was twelve years old. She was shot in the head on Tuesday while sitting in the passenger seat of a car. Three men were firing guns at another car, the Chicago Spray and Pray Way. Nyzireya Moore is another innocent child victim of Chicago’s unrelenting violence.

While Mayor Lightfoot brags about the size of her d**k, no one is speaking for the dead. Nyzireya Moore will be one more forgotten child murdered on Chicago’s streets. Lightfoot paralyzed the Chicago Police Department. Kim Foxx is a joke as a prosecutor. Chicago Machine Boss Toni Preckwinkle’s “progressive” policies literally kill people. Preckwinkle and Foxx care more about the welfare of criminals and their families than the lives of children or the general public.

Lightfoot and Foxx are masters of emotional oration, defending themselves against critics. They put award-winning thespians to shame. Yet, not once have they displayed emotion over the murder of innocent children. Not once have they shed a tear over the murder of children.

The citizens of this city are mute too. There should be constant mass protests demanding change. All we hear about is guns, inanimate objects, killing people. Humans are not responsible or held accountable. There are other inanimate “objects” killing people in Chicago. The misguided, ill-informed, and ridiculous policies implemented, executed, doubled, and tripled down by Lightfoot, Preckwinkle, and Foxx. They celebrate their failures as successes.

Even mediocre leaders know you change course when things do not work. The grand experiment failed. The proof is in the death toll.

The news media, AKA the City Hall/County Building PR Firm, is also culpable. They are failing us by their silence over the violence. They keep hyping the failures of our politicians. They tout themselves as watchdogs. Watchdogs are supposed to bark and bite. Chicago news media are toy lap dogs, begging for treats, ear scratches, and belly rubs. It is disgraceful.

Chicago is a city of scoundrels. They are in City Hall, the County Building, the Editorial Boards, and the general population. The silence over murders and other violent crimes in this city is deafening.

While people in this city are rightfully protesting the Russian atrocity in Ukraine and showing their solidarity, they are deathly silent on the daily atrocities terrorizing all our neighborhoods. They are silent on the death of children. They have no solidarity with each other. Lives do not matter in Chicago.

No one cares about murder and violence until it happens to them or a member of their family. Murder and violence are like oxygen. No one discusses or cares about oxygen until someone’s hands are squeezing their throat.

If you want to see what is driving violence in this city, just look in the mirror. Your silence on murders, especially child murders, is consent on steroids.

So good fellow citizens, stay silent and keep consenting to murder. But please do one thing for yourselves. Pray you or your children are not murder victims. Pray that you or your family members are not murder victims. Remember, it is not a crime if it does not happen to you or yours.

The Godmother

“You make some kind of secret agreement with Italians. … You are out there stroking your d—- over the Columbus statue, I am trying to keep Chicago police officers from being shot and you are trying to get them shot,” Lightfoot said, according to the complaint. “My d— is bigger than yours and the Italians, I have the biggest d— in Chicago.” (Mayor Lori Lightfoot/Chicago Tribune)

Chicago mayors are known for their colorful, quotable language. In the long list of mayoral quotes, Mayor Lori Lightfoot tops them all. Past Chicago mayors never bragged about the size of their d**ks. Lightfoot’s comment begs the question, are her balls as big as the bat?

This will go down as the best quote from a Chicago mayor. She sounds like a gangster. The original OG Mayor.

She went full OG on a Chicago Park District lawyer who is now filing a lawsuit against her. The conversation was over allowing Italian Americans to use a Christopher Columbus statue in a Columbus Day Parade and negotiations for keeping one of the statues in a near-west side park.

If you substitute Blacks or Hispanics for Italians, there would be howls and protests, maybe even a fresh round of rioting. Lightfoot sounds like the government tapes that recorded the late crime boss, John Gotti. Will she now imitate Italians by grabbing her crotch, saying, “I got your ____ right here!”

