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Get off my lawn

Photo: PV Bella

First, the good news. The totally incompetent States Attorney, Kim Foxx, is not running for reelection. She is one of the key drivers of violent crime in Chicago through her refusal to prosecute felonies or use plea deals to lower felonies to misdemeanors. She leaves behind no legacy and there is nothing for her to be proud of. There for us to be proud of her. She is an abject failure.

The Invisible Activist, Tio Hardiman crawled out of his hiding place to promote himself and is violence interruption scam over the death of an infant due to apparent child abuse. He rambled on to a few people at a press conference he called. It was surprising the media showed up to listen to this charlatan and fraud. Where was the Invisible activist’s voice in the past three years when numbers of infants and toddlers were shot and killed on the streets or in their homes? Nowhere.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot addressed Democrats over violent crime. She wants them to take it seriously and start holding criminals accountable. Nice, after she cowardly caved into Machine Boss and de facto next mayor, Toni Preckwinkle, on her way out, she is concerned about Democrats holding people accountable. May 15th cannot come fast enough.

As to the wildings, which will happen again when the weather warms up, it is past time to hold the perpetrators and their parents accountable. We should force parents to pay restitution for any damage by minors and the perpetrators should face criminal charges. Oh, and yes, they should be demonized after they are blamed, contrary to Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson’s claim.

Mayor Elect Brandon Johnson made a promise to make Chicago safe. He should be held accountable for his promise. If he fails, the electorate should demand he resign. We do not need another disastrous mayor and more bloodshed.

Former gubernatorial loser, Darren Baily and a few other downstate legislators trash-talked Chicago. I was born and live here. I have every right to trash-talk my city based on knowledge. Those good ole boys from medieval villages should worry about their own problems. Oh, and they should stay out of our city. If they come here, they should be forced to return to their medieval villages or be bused to Florida.

Darren Baily went to Mara Lago to meet his Lord and Savior, Donald Trump. He was looking for salvation, a blessing, support, a miracle, and kachingos. He announced he is running for Congress. Just what the country needs, another Politician of Walmart in D.C.

As I write this in the saloon, my office away from home, the saloon pest is talking my ear off. I can’t get rid of him, no matter how long I ignore him. Geez, if he is that lonely, he should get a pet or a lady friend. Yak, yak, yak, yak, he never shuts the f**k up. Geez, he never even takes a breath. I am convinced he is a droid.

Shhh do not demonize do not say mayhem

Image: PV Bella

“It is unacceptable and has no place in our city. However, it is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.” (Brandon Johnson/Chicago Tribune)

Over the warm weekend, hordes of young people descended on Millennium Park and downtown. They disrupted traffic, jumped on and damaged cars, got in fights and two young people were shot. Police had to help escort terrorized citizens and tourists away from the area for their protection.

Mayor elect Brandon Johnson weighed in on the criminal activity. Evidently Johnson is not as educated as he claims. His vocabulary is lacking. There is a difference between blaming people for misconduct and demonizing them.

Since when is blame and accountability demonization? In our new world we are not allowed to blame- demonize?- parents for their children’s criminal activities. That is a big no-no. Parents are not to be held accountable for the children they do not control.

So, who is at fault? Who is responsible for the reprehensible behavior of young people? Who is responsible for the damage to vehicles, other property, and the victims of violent acts? Who do we blame? The PEOPLE WHO CAUSED AND DID IT.

Johnson showed Chicago his views on crime and mayhem. It is acceptable for people allegedly denied opportunities in their communities to commit crimes and acts of violence. It is not their fault. They are blameless. Where does he draw a line? What about the smash and grab looters? Are they entrepreneurs denied opportunities? What about the drug dealers? What about the gangs? What about the carjackers? What about armed robbers?

All people have the right to go downtown for an evening, even in groups. No one has a right to commit crimes, violence, mayhem, or cause disturbances. Those are the young people being blamed not demonized. There is no harm in casting blame where it is deserved.

Johnson claims improving public safety is one of his goals. His statement proves, like Mayor Lori Lightfoot, he does not care about public safety. He cares about the tender sensitive feelings of criminals.

He is not alone. Illinois state senator Robert Peters stated it was “a mass protest against poverty and segregation… I would look at the behavior of young people as a political act and statement.”

