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Peter V. Bella Posts

Happy Thanksgiving

Image: PV Bella

“What I love about Thanksgiving is that it’s purely about getting together with friends or family and enjoying food. It’s really for everybody, and it doesn’t matter where you’re from.” (Chef Daniel Humm)

The Thanksgiving feast debate going on for over a month was finally settled. There was no debate over the “traditional” dressing, sides, potatoes, or cranberry sauce. The discussion, as in past years, was over turkey. It appears I am the only one who likes turkey. Ham was also out, as that may be the center of the Christmas feast.

I tried to compromise with boned-out turkey thighs stuffed or cooked paillard style- pounded thin and topped with shaved vegetables. That was voted down. I can understand the anti-turkey faction. Over the decades, we cooked turkey in every way conceivable. It gets boring and is more work than we want to do. There is the problem of two or three days of leftovers. Also, due to the supply chain issues, prices are higher, and turkey is about one-third waste- the bones.

This year’s choice is tri-tip roasts, two, enough to feed the small gathering of picky eaters. There will be roasted vegetables, beet greens salad, dressing- a must, sweet potatoes, and other sides. I will make the roasts and garnish them with jus and mushrooms. I may make an Italian salsa verde to accompany the roasts.

Tri-tip/Image: PV Bella

The roasts were ordered ahead and picked up. The final shopping is finished. I love shopping as much as cooking. It is where I get inspiration and make last-minute adjustments if something catches my eye.

I get nostalgic this time of year. I remember the family celebrations with my parents and extended family. There was turkey, dressing, ham, various sides, maybe a pan of lasagna or ravioli. The meal ended with a bowl of oranges, grapes, nuts, and fennel. Then, coffee and dessert were served. Christmas Day was a similar feast.

I remember the look on my parent’s faces as they spent the day putting the feast together. They were looks of joy. They were happiest watching everyone eating. It looked like so much work, but they made it look effortless. I share their passion for feeding people. I, too, am an effortless cook. Sometimes I enjoy the process more than eating the meal.

Thanksgiving is unlike any other holiday. It has no religious or patriotic connotations. It is one day when the feast is the star. It is a day we share the love by cooking to feed family and friends. It is a day set aside to celebrate gratitude.

We live in troubled times with real or contrived issues swirling around us. Sometimes it appears there is more anger and angst than joy in our lives. We forget all we have to be grateful for. Setting aside one day to celebrate gratitude. It is a quaint concept.

Maybe tomorrow, when we gather, we can leave the tumult outside, not allowing the outside world into our homes. Gather with your family and friends, enjoy the feast, share the love, and be grateful for all you have, especially the people sitting at your table.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Another attempt to free Larry Hoover

Larry Hoover/Image: Essence

Gangster Disciple gang leader Larry Hoover, 70, has been in prison since 1973. He was sentenced to 150-200 years in the Illinois prison system for murder. While in state prison, Hoover created the Folks faction of gangs, uniting many local Black, Hispanic, and the few White gangs left in Chicago under the banner. This created more opportunities for drug distribution and eliminated the violence competition causes.

In 1997, after an almost two-decade-long investigation, Hoover was convicted by the federal government for running his gang from Illinois prisons and running a 100 million dollar a year multi-state drug operation, something most in local law enforcement already knew. He was sentenced to six life sentences in prison. He was transferred to the ADX Florence supermax prison in Colorado.

The Gangster Disciples were not just a Chicago street gang. They were a super gang, a multi-state criminal enterprise specializing in narcotics, violence, extortion, and murder. They were responsible for the massive social and human destruction drugs, and drug sales caused.

There have been attempts to have Hoover released on parole for over a decade or his sentences commuted. While in state prison, he ordered his minions to change the gang’s name to Growth and Development, a supposed social, community, and political organization. This was a ploy to change the public’s perception of him. It was an attempt to get a grant of parole or commutation.

A new attempt to get Hoover out of prison was launched by Drake and Ye, formerly known as Kanye West. They announced a benefit concert at the LA Coliseum titled “Free Larry Hoover.” “The historic” concert will “raise awareness and support for Larry Hoover and the cause of prison and sentencing reform, according to the venues event page.” (Pitchfork)

Larry Hoover will never be released from prison. Even if his federal sentence is commuted, he must still serve out the rest of his 150–200-year state sentence. He is being credited by some for all the supposed good he did in and out of prison. It is all nonsense. The so-called community efforts were a sham and cover for his gang’s criminal activities. Al Capone, the last celebrity gangster, was a do-gooder too.