Since da mahr went full OG, she needs a theme song. Maybe one of our local rappers can come up with the “Theme from the Godmother” with some symphonic touches. How about an artist doing a Godmother picture ala The Godfather, with Lightfoot sitting behind a desk, stroking a cat? The best cat in Chicago.

I heard a lot of d**k jokes and size claims during my life. I never heard an elected official make those jokes or comparisons. I heard a lot of ridiculous or even scandalous things elected officials said. None of them mentioned genitalia.

Lightfoot’s claims about her caring for police officers getting shot are bogus. Lightfoot does not care about Chicago Police Officers. She threw Chicago Police Officers under the bus early in her administration. The bus ran over them when Lightfoot hired David “Tex” Brown as Superintendent of Police. She continues to run them over forward and backward.

The city is out of control. Criminals rule the streets. Lightfoot insults Italians. Who is next? The Poles, Irish, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, or other ethnic groups? Not even Rahm Emanuel, known for his creative vulgarity, would get caught in a contest over who has a bigger d**k or the biggest d**k in Chicago.

Lightfoot responded to the allegation claiming she holds no animus toward the Italian community. Yet, Italian men are looking down, wondering how a female Black gay mayor could claim to have a bigger d**k than them. Other men from various ethnicities and races are doing the same, wondering how she could have the biggest d**k in Chicago. Even some of the male aldermen are looking down and wondering.

Hey, John Kass, we have the March Moutza, Lori Lightfoot, with her bigger and biggest d**k in Chicago. You just cannot make this stuff up.

Happy Birthday Chicago

Today is the anniversary of Chicago’s incorporation as a city in 1837. In honor of this day, I am republishing this piece.

Ode to the Voice of Chicago.

Congenital mutant muppets who come to Chicago from someplace else, speaking the King’s English, think and posit the Chicago accent is the worst in the country. They forget we kicked the King’s ass out of America and his oh-so-proper Brit Twit language.

The Chicago accent is a voice.

It is a strong voice.

It is a proud voice.

It is the voice of all the immigrants and races who settled here.

It is the voice of the neighborhoods.

It is the voice of the streets, sidewalks, streets, stoops, playgrounds, athletic fields, and stadiums.

It is the voice of the cigar chompers.

It is the voice of the factory workers.

It is the voice of the blue-collar workers, laborers, ditch diggers, hod carriers, and other tradespeople.

It is the voice of the cops, firefighters, and paramedics.

It is the voice of the neighborhood saloon, bar, pub, tavern.

It is the voice of shot and beer drinkers.

It is the voice of mayors and aldermen.

It is the voice of the people working hard to survive.

It is the voice of the steel mills.

It is the voice of the small grocers, bakers, hot dog vendors, deli owners, and butchers.

It is the voice of the afternoon and midnight shifts.

It is the voice of the cab driver.

It is the voice of the smelt fishermen.

It is the voice of the bleacher bums.

It is the voice of sixteen-inch softball players.

It is the voice of the horseshoe pits.

It is the voice of our grandfathers and fathers.

It is the voice of the horseplayers, craps players, poker players, and other gamblers.

It is the voice of people with callouses on their hands and dirt under their nails.

It is the voice of the tired, who toil to earn a meager living.

It is the voice celebrated in Chicago literature by Nelson Algren, James T. Farrell, and Saul Bellow.

It is the voice of artists and musicians.

It is the voice of professionals who grew up in this city.

It is the voice of the voiceless.

It is the immigrant voice- “The door open please, so out go I.”

The Chicago accent is not just one voice.

It is the voice of many.

It is a chorus, rich and melodic.

It is Chicaga, the frunch room, the stoop, cuz, da, dees, dem, doz, dat, dere, udder.

It is words like wanna, hafta, woncha, gotta, gonna, outta.

It is ged, goin, gimme, didja, couldya wouldja, canya, tellya, sez, and scrooten.

It is aks, gid, and wit.