By the way, Mayor Lightfoot chastised some in the news media for referring to the events as “Mayhem.”

If this is not mayhem, I do not know what the new definition is.

Then there was this mayhem.

There were probably more incidents like these we have not learned about yet.

There is something very wrong with public officials condoning criminal activity. But, if they are not victims, there is no crime. There is another term no longer used for these events, wilding. It is exactly what this was, a wilding.

“The mayhem happening downtown and at the 31st St. Beach is appalling. No other community abdicates parental responsibility for their children. None. Until parents collectively take back control of their homes — nothing will change.” (Alderperson Pat Dowell/Twitter)

Alderperson Dowell is the voice of reason, sanity, and reality. Several other public figures and businesspeople condemned the mob action. A few of the so-called progressive- whatever that means- aldercritters condemned the police and their command for being unprepared. More over educated idiots. How do you prepare for a spontaneous incident? Geez, universities and colleges should negate the degrees of public officials who make such inane statements.

It looks like it will be a long problematic summer and maybe four years. The incoming mayor showed his true colors. He does not care about public safety. He does not care about the damaging reputation of the tourist and business areas. He does not care or love Chicago. He only cares about collecting a paycheck and pleasing his master, Machine Boss Toni Preckwinkle, the de facto mayor of Chicago.

It’s been a while


Sixteen years ago today I retired from the Chicago Police Department and joined the KMA club after almost 30 years of service. I left the best job in the world. Every day was an adventure, education, and sometimes humor, even dark humor. I was lucky. I was not killed, seriously injured, fired (Came Close), or indicted.

I worked with and for great people. We took care of and cared for each other. There was camaraderie and esprit de corps. We did the things no one else wanted to do or could do. The worst thing you could do was tell a citizen there was nothing you could help them with. We were masters at applied psychology, quick thinking, and making people believe we solved their problems. Sometimes it was easy as giving them the right phone number to call. Other times we relied on our wits.

Occasionally I reminisce and cannot believe some of the hair-raising things I/we did and survived. There were laughs and sorrows. Dealing with the public daily is one of the most difficult things imaginable. It is worse when people are mad at you for the problems they caused and expect you to solve them.

I worked in some of the poorest and wealthiest areas of the city. No matter what their station in life, people have the same problems. They are crime victims, fight with their spouses, violate various laws. In effect, they are all the same. Working with so many types of people, I learned how to converse with anyone. You cannot be shy and be a police officer. The gift of gab is one of the most important tools you have.

I saw and witnessed some horrible things that humans do to one another. Every time you think you saw the worst, human nature says hold my beer. Some of the worst things are either evil or recklessness. The horror inflicted on the most vulnerable among is the worst, especially on children.

I am still in contact with some of the people I worked with through social media or run-ins. Sometimes we play remember when. Most times, we are just happy to see each other and talk about our families, hobbies, or activities. Some have left us. I keep track of the police department through the news and a few police officers and supervisors I know.

Though the job was good to me, the day I retired was joyful. I was ready after all that time to move on. I never looked back. I do get nostalgic occasionally. It does not last long. I look forward to creating fresh memories rather than dwelling on the past.

When I retired, I realized I did not have to be anyplace on time or worry about being late. I only have two speeds, slow and stop.

Of Hawks and Ken Dolls


“He’s one of the greatest players in team history of his generation, and some of his milestones and his accomplishments will be extremely difficult to match. Over 1,000 games, almost 900 points, three Stanley Cups, Conn Smythe, Olympic gold medal. He’s done it all and he’s done it all in a Blackhawks jersey.” (Chicago Tribune)

Toews had health issues the past year with long COVID and chronic immune response syndrome. He returned to the ice to play his last game as a Blackhawk. Thanks for the memories, Jonathan Toews. You provided unrivaled excitement during your Blackhawks tenure.

“Every time Soldier Field or staying in Chicago comes up, they reiterate the only stadium opportunity the franchise is exploring is in Arlington Heights…” (Chicago Tribune)

“I’m not going to accept inevitability, and I’ve asked ownership to give me an opportunity to be able to assess, and then we can make a collective determination together.” (Brandon Johnson/NBC Sports Central)

Brandon Johnson must be taking the same shrooms as Lori Lightfoot. Like Lightfoot, Johnson is delusional if he thinks the McCaskeys are keeping the Ken Dolls in Chicago. They made their mind up and are leaving. Good riddance to them and their phony team.