As a police officer, I witnessed some of the human and social destruction caused by Larry Hoover’s gang and the factions he created. It made the lives of impoverished and working poor even harder. Many young people’s lives were ruined by using the drugs his gang sold. Other young people went to prison for selling his drugs and committing other crimes, including murder under his flag.

Larry Hoover does not deserve a commutation(s), parole, mercy, or leniency. He is responsible directly and indirectly for violence, murder, and running a continuing violent criminal enterprise.

Hoover does not deserve the celebrity treatment and status he is being given. He is a career criminal and crime boss who perpetrated evil in our city and other places on a grand scale.

Problem? Problem solved

Image: PV Bella

Across this country, there are people who want someone killed. Cheating spouses, disgruntled employees, bad bosses, horrid neighbors, maybe revenge for someone killing a family member or friend, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, and or making the body disappear.

Most people do not have the fortitude, skills, or means to do the nasty work. They do not know anyone with the means and skill set to commit murder most foul, not get caught, and most important, not implicate them.

Well, like anything in this modern tech world, there is a solution. RentaHitman, “Your Point and Click Solution since 1920.”

“Since 1920,  Rent-A-Hitman has assisted satisfied clients from all walks of life ranging from regular citizens (children & adults) to government employees and even political figures.”

Rent-A-Hitman has seen it all and knows just how to handle your delicate situation precisely in a timely manner “while maintaining 100% compliance with HIPPA (Hitman Information Privacy & Protection Act of 1964) Guaranteed!”

Yes, folks, now you have an internet solution to eliminate your pesky problem. RentaHitman has a global reputation with customer service and industry awards. Gino Fanelli and his family run the site. They claim they have run the business since 1920, went online in 2005, and provided services to the public and private sectors. They tout themselves as a global crisis management firm located in Monroe County, Michigan.

The site makes it easy to hire a hitman. You fill out a service request form on the site, providing your personal and contact information. Then you fill out the Target Information section. If they accept your application, they select one of their 17,985 field operatives to get the dirty deed done.

RentaHitman is on the surface web not, the Dark Web. Pretty cool, huh. Murder is just a click away—the Amazon of murder.

Gino Fanelli is a person named Bob Innes, who lives in California. According to the Washington Post, Innes started the site in 2005. His 17,985 field operatives are the approximate number of law enforcement agencies in the United States. All serious inquiries are forwarded to law enforcement. Almost 700 people contacted him, and 400 filled out the application.

“I really didn’t think that people were gonna be that stupid. Boy, did they show me,” he says. (Rolling Stone)

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Innes said:

“It was initially redesigned to just be so over-the-top fake, nobody could be that stupid to fill out this Web form and expect to contact a hitman. I wanted to make this Web site so glaringly obvious to the normal user that this is a parody…I wanted to make it obvious to law enforcement that, hey, this is not a real website. Yet people have gone to the Web site and solicited to have other people murdered.”

Even with news stories about the site, Innes still gets inquiries. “I don’t get it,” Innes told The Washington Post. “People are just stupid.”

Yes, Mr. and Mrs. America, if you ever doubted the stupidity of your fellow Americans, the proof is people contacting RentaHitman.

How low can they go

 “What race is Ernie is Bert? You are insane PBS and we should stop funding you…” (Matt Schlapp, Chairman of The American Conservative Political Action Committee/Twitter)

“Look, it’s not just the fact that they are trying to bring race into Ernie and Bert, which — I grew up watching, I’m older than you, but I grew up watching. And it wasn’t ever about race, it was about learning lessons and learning to read and learning tolerance. And they want to inject race.” (Matt Schlapp, Chairman of The American Conservative Political Action Committee/Emphasis mine)

The above photograph is an apt depiction of Matt Schlapp and Senator Ted Cruz for their ridiculous attacks on Sesame Street.

Sesame Street is introducing a new character, Ji-Young, a Korean American, on Thanksgiving Day to “Celebrate the diversity of the Asian and Pacific Islander communities.” The character is described as “rocking out on her electric guitar and skateboarding.” She is pretty much a typical American kid living in an imagined typical American diverse urban neighborhood.

In the realm of, you gotta be f**king kidding me, CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp attacked Sesame Street and demanded PBS be defunded. The reason for his brutal attack? The introduction of the Asian-American character to the cast. It is evident Schlapp does not know the definition of the word tolerance. Maybe he should ask his Cuban American wife, Mercedes.