It is teefs, hoors, yoots.

It adds an s to the pronouns and titles like yous, Field’s, and Jewel’s.

It is the sout side and nort side or souf side and norf side.

It is da old neighborhood.

There are goofs, mooks, mamelukes, chumbalones, jamokes, and Mickey da Mopes.

There are sanguiches, samiches, and strimps.

It is pop, not soda.

It is the icebox, not the refrigerator.

It is the voice of dat guy. You know dat guy. Not dat guy, the udder guy, da guy dat does doz tings. Da guy who never has to be aksed to do sumptin for udder people.

The Chicago voice is us.

Thou shalt not insult the voice of the people of Chicago. Do so at your peril. Our voices will rise against ya. We will strike back atcha cuz dat’s what we gotta do.

By the way, Chicago dialect is the voice of a Columbia-educated Harvard Law School graduate who became a United States president, Barrack Obama.

Case fucking closed.

Pigs flew and Hell froze over

(AP Photo/Seth Perlman)
Digitally enhanced by PV Bella

Now, we suddenly seeing a dozen or more
Sailing in the clear blue sky
The time has come when pigs fly
Yeah, it’s a beautiful thing
                                           When pigs fly
(Michael Ford / Sandra Boynton)

An adynaton is a way of expressing something that will never happen. There are exceptions to everything. And two of the most common adynatons occurred on the same day. Pigs flew. Hell froze over.

Democratic warlord and ruler Mike “the Crypt Keeper” Madigan was indicted by the Feds with  22 counts of alleged crimes. The indictment alleges Madigan participated in an array of bribery and extortion schemes from 2011 to 2019 aimed at using the power of his office for personal gain.

“In his written statement Wednesday, Madigan said he never engaged in any criminal activity and that prosecutors were “attempting to criminalize” legal political actions such as job recommendations.” (Chicago Tribune)

Does Madigan’s statement sound familiar? Former governor and ex-felon Rod Blagojevich used the same defense when indicted and convicted for similar offenses. Blagojevich received a 14-year prison. Blago served 8 years until his sentence was commuted by former President Donald Trump.

Until his resignation last year, Madigan held office in Springfield since 1971. He was also the longest-serving Speaker of a legislature in the nation. Madigan was the most powerful politician in Illinois. He was the de facto governor. It made no difference which party held the governorship. Madigan ruled Illinois, his congressional district, and the 13th Ward with a “velvet hammer.”

Mike Madigan was described as the “Khan of Madiganistan” by columnist John Kass. A khan is a ruler who either, through power or threats, makes alliances with others or ruthlessly destroys them to become the omnipotent leader.

It appears Mike Madigan committed a political mortal sin. He violated the 11th Commandment, “Thou shalt not get caught.” Madigan is now in the same position as another long-time powerful Chicago politician, Alderman Ed “the Big Tuna” Burke. If convicted and sentenced, they could be cellmates in federal prison. They could compare notes on how they vanquished their enemies or about the schemes and shenanigans they committed to hold power and enrich themselves

It used to be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for an ultra-powerful Illinois or Chicago politician to enter the kingdom of the Feds. Now, two of the most powerful await their fate.

Except for his family and some of his subjects, no one is shedding any tears over Madigan’s indictment. There is no empathy or sympathy. For many in Chicago and Illinois, the feeling is it took too long to nail him. There is only a sigh of relief. Finally, we are free of Madigan’s merciless cold iron death grip.

The mighty khan fell. Madigan’s throne crumbled. His fiefdom, Madiganistan, is in ashes. He is just another geezer awaiting his fate.

For the ill-informed, the Holy Feds do not seek indicts of people like Madigan or Burke unless they know there is a higher than 50% chance they will prevail at trial. If the stories about the investigations into Madigan and Burke are accurate, including wiretaps and cooperators, the Feds have way more than they need.