Johnson has way more problems to handle than the Chicago Ken Dolls. Lightfoot is leaving a mess behind for him to clean up. He should focus on the city’s serious issues instead of frivolous non-issues like the miserable McCaskeys.

Crime is still out of control citywide and violent crimes will rise since the weather is warming up. The Chicago Police Department is demoralized and shorthanded. People are tired of the situation and tired of living in fear. There is no time for a learning curve or the trivial McCaskeys. Fuggedaboutit.

Soldier Field can be reconfigured to hold major concerts like Lollapalooza, Riot Fest, and others instead of tearing up parks and inconveniencing neighborhoods. Other bands and performers can use the stadium.

Johnson should tackle the real problems facing this city. Johnson should concentrate on the issues impacting the residents. He will have enough on his hands when he takes control in May. The McCaskeys are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

Johnson made bold promises during his campaign. He needs to keep them, or he will be on the short end of the stick with the citizens and his supporters. Forget the Ken Dolls, and let’s move on to solving Chicago’s problems.

Chicago musings


Our first responders literally give their lives. There’s a lot of rhetoric that’s out there about first responders, particularly on the police side…. “It’s hard to motivate people when they don’t think that their leader has their back, and it’s absolutely essential. It’s why I go to roll calls,” she said. “That’s why I reach out, and we may not agree on every issue, but I thank the Lord every single day for the first responders, the firemen, the police officers, the 911 call takers and dispatchers. They experience trauma that none of us will see in a lifetime.” (Mayor Lori Lightfoot/Chicago Tribune)

On her way out, the mayor finally gave first responders their due. She rarely did that during her administration unless tragedy struck. She goes to roll calls? I never heard she went to them. Her words are empty. She does not care about first responders.

“Which would you prefer, to have your crime solved or your crime prevented?” (Brandon Johnson/Chicago Tribune)

No one wants to be a crime victim. What a boneheaded comment from the next mayor. Solving crimes is important. Preventing and controlling crime is more important. Plus, since crimes are no longer prosecuted vigorously, what good does it do to solve them?

What’s less important, Wexler added, is whether or not the next superintendent comes from within the department. (Chuck Wexler, the director of the Police Executive Research Forum/Chicago Tribune)

Wexler runs a recruiting agency for mercenary former police executives like David Brown. Most of these mercenaries are incompetent in major cities with large police departments and populations of multi-million people. Then they move on to ruin other police departments. His opinions are not valid. Neither is the supposed research his organization does and publicizes. None of it is credible.

The City Council needs to repeal the ordinance that requires a nationwide search for a police superintendent. The police superintendent should come from the rank and file of the Chicago Police Department. We do not need mercenaries who do not know of our city, culture, and politics, or worse, like David “Tex” Brown, who refused to learn and adapt.

Chicago is getting the 2024 Democratic Convention. Chicago hosted more political conventions than any city in America. Between 1832 and 2020, Chicago held 25 political conventions, 11 Democratic and 14 Republican. This will be a boon for the city’s hospitality sector. Aside from the conventioneers, it will draw tourists. It will also cause traffic issues for various reasons, including security.

Unlike the NASCAR event and those dumb concerts like Lollapalooza, the convention will bring nationwide recognition of Chicago. Unfortunately, we are stuck with Lollapalooza for several years. One could hope NASCAR will be a monumental failure. One could wonder what Lightfoot was smoking to bring that stupidity here.

Chicago gets a new mayor

    PHOTO: PV Bella

    Two Chicago firefighters perished while fighting fires over the past two days. My condolences to their families and first responder families. It is a sad two days in the City of Chicago.

    Yesterday was election day. According to various sources, only about 35% of eligible voters voted. That is disgusting. If you did not vote, you are a poor excuse for a human being. You do not deserve to live in Chicago.

    Brandon Johnson won the mayoral race. Now he will have to perform. All the campaign bluster is in the past. He is walking into a storm of crises. People expect immediate change. That will be impossible. Johnson has four years to prove himself. That may not be enough time to undo the harm Lori Lightfoot caused.