Earlier this month, freedumb loving Cuban Canadian American, Senator Ted Cruz- Cancun Cruz- tweeted that Sesame Street was “government propaganda for your… 5-year-old” after Big Bird announced he received the COVID vaccine.

Sesame Street is targeted as Public Enemy Number One for doing what they have been doing for over fifty years, providing educational entertainment for children and adults.

The freedumb loving Schlapp doubled down attacking Big Bird. “It’s not just that,” he added, “We also have Big Bird touting the vaccine, stuff that you never really saw Sesame Street get into.” (Mediaite) Mediate pointed out that several years ago, Big Bird promoted the measles vaccine.

CPAC then tweeted that Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie were not invited to the CPAC 2022 Kindergarten Jamboree. It’s not like the characters would want to be invited to or attend a competing puppet show.

Attacking puppets is ridiculous. Schlapp and Cruz revel in outrageous behavior. It appears their only function is to amuse while trying to destroy. How can any sane, intelligent person take this duo seriously?

Sesame Street sometimes brings up difficult topics, telling stories in compelling ways that parents and children can relate to and discuss. This is nothing new. What is wrong with an all-American Korean American character or Big Bird touting vaccines for children during a lingering pandemic?

With all the problems in this country, these two buffoons pick on a children’s educational television show. CPAC is an extreme right-wing clown academy with Schlapp as its ringmaster. It is apparent Cruz is their summa cum laude graduate and valedictorian.

Matt Schlapp is not an elected official, so his “we” should stop funding PBS holds no water. He has no power to do anything. PBS has real power. They have people power, the millions of people who tune in every day for their programming. Those millions of people go by another name, voters.

Public figures like Schlapp makes one wonder if the Know-Nothings are returning from the grave. Are the nativists walking among us? When will this Know-Nothing nativist divorce his Cuban American wife, Mercedes, to prove he is a true, red, white, and blue ‘Merican?

We already know the Cuban Canadian American Cruz is a publicity prostitute. He will turn a cheap trick for any publicity he can garner. To guys like Cruz, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Keeping your bearded mug in the news is always a positive.

Matt Schlapp and Ted Cruz are devoid of decency, civility, and honor. Instead of putting forth civil, intelligent criticism, they act like snarling junkyard dogs. They are smart enough to know their fake anger is red meat for the ignorant who walk among us. That is the limit of their intelligence.

The Rittenhouse trial is a nothing burger

Image: PV Bella

The numbers in Chicago year to date:
• 719 people shot and killed
• 3385 people shot and wounded
• 4104 total people shot
• 764 total homicides (As of this morning/HeyJackass!)

Those are the numbers. Dry, hard, cold numbers. Those are people, human beings. People who suffered wounds, death, grief, and mourning. Families whose lives were shattered. The numbers go on day after day, violence, death, and bloodshed.

Every neighborhood in Chicago is experiencing violent crimes. Nowhere and no one is safe in this city. There is the looting of high-end stores on the Gold Coast, stealing tens of thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from each. Stores are looted in some of the neighborhoods. There are daily armed carjackings, terrorizing people.

As the daily violence goes on, the city is supposedly preparing for the outcome of the insignificant Kyle Rittenhouse trial in Wisconsin. This headline from the Chicago Tribune proclaims, “Kyle Rittenhouse case goes to jury in Kenosha as polarized nation awaits verdict.”

How does the Chicago Tribune know the nation awaits this verdict? Did they send reporters across the country to interview people? Did they make phone calls to thousands or millions of people? Did they even stop for a minute to check if their mothers really loved them just because they told them so?

I do not get it. I do not give a rat’s rear end about the Rittenhouse trial. The incident happened someplace else. Where are our local media’s hormonal panting headlines and extensive compelling coverage of the murder and mayhem occurring daily in Chicago?

Where are editorials and columns about the violence and the innocent victims? Where is the media outrage over children- toddlers and infants- being shot? What makes the Rittenhouse trial worthy of tabloid-style reporting ala the National Enquirer?

There are murder trials every day in Chicago, and they get little gripping coverage, with headlines- “A city awaits the verdict…” All we get from our local news media is crickets.

Why should Chicago await a verdict in a trial that has nothing to do with Chicago? It Is a trial in Wisconsin. There is nothing special about it. It is being sensationalized for one reason, money, kachingos. The news companies want those clicks and viewers to drive ad revenue. They use propaganda- they call it a narrative- to get people to watch or click on their articles.