Pigs get fat. Hogs get slaughtered. Image: PV Bella

The Terrible Twins are toast. It is better to stick to the smaller stuff in corrupt Chicago politics. The saying is, “Pigs get fat. Hogs get slaughtered.” Madigan will get slaughtered then roasted over the slow spit of a federal trial. Instead of the stench of corruption, there will be the aroma of low and slow cooking porcine.

What will you do Chicago

Image: PV Bella

I Martius am!  Once first, and now the third!
  To lead the Year was my appointed place;
A mortal dispossessed me by a word,
  And set there Janus with the double face.
Hence I make war on all the human race;
  I shake the cities with my hurricanes;
I flood the rivers and their banks efface,
  And drown the farms and hamlets with my rains.
 (Poet’s Calendar/Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

March is named for Mars, the Roman God of war. It is the month spring begins.

Military campaigns resumed in March. On March 1st, we witnessed the Ukraine Spring, a nation rising to fight and die for its independence and freedom against Russia.

Russia is making an unprovoked war on Ukraine. Russia is shaking cities with her bombs missiles. Russia is flooding Ukraine with her tanks and artillery. Russia is trying to drown Ukraine by raining unconscionable terror in Ukraine.

The situation in Ukraine is heartbreaking. Civilians are arming themselves and fighting for their freedom. Over 600,000 people fled the country. Children say goodbye to their fathers, not knowing if they will see them again. The Ukrainian people are fighting and dying to stay free.

Watching this horror unfold over the past few days, witnessing the bravery of ordinary citizens willing to die for their freedom, I cannot believe that freedumb lovers in this country fought COVID mandates, masks, and vaccinations for two years. I can’t believe that freedumb loving elected officials fought so hard against common-sense precautions. As WC Fields said, “Common sense, the sense horses have that keeps them from betting on humans.” Freedumb lovers have no common sense. They have no sense at all.

Those same freedumb lovers celebrate the end of the mandates, as COVID abates. They are claiming victory over their senselessness, ignorance, and foolishness.

If these people were in Ukraine, they would be cowering, some weeping while clinging to their firearms like Teddy Bears. Many would be running for their lives to seek freedumb instead of standing tall for freedom.

Less-ons (Lower than morons) fight for freedumb, a ridiculous battle against inconvenience. It is more important for freedumb lovers to be right than intelligent.

In Chicago, people are expressing solidarity with Ukraine. Hundreds showed up at a demonstration on Sunday in the Ukrainian Village neighborhood. People on social media post Ukrainian flags, express dismay, and share news pieces about the conflict.

These same people from all walks of life, races, and ethnicities are silent on Chicago’s bloodshed, violence, and terror. Hundreds do not show up anywhere to demonstrate their anger at our city and county governments endorsing and enabling terror.

Spring is Nigh. Warm weather is on the way. So is the yearly spring offensive by our violent criminals. There will be more bloodshed and terror on our streets. Like the past two years, little will be done to curb the terror or hold violent criminals accountable.

Criminals know there will be no mass resistance against their terrorism. They know they will be released back to the streets to commit more violence and terror. If you deface the Bean, you will be held on a high bond. Violent criminals are caught and released on low or no bail. Many are put on the failing electronic monitoring system.

Today is March 1st, the start of Spring. Will Chicagoans suffer through another season of terror? Or, will they wake up from their apathetic somnolence to demand elected officials do their jobs to keep the public safe?

Or, will they sit back in apathy, fretting, showing outrage, and protesting about issues in other places? The unprovoked terrorism afflicting Ukraine is horrible. All we can do is condemn it. The terrorism in our city is awful. We can do something- act out and act up to curb it.

The choice is yours. Sit on your couch or at your desk kvetch about Ukraine or other issues in the country or world. Or,  get up off your lazy, apathetic asses and do something about the terror here in Chicago.

Ukrainians are fighting for their lives and their freedom. Will Chicago fight for their safety?

What will you do?