    Chicago is worse off than it was four years ago. Crime is still out of control, contrary to the lies coming from City Hall and the police department. Aside from crime, public transportation, once the shining star in this city, is failing. The trains and buses are filthy, crime is high, and they are not running on time or at all. The budget is a mess, as usual. The business community, both small and large, is still suffering and no longer trusts City Hall.

    Lori Lightfoot fought legitimate criticism instead of solving problems. Her combative nature threw gasoline on the fire of failures during her administration. She angered everyone who counts in this city. As one alderman put it, “She managed to piss everyone off.”

    No matter what Johnson claimed or promised during the campaign, do not expect him to do it. The job changes people. They realize they cannot keep the promises they made to the various constituencies that put them in office.

    The Chicago City Council is showing independence by changing how things are done, taking power away from the mayor. Whoever wins will have to go along to get along if they want their agenda passed.

    It is hoped that Lori Lightfoot will assist Brandon Johnson in his transition. He will need all the help he can get. When he is inaugurated in May, he will wear the hat for all the city’s problems. There will be no excuses. He cannot blame Lightfoot or anyone else. He will own all the failures. From day one, he will be the mayor.

    Johnson will have to face the barbs of criticism. Hopefully, he will do so with more aplomb than his predecessor. Johnson will need all the help he can get. We owe it to him to see he does not fail. If he fails, we all do. We also owe it to ourselves to criticize him when his ideas conflict with what we want in this city. He claims to represent all of us, so he must listen to all of us.

    Baseball season opened

    Image: PV Bella

    Baseball season’s underway

    Well you better get ready for a brand new day

    Hey, Chicago, what do you say

    The Cubs are gonna win today

    They’re singing

    Go, Cubs, go

    Go, Cubs, go

    Hey, Chicago, what do you say

    The Cubs are gonna win today

    Go, Cubs, go

    Go, Cubs, go

    Hey, Chicago, what do you say

    The Cubs are gonna win today (Steve Goodman)

    Yesterday was the Cubs opener Wrigley. They smoked the Brewers 4-0. The Sox beat the Astros 3-2 in Houston. There is something special about opening games. It gives fans hope the team will go all the way. They show their best stuff during these games. Fans are looking forward to the postseason and maybe a World Series. Hope is alive until it isn’t usually mid-season or later.

    When I was a lad, a neighbor had season White Sox tickets. He would take his kids and their friends to games at Comiskey Park. this was the first of many games I went to.

    I was an Andy Frain usher in the late 1960s. I worked at many Cubs and Sox games. Sometimes on the same day, the Cub’s day game and the Sox night game. Once the games started, we could watch them.

    In college, we ditched classes on opening day and sat in the Wrigley bleachers. It was great. There were many unusual characters in those bleachers. So many that a play, “Bleacher Bums,” was written and a smash hit. There was betting on every aspect of the game. Cash floated throughout the bleachers along with cigar smoke.

    Songwriter and singer Steve Goodman loved the Cubs. He wrote two songs about them, “Go Cubs Go” and “A dying Cubs Fan Last Request.”

    The Cubs were known as the “Loveable Losers” because of their avid fan base. When they won the 2016 World Series, they finally vindicated the fans for their love of the losers.

    Chicago baseball is known for its events, like the White Sox Disco Night during the late 1970s. That turned into a near riot. The past announcers, like Jack Brickhouse, Harry Caray, and Pat Hughes, are as beloved as when they were in the booths.

    I love watching baseball, no matter who is playing. Since it is way too expensive to go to games these days, I usually watch games in a saloon. Even when I was younger, I did that. They all had black and white televisions, even when color televisions came in. Saloon owners were cheapskates and chiselers back then. The back bars had a collection of sports statistic books to settle arguments or bets.

    There is a reason baseball is called America’s pastime. Each team plays 162 games throughout the season. That is 2430 games total, not counting the postseason. You could watch baseball every day and never get bored with it.

    PHOTO: PV Bella

    My daughter has been an avid Cubs fan since she was young. One year when she was nine years old, her mother and I gave her a Christmas gift of going to spring training. A friend lived in Arizona and set the whole thing up. It was the first time she would fly alone.