Where is the tabloid-like headlines and reporting of the violence and bloodshed here? Why are our local news media, editorial boards, and columnists dead silent on the daily violence?

If Chicagoans care about an insignificant trial in Wisconsin more than they do about the murder and mayhem at home, then we have a real problem in this city. Why? Because these are the same people who vote for the incompetent elected officials who are doing little to curb the violence. They vote for the mayor, alderpersons, State’s Attorney, Cook County Board President, Sheriff, and judges. These are the people who control the criminal justice system and are responsible for public safety.

We see the results of those votes in the numbers of dead and wounded people. We see the results of their votes in the lives shattered by violence. We see the results of those votes in the lives of people living in fear.

If you care more about a trial in Wisconsin than violent crime in your hometown or neighborhood, then you are part of the problem. We deserve better from our local news media and elected officials. It is past time to hold their feet to the fire and demand better.

The Bishops Mausoleum

Image: UNK

“The cold limestone edifice of the Bishop’s Mausoleum stands on a bluff overlooking Mount Carmel Cemetery in Hillside. A bronze statue of the angel Gabriel sits atop blowing a trumpet, and if you could stand next to him, you would look out on the Chicago skyline.” (Chicago Tribune)

On Sunday, the Chicago Archdiocese opened the Bishops Mausoleum to the public to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Cardinal Bernardin’s death. The mausoleum is on a hill overlooking the Mr. Carmel Cemetery in Hillside, Illinois.

The first Archbishop of Chicago, Patrick Feehan, conceived the idea for the museum as a burial place for Archdiocesan bishops. He died in 1902. His successor, Archbishop James Quigley, commissioned the mausoleum. The mausoleum was constructed between 1905-1912. 

The mausoleum was designed by architect William Brinkmann in the Romanesque style on the outside with a domed Romanesque Classical chapel inside.  The roof is a pyramid shape with a sculpture of the Angel Gabriel blowing his horn.

Aristide Leonori, a renowned religious architect, designed the interior. Leonori relied on marble and mosaics to give the chapel a Roman look. He referenced Celtic, Nordic and Slavic saints in the design, reflecting the archdiocese’s many ethnic groups.

The chapel includes an altar, religious murals, clerestory windows, and crypts flanking each side of the altar. There are also Papal and US Flags.

“The clergy buried in the mausoleum are: Bishop William Quarter, the first bishop of Chicago; Bishop James Duggan, the fourth bishop of Chicago; Archbishop Patrick Feehan; Archbishop James Quigley; Archbishop William O’Brien, auxiliary bishop of Chicago who was the first Catholic bishop in the United States not to head a diocese to be named an archbishop; Cardinal Samuel Stritch, the fourth archbishop of Chicago; and Cardinal John Cody, sixth archbishop of Chicago.” (Archdiocese of Chicago News Release)

Cardinal Bernardin requested to be buried next to Cardinal Cody, as his philosophy was to the left of Cody.


Image: PV Bella

Some of us native-born Chicagoans have a language all our own. I wrote two pieces on this a while ago. You can read them here and here.

I thought I would translate some of these Chicagoisms.

Canoodle means a couple being seen having a PDA moment, cuddling, and kissing. It is used by a long-time society Chicago columnist.

Boodle is graft or bribes

Boondoggle(s)- civic projects- that have no real purpose or value, usually the result of graft to benefit contractors.

The most popular member of the Chicago Blackhawks– The one guy who always gets applause when he comes on the ice is the Zamboni operator.

What a deuce, fin, saw, double saw, half a century, and a century is- 2 dollars, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, 20 dollars, 50 dollars, 100 dollars.

Buying a hat, pen, pencil, or tie are terms of bribery.

The Whome tribe is an indigenous group of Chicagoans known for one phrase when they are called, especially when they are called by name, Who Me? They dispersed all over the city.

Real Chicagoans know the difference between a sandwich, sanguich, and samich. A sandwich is just some meat between two slices of that squishy nasty sandwich bread AKA American bread. A sanguich is a meal between two slices of good crusty Italian or French-style bread. A classic submarine or Italian beef are examples of sanguciches. A sammich is the African American version of a sanguich.

A stoop is the front porch or front stairs where Chicagoans sit and socialize. The original stoop was the door sill before steps and porches came along.

The frunch room is an east European pronunciation of the front room or living room. Other Chicagoans picked it up.

Why do you never ever put ketchup on a Chicago hot dog? The original hot dogs were developed by Eastern European sausage makers. They had distinctive spice blends. Ketchup, because of its sweetness, would cover the taste of the spices. There is one exception to this taboo. Those grocery store hot dogs made by that company with that long yellow vehicle and that song- “I wish I was an…wiener” Those crappy dogs need all the help they can get.

The two busiest days at Jim’s Original, when it was on Maxwell Street, were Easter and Mother’s Day.

A listen sandwich is a pig ear sandwich usually found in some African American BBQ places.

A bucket of blood is a drinking establishment known for bloody violence.

Round Chicago pizza is cut into small squares is also called tavern pizza. It was developed by the wives of Italian bar owners to feed and keep people in the bars later in the night. The squares made the pizzas easier to eat. Many of the bars turned into pizzerias.

Trunk music is not extra-large bass throbbing speakers in a car trunk. The Chicago Outfit used to put bodies of their associates or other victims in the trunks of their cars. The cars were parked where they could be found.

Teef(s), hoor(s), yoot(s)– A teef is a thief or teeth. Hoor is a whore/ prostitute. Yoot is a youth. The terms were mostly used by old-school police officers.

A mouse is a black eye. It is believed the term came from boxing sports journalists.

Boats are shoes. “Nice boats man.”

Confinement was a term used to transport a woman in labor to the hospital- confinement- by the police or fire departments.

Goo Goo is a pejorative meaning good-government types. It is what corrupt Chicago politicians called reformers.

Ward heelers are people who do various tasks for aldermen and committeemen, usually precinct captains and their assistants.

A bagman is a person who collects bribes and delivers them. They could be city employees or other trusted people.

“I was away at college.” This was a phrase members and associates of organized crime used to refer to being away in prison. It is believed to evolve from the high-ranking member of the Chicago Outfit, Murray “the Camel” Humphreys. When he was sent to prison it was reported he said he might study some algebra and geometry.

Musings from the coffee shop

Image: PV Bella

“You do not understand. This is a clean and pleasant cafe. It is well lighted. The light is very good and also, now, there are shadows of the leaves.” (A Clean Well-lighted Place/Ernest Hemingway/Scribner’s Magazine)

I need places to go outside my home. They need to be pleasant. Weather permitting, I am out and about enjoying the open spaces in my neighborhood, the two large parks, and the quaint Giddings Plaza. Sometimes I write in these places, sipping carryout coffee. Now that the weather is getting cold, it is time to move indoors, but I still need to leave my home. My solution is coffee shops or the public library.

There are two independent coffee shops in my neighborhood. One is around the corner from my home, where I am writing this. The other is about four blocks away. Both serve great coffee and pastries, plus they have WiFi. I usually stop in, get my order, and work the daily crossword puzzles, read, write, or edit photographs.

Both places are community gathering spots. Groups of people will get a table and while away the morning or afternoon having gabfests. Sometimes I run into friends or neighbors. There is a chain outfit in the neighborhood, Spewsucks, or something like that. I try to avoid it like the plague.

The library is a short walk from my home. It has excellent WiFi and comfortable chairs. I sit in the Chicago history section to pull a book and read a few chapters or do some research.

I live in an area that, until Covid-19 struck, had a vibrant small business community. Some businesses survived, and others are now vacant storefronts. I try to patronize the businesses in the neighborhood. My barber is a short walk away along with the German/East European deli, small unique gift shops, stores selling imported goods, an independent bookstore, a liquor store, novelty stores, bars, and several different kinds of restaurants.

I rarely venture to the large chain grocer unless I need staples or other items I cannot get from the smaller businesses. I may pay more in the small businesses, but I get value for the money I spend. During this stubborn pandemic, it was easier and safer to patronize small businesses. The chain stores were overcrowded with people who refused to follow safety precautions.

When you go in and out of the local small businesses, the staff gets to know you and are friendlier. They can answer questions or have no problems ordering something special. Unlike the chain stores, they are nice and willing to help.

When I need staples or other necessities, I will travel to one of the chains or the big box club store.

I am lucky to live where I do. Just about everything I need is within walking distance. I also found some specialty stores a little further afield where I can get or order unique items.

The other great thing about my neighborhood is it is not a destination area. People do not flock here for the nightlife, dining, or shopping at higher-end stores. There are no hordes of people or vehicular traffic converging here. Just about everyone is local or from the surrounding neighborhoods. It is more like a small town than an urban neighborhood.