    A few weeks before her departure, her mother asked me what to tell her to say if some freak talked to her on the plane and made her uncomfortable. I told her to tell my daughter to say her father is a hitman for the Chicago Outfit. If he did not leave her alone, her father would kill everything he loves. His mother, father, wife, children, dogs, cats, birds, fish, horses, goats, everything.

    Her mother did not think a daughter should think if her father like that. I agreed. I told her to forget the animals. A daughter should not think her father would kill innocent animals. About a week later, they came up with a solution. I was still a police officer. She would tell the freak, “My father is old, crazy, and carries guns. All his friends are old, crazy, and carry guns. Would you like to meet them?” Fortunately, the flights to and from were uneventful. My friends and I did not have to meet anyone.

    Happy baseball season.

    The video “didn’t lie,” the judge said.

    PHOTO: PV Bella

    “Few things in this building shock the conscience because we hear things in this building every day of violent nature. … But this shocks the conscience,” the judge said. “Throwing a person over a railing, beating them with implements, kicking him without provocation. Grabbing him by the hood. Dragging him. The list goes on and on. I’m not gonna repeat the state’s proffer. And all of this caught on video. Clearly, the evidence is there ….” (Block Club Chicago)

    We hear about crime on the CTA regularly. But, when the criminal is a CTA employee, there is something very wrong going on. The employee’s actions were unconscionable. For one hour, he beat, kicked, dragged, and threw the victim downstairs. One hour, all caught on video. The victim died. The Medical Examiner is still determining the cause and manner of death.

    The CTA employee was charged with aggravated battery in a public place and aggravated battery to a transit passenger. He is being held on $3 million dollars bond. The bond is unusually high in the lenient Cook County Court system. Charges may be upgraded when the cause and manner of death are determined. Or maybe Kim Foxx will claim this was mutual combat- whatever that is- and set the employee free.

    From the description of the videos, this was a horrendous crime. I cannot remember if a CTA employee committed such a crime while working. There is something very wrong in this city when public employees who are supposed to provide service resort to violence and killing innocent people.

    The CTA employee did not think they would catch his violent actions on video. It appears he acted with impunity, just like the other violent criminals who terrorize Chicago. It is not bad enough we must fear common criminals, but now we must fear CTA employees. Yes, this was a one off, but perception counts. Will we be looking over our shoulders or giving the eye to transit workers because of this?

    Where were the security guards or Chicago Police officers who were supposed to be patrolling the El stations? If it wasn’t for the security cameras, the employee may have gotten away with this appalling crime.

    “I am appalled by this person’s behavior, which not only is completely contrary to CTA policies but also showed a stunning lack of humanity,” Carter said in a statement. “His actions are an insult to the thousands of hardworking and dedicated men and women who serve CTA customers every day.” (CTA President Dorval Carter Jr./Block Club Chicago)

    We will probably find out later what led to the CTA employee’s violent outburst resulting in the death of an innocent person. It will not lessen the fact that for approximately one hour, the employee literally tortured a person to death.

    Lightfoot left no legacy just a mess

    IMAGE: PV Bella

    On April 4th, we will learn who the new mayor of Chicago will be. Lori Lightfoot will be a bad memory. I do not envy whoever wins the election, Vallas or Johnson.

    Lori Lightfoot left no legacy except the major mess she leaves behind. They are inheriting a mess that will take a long time to clean up. Public safety is on the ballot. But there are other issues that are just as important. City finances, pensions, public education, property taxes, crumbling infrastructure, and a host of other issues are plaguing the city. Lightfoot neglected many.

    The mayor neglected the downtown, Michigan Avenue, and Near North business communities. Too many storefronts are shuttered. That is not only a loss of revenue for the businesses but also a loss of tax revenue for the city. She was more concerned with bread and circuses like Lollapalooza, other concerts, and NASCAR. We are stuck with Lollapalooza for years because of the long-term contract she signed.

    The new mayor must deal with the city council. Lightfoot, from day one, had a rocky relationship with the council. She angered many of the alderpersons throughout her tenure. Her promise of reform was broken. The Chicago Way is still alive and kicking, not quite on life support, as many believe.