People work, tool around the internet, read, or have quiet conversations as I sit in the coffee shop. Soft jazz filters from the sound system. It is a peaceful place. They will be closing soon. I will run an errand or two before my short walk home.

It is nice to know I can leave the confines of my home and find pleasant places to hang out, work, read, or socialize, then walk a short way back home.

The clowns of COPA

In the realm of, are you f**king kidding? Only in Chicago can a deceased police officer receive a three-day suspension for alleged misconduct.

Officer Ella French was shot and killed during a traffic stop in August of this year. COPA, the agency that investigates misconduct accusations, handed down a three-day suspension to officer French for an incident that happened two years ago, when she was still on probation. It was a minor infraction.

Did no one at COPA realize how ludicrous this is? How do you discipline a dead person? Worse, how does this look to the rank-and-file police officers, whose morale is already in the toilet? How does this look to her mother? Why should police officers and the public trust COPA to provide rational outcomes with this irrational, ridiculous decision? COPA lost all its credibility with this idiocy.

COPA opened the door for all accused officers to question their credibility and qualifications about conducting investigations and recommending outcomes.

COPA could have and should have closed their investigation with no recommended outcome since YOU CANNOT DISCIPLINE A DEAD PERSON. What kind of clowns work there? Worse, who is in charge of approving the clowns’ investigations and outcomes?

Someone needs to send the whole COPA staff for basic sensitivity training to learn about decency, earned respect, and empathy, as they proved they have none. There should be howls of anger over this. So far, only the cops are angry. We do not need angry police officers patrolling our streets.

This is a first in the history of the civilian alphabet agencies investigating police officers over the decades. Ella French died in the line of duty. Yet, she is being punished, besmirched, and publicly humiliated due to the tone-deaf administrators at COPA.

COPA owes Ella French’s mother an apology. They owe the rank-and-file police officers an apology. Seeing as they are not a class act, I would not hold my breath waiting for one.

I was a police officer for almost thirty years. I saw a lot of ridiculous disciplinary things during my career. I never dreamed I would witness something this insensitive, outlandish, cold-hearted, and crude. This is beyond the pale. Some heads should roll. I won’t hold my breath about that either. COPA leadership should be embarrassed. This is just another level of incompetence in a city of incompetents.

Never forget

Image: PV Bella

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie,

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields. (John McCrae)

In 1918, World War I ended on the “eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.” The guns were silenced.

Armistice Day was set aside to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice during that conflict. In 1954, November 11th was renamed Veterans Day to commemorate the veterans of all wars.

Today, we commemorate our veterans. The men and women who served, sacrificed, bled, and died for our country. They upheld the concept of duty, honor, and country. Many, too many, lay forgotten in the silent gardens of stone. Cold, moldering, unforgiving stone. 

They marched off to fight wars the politicians waged. They went where they were told to go. They arrived when they were supposed to arrive. They did what they were supposed to do when they got there. They came home. Some healthy and alive. Some maimed and scarred, physically and mentally. Some in flag-draped coffins. Many lay in the places they fell. Some are still missing.

They were sons and daughters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, fathers, mothers, friends, workmates, and neighbors.

Count all the crosses and count all the tears
These are the losses and sad souvenirs;
This devastation once was a nation
So fall the dice, how high is the price
There in the distancе a flag I can see
Scorched and in ribbons but whose can it be;
How еnds the story, whose is the glory
                                     Ask if we dare our comrades out there who sleep
(A Soldiers Story/Ennio Morricone)

My dad, most of my uncles, and the men in our circle were WWII veterans. They did not talk about the war except for the places, some considered exotic, they served. They were proud of their service.

There are the Korean, Viet Nam, and War on Terror veterans. They, too, served with honor. Aside from the wars, many served in the far-flung corners of the world, away from their families.

When the bugle calls for Boots and Saddles, military people do not ask why. They do not care about politics. They go. That is their duty. That is the oath they swore.  

We owe a debt of gratitude to all who served our country. Those known and unknown. Those living and dead. We owe our veterans a debt that can never be repaid. We are obligated and duty-bound to our veterans to ensure they get all the benefits and services they earned. If there was ever a cause for political and social activism, it should be on behalf of our veterans.

They served our country.

They served with honor.

Let us never forget.

Let us be eternally grateful.