    Lightfoot forgot how important the alderpersons are in their wards. They are the de facto mayors of each ward. People look to the aldermen to solve day-to-day issues. I do not agree with my alderman on many of his positions. But he takes care of the ward’s day-to-day problems. He walks to and from many places throughout the ward. When he sees a problem, he gets on the phone to solve it. The same holds true for the alderman in the adjoining ward.

    Lightfoot hunkered down on the fifth floor of City Hall and forgot there are 50 wards with 50 alderpersons. She never learned how to make friends and influence people. Everyone I know who supported her and voted for her the last time is disappointed. Many are furious.

    Lightfoot brooked no criticism. She lashed out at critics instead of looking for solutions to problems. Public safety is a perfect example. She refused to fire the totally inept and incompetent former Superintendent of Police David Brown. She dug her heels in while crime was rampant in every neighborhood in Chicago. When riots, arson, and mass looting broke out during the George Floyd protests, she almost let parts of the city almost to be destroyed.  

    She backed down from criticizing State’s Attorney Kim Foxx for her horrid and legally questionable prosecutorial actions. She endorsed Foxx’s reelection because of the intercession of Chicago Machine Boss, Toni Preckwinkle. It was the act of a coward.

    Perception is the new reality. If people perceive the city as not safe, the city is not safe. Lightfoot never understood that. Armed robberies, carjackings, and other violent crimes are a daily occurrence in every neighborhood in Chicago. Crime prevention and control are almost non-existent. The Chicago Police Department is short-staffed. They cannot hire enough new police officers. Priority calls response times are too slow.

    Whether Vallas or Johnson steps into the fifth floor of City Hall, they will face too many major issues. None can be solved quickly. One could even say they are set up to fail. There will be no easy or quick solutions. They will need to work with the City Council and the governor. I will wish them well, but I am prepared to be disappointed.

    Spring is here and so is an election

    Photo: Angry L/ake/PV Bella

    Spring still hasn’t sprung in Chicago. It is windy and chilly. The wind cuts through you. There is a reason the wind is called the hawk in Chicago. It is predatory.

    My photo exhibition was rescheduled and will be held in June. I am finalizing the limited edition prints to be exhibited and will send them to a printer specializing in black and white Giclée printing. Then they will go to the framer. I will set up a website soon to sell more prints.

    I am glad baseball is back. Opening day for the Cubs is March 30 and the White Sox opener is April 3. I might splurge and attend a game or two this year. I prefer watching the games in a saloon with friends yelling at the televisions.

    I have been tracking the supposed mayoral debates between Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson. These are not debates. They are fingerprinting contests between the two candidates. The supposed moderator asks questions. Neither candidate answers them. The moderator stands by stupidly allowing the candidates to avoid answering questions. Some moderators were members of the Chicago news media, which tells you all you need to know about the state of media in this city.

    The newspapers sanitize the debates. Evidently, they are afraid of offending tender sensitivities or something. I never believe what candidates say while running. I witness what they do when elected. They never fail to disappoint. Vallas and Johnson will be no different if elected. They will realize the immensity of the job and all the moving parts that go with it.

    I hope the Chicago City Council will no longer be a rubber stamp to the mayor and they get to make their own rules and appoint their own committee heads. It would be nice to have an independent council after decades of alderpersons showing fealty to the mayor. They must work with the mayor too and the mayor must work with them.

    Public safety is the number one priority on the ballot. Neither candidate is offering much in cleaning up Lori Lightfoot’s mess. There will be no instant change. Chicago will not become safer overnight. Civic messes take time to clean up, and the public safety mess is knee deep. It is going to take more than a new Superintendent of Police to clean things up. With the warmer weather arriving, crime will go up. People will still complain about their personal safety. It may be another long, hot, violent summer until things finally turn around.

    Without help from the supposed prosecutor’s office and Boss Toni Preckwinkle’s policies, things may still be bad. Criminals know there will be little accountability for their actions. At worst, they will get a slap on the wrist. How the next mayor will handle this is questionable.

    All I can say is get out there and vote. The 30+ percentage of the preliminary election was horrendous. If you do not vote, you have no right to complain. You caused the problems. Not the ones who get elected.